January 22, 2015 


Dear Palmira Residents,    


Before getting to the security topic, there is a safety issue that needs everyone's attention.  We have had complaints about vehicles, including golf carts, not stopping at stop signs in our community.  This is dangerous!!!  We have a lot of bikers, walkers, and children in our community during this time of year.  Please obey all traffic rules including speed limits and stop signs.  


Security Update

In the golf course maintenance areas, the fencing is completed, the bougainvillea bushes planted at the base of the fence, and the security cameras up and running.  We also have a computer/monitor screen located in the guardhouse with live streaming from the security cameras.  There is an audible alert sounded in the guardhouse if one or more of the cameras detect motion after the maintenance area shuts down for the day.  This will allow the guard on duty to review the situation and call the sheriff if necessary.

It was announced today at the Master Homeowners meeting that we have had an undercover policeman in our community for the past two months.  He was here 4 random days a week from 6-10 pm.  He was instructed to cover the golf storage maintenance area and the 3 communities where all break-ins have occurred.  The officer was given access to a golf cart so he could readily access the golf course and the back of the homes in these communities.  During this time no incidents were reported until the last break-in on Tivoli Terrace which we believe happened between 12/26 and 1/1.  Since we do not know either the actual date or time of this event, we do not know if the police were here when it happened.

The undercover patrol began on 11/19 and ended 1/19.  The sheriffs department will continue with their stepped up patrols in our community day and night.

Security suggestions

If you have a security system use it, if not, consider getting one.  There are inexpensive wireless systems that you can install yourself.

If you have an alarm system, please use it. If you do not have a motion detector in your master bedroom, consider adding one.  

Add security pins to your sliding doors to prevent them from being lifted.  They can be installed by a locksmith or purchased at Home improvement stores for you to install yourself.

Add motion activated lighting around your home, especially in the back where all entries have occurred.

Keep all doors and windows locked and keep cars parked outside locked.

Be vigilant.  If you see something suspicious, call the sheriff's office (911)..

Remember, only you can be responsible for your own home security.