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Higher Education Administration & Student Personnel Newsletter, 
Kent State University
January 1st, 2015 
Volume 2015
Co-editors: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Damon Kimak

Oh, the Places You will Go!


Dr. Tracy Lara has been collaborating with the Exploratory Advising Center since 2009 on a project to support the career development of exploratory students, students without a designated major. Dr. Lara's work has been heavily influenced and encouraged by Dr. Mark Savickas. Dr. Lara developed a course for undergraduate students, US 20010 Career Navigation, as a career intervention based on the work of Dr. Mark Savickas, who teaches the Career Development and Guidance elective course. Dr. Savickas is an internationally renowned vocational psychologist who developed Career Construction Theory. Dr. Savickas' recent work has involved a multinational collaboration resulting in a new paradigm for career interventions that responds to individual's context and the ever-changing world of work. An individual's career is thought of as all life roles across a lifespan rather than other narrow definitions that equate career solely with occupational choices. This new paradigm called Life Design emphasizes meaning making in order to equip people to add meaningful and purposeful work into their lives. Furthermore, narrative based career interventions including the Career Construction Interview developed by Dr. Savickas foster adaptability, flexibility, and resilience necessary for individual's to navigate their careers across their lifespans. 



According to Dr. Lara, "Dr. Savickas' work internationally has laid the ground work for practical applications of his work that are relevant and needed globally." Dr. Lara was invited to China and Peru to conduct career development workshops. Early in November, she conducted a two-day workshop in Guangzhou, China as part of the Career Education Forum as well as delivering a keynote address at the conference. Dr. Lara co-presented the workshop with the translation assistance of Dr. Zhijin Hou from Beijing Normal University. Dr. Lara and Dr. Hou have been collaborating for the past three years resulting in the translation and delivery of the Career Navigation course in Chinese. The career development workshop was designed for college instructors who are currently teaching career courses at universities across China. The workshop had 70 attendees of the approximate 200 conference participants. Dr. Lara stated, "I learned so much during my visit about Chinese college students and their career development needs; however, it seems like I have only scratched the surface regarding all there is to learn." Dr. Lara invited Dr. Hou to Kent State University as a visiting scholar in spring 2015 to continue her learning and collaboration.



Later in November, Adam Hinkley, a second year master's student traveled with Dr. Lara to Peru to conduct career development workshops. Adam and Dr. Lara presented a three-day workshop in Lima, Peru and a half-day workshop in Cusco, Peru. Adam shared, "Without a doubt, Peru left a lasting impression on me. Warm people, warm weather, rich foods, and rich cultures made for an unforgettable experience. What stood out to me the most though during our trip was the energy and potential looking to be utilized and realized and the hunger for educational and societal growth and innovation. It's an exciting time in Peru and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to put into practice many things that I've learned throughout our higher education administration program to play a role in a capacity building project." Dr. Lara shared, "Adam was invaluable, first because of his independent efforts beyond his coursework to learn from Dr. Mark Savickas and about Life Design and Career Construction Theory as well as college student career development needs and interventions; second, because of Adam's fluency in Spanish." Adam contributed to the preparation and delivery of the workshop, which gave him excellent exposure to the 25 conference attendees who were primarily university presidents and administrators. The workshop in Lima was sponsored by the International Association of Innovation, an organization to innovate educational practices in Peru in order to bolster the economy and competitiveness of Peruvian college graduates in the global marketplace through education and career development. The Peruvian Austral University hosted the workshop for 30 college instructors and administrators in Cusco. 


Career development is a concern of college students worldwide. Dr. Lara expects that conducting these workshops in China and Peru has opened the door for further opportunities to support career interventions in international settings and opportunities for students in Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel and in the Career Advising certificate program. Dr. Lara stated, "I would imagine that Dr. Savickas would say Adam and I have constructed our lives around work that is meaningful and purposeful thereby creating these international experiences. It's exciting to see the concepts of Life Design and Career Construction unfold personally."


