We wish you all the very best this holiday season.   
It's been a great year. Here are some recent highlights.
New Technology Tracks Carcinogens As They Move Through the Body
An OSU Press Release highlighted our latest publication, which led to further stories and sharing on social media.
This latest research breakthrough highlights the collaborative work and partnerships we have with the Pacific Northwest National Lab and Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

"Knowing how people metabolize PAHs may verify a number of animal and cell studies, as well as provide a better understanding of how PAHs work, identifying their mechanism or mechanisms of action," said Bill Suk, director of the NIEHS Superfund Research Program.

Journal Article 

Human in Vivo Pharmacokinetics of [14C]Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Following Oral Microdosing   

Chemical Research in Toxicology    

Trainee Erin Madeen with Dr. David Williams, Project 1 Leader.

Other media coverage included our local paper:  
Photo Credit:  
Andy Gripe, Corvallis Gazette Times
Childhood Asthma Pub Receives Lots of Press

A collaborative paper involving the OSU SRP Community Engagement Core and Research Translation Core brought attention to the link between air pollution from gas stoves, parents' behavior when operating gas stoves, and respiratory issues.

Kile ML, Coker ES, Smit E, Sudakin D, Molitor J, Harding AK.

The article ranked #10 all time for Environmental Health articles (97th percentile for Environmental Health and 98th percentile for all journal articles), in terms of access and re-posting on Blogs, Social Media and other online outlets. Media that picked up the article includes: The Nation's Health from APHA, Medical Daily, University Herald, Science World, Valley Parent Magazine, Latino's Health, and many others.
Community Engagement Core (CEC) Highlights



The CEC wrapped up the year by sharing a newsletter summary of their research projects. Learn more about the core activities, smoked fish metabolism study, passive sampling and butter clams study, and ways we work well in partnership with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR).   


Recent Awards and Appointments
Trainee Updates


Oleksii Motorykin for receiving his PhD in Chemistry. He now works with the CDC.
Scott Fontaine for receiving his MS in Chemistry



New Grant Award Supports Trainee-Initiated Integrative Projects  

Erin Madeen recently became the first recipient of a Trainee-Initiated Collaboration (TrIC) grant from the Training Core.   


Erin will receive $2500 for travel and lodging to work with Ulrike Luderer MD, PhD, a Reproductive Toxicologist and expert in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) induced female infertility at UC Irvine.
> More information 


 Upcoming Events

6th Annual EMT Research Day 2015
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nathanial Scholz,
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
January 8-9, 2015
LaSells Conference Center, OSU
It's free with lunch, but you must register. All welcome!
2015 Environmental Health Science Trainee Colloquium Webinar
12 noon, Third Thursday of Each Month
(except February will be the 4th Thursday)
January 15, 2015 (Presenters: Pamela Noyes and Leah Weymas)


San Jose, CA |  Feb. 11-12, 2015  | Feb. 12-16, 2015  


SOT 2015 - 5th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo

San Diego, CA | March 22-26, 2015 | Abstract Deadline: January 12, 2015  


27th Conference of the International Society for
Environmental Epidemiology

Sao Paulo, Brazil | August 30th- Sept. 3rd, 2015 | Abstract Deadline: January 15, 2015