Upcoming Events
Oregon State University
will host the
24th Meeting of the International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds  
(ISPAC 2013) 
September 8-12, 2013 
Registration closes

Friday, August 30, 2013.


We will be tweeting highlights during the conference at  #ISPAC13. Be sure to use the hashtag when sharing! If you are unable to attend, we hope you will stay connected and engage on Twitter.  



October 15-17, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Registration is open.
Book room by Sept. 16th.
Web Communications

We are planning for the future. Our web site is now mobile friendly and responsive. We also have a blog to share highlights and stories. These features add nicely to our social media communication strategies.  


Trainee Achievements  

The K.C. Donnelly Externship Award Supplement from NIEHS gives SRP Trainees valuable training opportunities. We are thrilled to have two winners this year. Read about Erin Madeen and Leah Chibwe on the blog     


New Publications

Crowell SR, Sharma AK, Amin S, Soelberg JJ, Sadler NC, Wright AT, Baird WM, Williams DE, Corley RA.  Impact of Pregnancy on the Pharmacokinetics of Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene in Mice.  Toxicol Sci. 2013 Sep;135(1):48-62. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kft124. Epub 2013 Jun 6. PubMed PMID: 23744095 


Schure M, Kile ML, Harding AK, Harper B, Harris S, Uesugi S, Goins T.  Perceptions of environment and health among community members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.  Environmental Justice. June 2013, 6(3): 115-120. doi:10.1089/env.2013.0022. 


Knecht A, Goodale B, Truong L, Simonich M, Swanson A, Matzke M, Anderson K, Waters K,  Tanguay RL.  Comparative developmental toxicity of environmentally relevant oxygenated PAHs. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2013, Available online 14 May 2013.


Goodale B, Tilton SC, Corvi MM, Wilson GR, Janszen DB, Anderson K, Waters K,  Tanguay RL. Structurally distinct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons induce differential transcriptional responses in developing zebrafish.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2013 May 5. pii: S0041-008X(13)00179-8. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2013.04.024.  


Motorykin O, Matzke M, Waters K, Simonich SM.  Association of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions and Smoking with Lung Cancer Mortality Rates on a Global Scale.  Environ Sci Technol. 2013 Mar 8. PubMed PMID: 23472838   


Larkin A, Siddens LK, Krueger SK, Tilton SC, Waters KM, Williams DE, and Baird WM. Development of a Fuzzy Neural Network Model for Predicting PAH-Mediated Perturbations of the CYP1B1 Transcriptional Regulatory Network in Mouse Skin. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2013 Mar 1;267(2):192-9. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2012.12.011. PubMed PMID: 23274566


Good News!

On July 8th, OSU received an NIEHS Multiproject Center Grant (P42) award for another five years of funding. > Read more

With this new award we welcome new personnel.
We now officially have a Training Core. The Core is lead by Craig Marcus, PhD with Stacey Harper, PhD as the Co-leader.
Visit the page to view all of our Trainee highlights and achievements!
We welcome Diana Rohlman, PhD, as the Community Engagement Core Program Coordinator. Diana recently completed her PhD in Toxicology from OSU. She has a passion for outreach!

Craig Marcus

Stacey Harper

Diana Rohlman

Investigator Highlights

Staci Simonich, PhD, Leader Project 5 (Formation of Hazardous PAH Breakdown Products in Complex Environmental Mixtures at Superfund Sites) has been selected by the Faculty Recognition and Awards Committee as the 2013 recipient of the OSU Impact Award for Outstanding Scholarship. She will be recognized during University Day on September 19.
Staci Simonich
Staci Simonich

Dr. Simonich is currently a member of the Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) Editorial Advisory Board. It is a 3-yr term that began January 1, 2012. She has also been named as a new Associate Editor for the new journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters.

Dave Williams

Dave Williams, PhD, Center Director and Leader Project 1  (PAHs in Humans at Environmental Levels: Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism and Susceptible Individuals
) is on the External Advisory Committee of NIEHS-funded Healthy Gulf Healthy Communities. He will provide scientific input on study design and data analysis to the Healthy Communities Healthy Gulf project leadership, and will evaluate progress on the various studies.

Robert Tanguay

Robert Tanguay, PhD, Leader Project 3 (Systems Approach to Define Toxicity of Complex PAH Mixtures) has implemented precision robots to speed up screenings of zebrafish embryos at the Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Laboratory (SARL).  These robots are unique only to Oregon State University.


A video was produced entitled, The Robot's Edge: Custom automation helps scientists screen environmental chemicals (link to YouTube).

Other Recent SARL Stories
  • From Zebrafish to You: Popular aquarium fish provides a window on environmental chemicals (a story and podcast from Terra Magazine, July 2013)

Alumni Update from Norm Forsberg, PhD
Norm Forsberg recieved his PhD in 2013. He worked within Project 4 with Dr. Kim Anderson. He had many  accomplishments during his trainee period.
I am currently working as a post-doctoral researcher with Oregon Department of Energy. I primarily provide technical guidance to the multi-agency Hanford Natural Resource Trustee Council during their ongoing natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) of the Hanford Site. The Site, established by the federal government in 1943, is located in southeastern Washington and was the site of the world's first plutonium production facility. More than 40 years of operation resulted in the generation of large amounts of radioactive and chemically hazardous wastes at Hanford - wastes which were released to the natural environment through direct soil discharges, subsurface injections, unplanned spills, and storage tank leaks. My efforts are largely focused on collaborating with Trustees to develop and implement fit-for-purpose contaminant concentration thresholds to help identify and quantify natural resource injury, characterize natural background levels of contaminants, identify and synthesize key ecotoxicity data from the scientific literature, and help the Trustees peer review and develop new studies to fill key knowledge gaps.    


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Oregon State University