Job Searching Tips: Spring 2015 Graduates
 By Dr. Tracy Lara

As spring semester approaches, excitement is in the air for May graduates who will begin their job search. It is expected that students time their job search so that they may fulfill their commitment to the academic program, their graduate assistantship sites, and to themselves to gain the most out of the program. We are only able to sustain our ability to offer a quality education for future professionals when we all honor our commitments, a sign of a mature professional.
Students in the Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel begin the program making a commitment for two academic years to the program and their graduate assistantship sites. In terms of your graduate assistantship, full-time students have signed a two-year contract as a commitment to your sites in exchange for the opportunity to apply your classroom learning at your sites, to be guided in skills development by your site supervisors and site colleagues, and to mature as a professional through your socialization related to the values of the profession. Internship experiences require a commitment of a minimum of 150 hours in exchange for benefits similar to those experienced in the graduate assistantship. 
In summary, it is expected that students will begin applying for positions with timing that affords you to complete your full academic program and to honor your professional commitments. This serves to maximize your learning from the program, to sustain our ability to offer assistantships to future HIED cohorts, and to enact the values of the student affairs and higher education administration professionals.

Going the Extra Mile: Dr. Mark Kretovics


On November 19th, Dr. Kretovics, the Interim school director of Foundations, Leadership, and Administration and current HIED faculty member, had a total knee replacement surgery.  The knee was damaged over 30 years ago in a skiing accident.  Through normal wear and tear during these 30 years, the knee had lost all cartilage and the ACL had detached from the knee, thus requiring this surgery.   Knowing that he needed surgery, Dr. Kretovics planned the date so that he could return to school in order to finish up his last class of the semester, the Ph.D. only Politics and Power in Organizations which meets every two weeks. Clearly, he deeply values the learning opportunities of the students in the HIED program and did not want to take away any opportunities to help his students learn.


Overall, the recovery process could not be going better.  Due in large part to the use of an experimental time-released anesthetic designed to work for three days,  Dr. Kretovics was able to leave the hospital just one day after surgery.  He also credits being able to be at home with advancing his recovery.  He is up and walking around with the use of a cane, where as others at this stage of recovery are often limited to using crutches.


New Face, Our Place: 
Judson VanAntwerp

Hello my fellow flashes! My name is Judson VanAntwerp and I am a proud first semester graduate student in the Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel Master's program at Kent State University. I graduated from the University of Illinois with my B.S. in Broadcast Journalism in May 2013. While there, I played on the Men's Volleyball Club team and was captain of our 2013 national championship team. In 2012, I was named honorable mention All-American at nationals. I continue to play with the Kent State Men's Club Volleyball team today.


During my undergraduate study, I spent a large majority of my time coaching volleyball. I coached at my old high school of Centennial in Champaign, IL as the head junior varsity coach. While there for three seasons, I amassed a cumulative record of 102-3. I also coached for numerous clubs around the central IL area. In my final semester at the University of Illinois, I had the opportunity to be the volunteer assistant coach for the varsity women's volleyball team. While I greatly value the time spent in that position, I decided coaching as a profession was not for me. I discovered that I was more invested in helping student-athletes develop as people rather than just solely as athletes during their time in college. This experience led me to this wonderful program at Kent State University and I am THRILLED to be here. 


I work as a Graduate Assistant at Notre Dame College in South Euclid, Ohio in the department of Campus Activities. My responsibilities include programming for club sports and intramurals. We just finished our badminton intramurals and flag football intramurals for the fall and it was an absolute blast to watch. Additionally, I work in residence life, serving on-call one week per month alongside Kelly Thomason, also a Kent State HIED student.


In my free time, I like to nap, drink coffee, play volleyball, explore Cleveland and Kent, talk about how much I love Kent State, and meet the locals of both communities, in which I currently work and live. If I have not met you yet, I thoroughly look forward to getting to know you in our short time in this program. Go Flashes!


New Face, Our Place: Ryana Munford


Hello everyone! My name is Ryana Munford, and I'm a first year M.Ed. student in the Higher Education Administration program. I graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Strategic Communications. During my time at Ohio State, I worked at our campus recreation center, which was my first taste of student affairs. I didn't see a big connection between student affairs and recreational sports until I started doing informational interviews with some of the staff. I found that a lot of the staff there had master's degrees in higher education. From there I went on to be involved in a lot of groups and organizations on campus, which solidified my decision to pursue a career in higher education.


My graduate assistantship is with the Supplemental Instruction Program in the Academic Success Center, and I love it! I am excited to explore my other interests in student affairs during the three internships I plan on completing while here.  


I currently commute from my hometown of Akron, Ohio. I'm the youngest of four siblings and the favorite child, which can sometimes be a lot of pressure. In my spare time, I enjoy watching action movies, reading, and watching The Walking Dead and Scandal. I look forward to getting to know everyone better throughout the rest of my time in the program. 

