 Tumwater on Tap
City of Tumwater, Washington  |  www.ci.tumwater.wa.us  |  July 2013
Another Wonderful Independence Day in Tumwater
Citizens of all ages crowded the sidewalks along Capitol Boulevard and Israel Road, eager to watch Tumwater's 26th Annual Independence Day parade on a beautiful July 4 morning.   As the color guard paused at the announcer's stand in front of City Hall, everyone stood to salute the flag as Hannah Schold sang the National Anthem. Grand marshals were JBLM's Colonel Kamper and the 17th Fires Brigade.

A record number of mounted drill teams were counted among the 99 parade entries.  The judges favored entries from Kiperts Korner Feed  and the Thurston County 4-H, each winning three awards. The Girl Scouts of Western Washington was awarded the "Floats - Grand Sweepstakes" and the Capital Lakefair float received the "Music in Motion - Grand Sweepstakes" award.
The Artesian Festival also had record attendance of nearly 11,000, with an abundance of family entertainment options. New this year was a 200' zip line, a huge hit all night.  Magician Jeff Evans and juggler Rhys Thomas performed on the children's stage and the main stage was surrounded by hundreds of dancing teens and families.  Just before the fireworks began, the Peter G Schmidt Elementary choir received a standing ovation for their performance of our National Anthem. And the Thunder Valley Fireworks Show opened with the sound of the old familiar brewery whistle, followed by 22 minutes of amazing artistry across the sky. It was a wonderful Independence Day in Tumwater from beginning to end.
This community celebration would not be possible without tremendous support from sponsors and volunteers.  As in past years, funding for the fireworks came from the Tumwater Downtown Association and many business sponsors. Youth volunteers helped with the festivities and raised $2,700 for the Tumwater Youth Program from sales of food and glow items at the parade and festival.  Volunteers also staffed the parade and festival check-in tents, greeting and assisting thousands of participants. Members of the Tumwater Downtown Association and volunteers from South Sound 4-Square Church parked 1,400 vehicles in the brewery parking lot. Funds collected from event parking support the 2014 Artesian Festival as well as local youth programs.   

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 to do this summer?
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Take Charge Tumwater
Green Power Challenge
Help the City 
earn a $20,000 solar 
demonstration grant.
Sign up or learn more about how you can help turn the grant into $40,000 for our city.

Copper Wire Theft Continues to be a Problem in our Community 

 In June, thieves in Olympia stole approximately 5,000 feet of copper wire from streetlights along 18th Avenue SE. Earlier this summer, two men in King County faced felony theft charges when they stole more than four miles of copper wire from the light rail system. Not only do crimes like these put residents in harm's way, they also end up costing law-abiding citizens a pretty penny. Ultimately, taxpayers pay for damages incurred by these crimes. In the past two years, thefts of nearly 10,000 feet of street light wiring and 81 storm grates cost the city more than $23,000.
So what can the citizens of Tumwater do to prevent this theft? 

Keep your eyes and ears open for suspicious activity. If you see a wire theft in progress, call 9-1-1. Public Works crews and contractors have easily identifiable logos on trucks and equipment, and they wear hard hats and reflective gear in designated work zones. If you see anyone in plainclothes tampering with lighting, storm grates, manhole covers or in a construction zone, call 9-1-1. With your help, we can reduce these thefts and keep our community safe. 

Capitol Boulevard Subarea Plan Public Hearing


   Joint Public Hearing
   Tuesday, July 16, 7:00 p.m.

   South Sound Manor,
   455 North Street SE,
   Tumwater, WA 98501


The Tumwater City Council and the Tumwater Planning Commission will be holding a joint public hearing on July 16, 2013, to consider the Capitol Boulevard Subarea Plan. At the hearing, the Council and Planning Commission will review comments and take public testimony on the proposed plan for the future of Capitol Boulevard.

The plan is to be a guide for meeting the City's goals of improving the economic climate, transportation options, and the aesthetics of the Capitol Boulevard corridor from Israel Road to the Trosper Road area. Contained within this plan are goals, policies, and recommended implementation actions.

Originally part of the old state highway system that connected Seattle to Portland,  Capitol Boulevard Corridor now serves as Tumwater's main street. The planning project seeks to benefit the community by strengthening the urban core of the city.

The Thurston Economic Development Council produced a video highlighting the benefits of developing strategic plans to revitalize our community's urban corridors. 

To learn more about the Capitol Boulevard Corridor Planning Project or review a copy of the proposed plan, contact the Community Development Department at (360) 754-4180 

Sprucing Up Our Community

A renewed commitment to maintaining our community was a goal in the City's 2013-2014 Budget. Have you noticed efforts to spruce up the heart of Tumwater?

Banners purchased by the Tumwater Historical Commission were hung along Deschutes Way to mark the perimeter of the community's historic district.

The four totems and light standards on Capitol Bridge were cleaned and painted. The bridge, built in 1936, is on the National Register of Historic Places. The concrete cast totems were designed in native Haida style with an Art Deco touch that was popular in the 20's and 30's.

A contractor completed replacement of 34 street trees along Capitol Boulevard SE from "E" Street to "M" Street to replace those lost in the January 2012 ice storm. The mixture of species includes flowering varieties of Crabapple "Royal Raindrops" and Dogwood "Celestial" and large, canopy-forming Red Oaks in select areas.

The tree replacement project was complicated crews cut through asphalt and concrete (12-14" in most places) and replaced soil to help the trees flourish. The project was paid for by the City's tree fund (dollars set aside from development mitigation). The tree plan was developed in conjuction with the City's Tree Board.

Together these small things make a big difference and show pride in our community, making it more attractive to residents, visitors and people who want to be part of Tumwater.

Summer Calendarsummer-events


Summer Parks & Rec brochureTumwater Parks & Recreation - Classes, Programs & Sports

Looking for something to do this summer? Check out the Tumwater Parks & Recreation brochure for sports, programs and classes. It's not too late to sign up for day camps, classes, and sports programs. Call (360) 754-4160 for details.




Tumwater Farmers Market

Visit the local market on Wednesdays, June through October, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., corner of Israel Road and Capitol Blvd.

Stuff the Bus  
Saturday, August 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tumwater Fred Meyer parking lot
Donate school supplies, food and cash  to support after-school activities for kids.
Fridays in August (2, 9, 16, and 23)

Screen On the Green

Free outdoor movies at Tumwater Valley Golf Course. Gates open at 7:30 p.m. and movies begin at dusk. Visit the City website for a list of movies.


thunder-rumbleThunder Rumble 5K,  Tumwater/Port of Olympia 

Here's your chance to run with soldiers in formation (optional). Proceeds support soldiers and families from the 17th Fires Brigade (Tumwater's adopted brigade through JBLM's Community Connector program), sponsored by AUSA and the USFAA.

Register today to show your support!


September 7

Tumwater Oktoberfest

Inaugural event to celebrate the brewing tradition with samplings of early fall brews at the Tumwater Valley Golf Course. Attendees must be 21 or older. Purchase tickets or register to volunteer on the event website.


Browse to www.VisitTumwater.com to find a community calendar with events and activities from all around Thurston County.

Nearly 11,000 visitors entered the gates at the Tumwater Artesian Festival and Thunder Valley Fireworks Show on July 4, 2013, at the Tumwater Valley Golf Course.

Tumwater City Hall

555 Israel Road SW

Tumwater WA 98501

(360) 754-5855