New Face, Our Place: Beth Carter


Hello everyone! My name is Beth Carter and I am a first year student in the Higher Education program. I am so happy to be here and to be a part of such a great group! One of the hardest transitions to coming to Kent for me was calling myself a Golden Flash because I received my Bachelor's from the University of Akron. If you didn't know, that's Kent's biggest rival. But, I am coming to terms with this new distinction and trying my best to change my outlook on Kent (so far, so good and it's easier than I thought it would be).

Since graduating from Akron in 2011 with a Communication degree, I wanted to take some time off of school and I have been working full time. I realized though that I needed to follow my dreams. You see, ever since I was a freshman at Akron I realized that I wanted to work in higher education. Having a teacher my freshman year with a passion for her students to find a career was what did it for me.


My graduate assistantship is at Kent State at Stark in the Office of Career Services. The main role I hold is helping students prepare for internships and finding internship sites for the students. I love my placement and am encouraged by the students and staff.  


As I begin my second semester, I am looking forward to the new experiences and learning to be had with everyone!


New Face, Our Place: Kelly Thomason

Hi! My name is Kelly Thomason and I am a first year in the Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel Master's Program. I have a B.A. in Psychology from Kent State University at Stark. Kent Stark provided me with many opportunities to be involved on campus and is where I discovered my passion in life, higher education. While there, I was a Student Ambassador, a member of the Student Leadership and Allocations Board, the student representative for the Deans Advisory Board, and involved in many student organizations. 


I am currently the Community Based Learning Coordinator at Notre Dame College. My current projects are to establish the first annual Celebration of Scholars (the name is still a work in progress), and coordinate the visit of a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. I also participate in rotational on call for the residence hall and help with some of the RA training. 


When I am not working, in class, or doing work for class I like to read, cook, crochet, and spend time with my fianc�, friends, and family. I am excited for the journey that lies ahead and look forward to learning all that I can in what I am coming to realize will be a very quick two years! 


New Face, Our Place: Anthony Turon

My name is Anthony Turon and I am a first-year M.Ed. student in the Higher Education Administration program. This past May, I graduated from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC where I earned a B.A. in Philosophy. Currently, I work at the University of Mount Union where I am the Graduate Assistant for First Year Initiatives as well as a Resident Director. As the GA for First Year Initiatives I work with our Orientation and Exceptional Beginnings programs. I am also lucky enough to advise the Ultimate Frisbee team at Mount Union. I picked the sport up during my time as an undergraduate and now I get the opportunity to share my passion for the game with the students. 


I am originally from northern New Jersey, less than an hour outside New York City, and after spending the past four years in DC moving to Alliance, Ohio was a bit of a culture shock to say the least. After a few months now, I am finally starting to get used to passing farm animals on my drive between class and work.  I look forward to getting to know all the other awesome people in the program.


You Do Not Have to go Through Life 
  Stephen Thomas

Did you ever wonder WHY THE MORTARBOARD? Could any form of head apparel be less attractive, less comfortable, or less functional?  I doubt it.  It is not surprising that someone created such a thing, there are all kinds of bad ideas. What is surprising is that it has persisted for centuries, with seemingly no effort to eliminate it and few efforts to improve it.  Accordingly, I had to know more about why, how, and for how long.  In my research, I located an article that answers most related questions. Enjoy!


On the Lighter Side: Words of Wisdom?


Been There, Done That

National Conference
  • Elizabeth Davis (M.Ed. HIED) presented on "Where in the World Does Carmen Want to Go?" at the ISEP conference November 12-15, 2014 at Arlington, VA.

Which Way Did They Go, Which Way 
Did They Go?
  • Ali Finn recently accepted a position working as International Student Adviser at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Which Way Did He Go George?
Which Way Did He Go George?

Theory to Practice: JOBS!

Hiram College is looking for both an Assistant and Associate Director of Admission

Newest Ph.D. Recipient

Putting her best foot forward with new shoes, new gown, and new PH.D. (Saturday, December 13, 2014)  Congratulate our newest HIED Ph.D.: Dr. Eboni Pringle!
All HIED Student Information
3-year HIED Course Projections

Spring 2015 - Fall 2017

Click Here 

4-Year EVAL Course Projection
Fall 2014 - Summer 2018
HIED Certificate Information
Career Advising (No Link Yet)n
EVAL Certificate Information

Want to Sign-up for a Certificate Program?
You must register first!

Internship Syllabus
Important Forms
Important Graduate Spring 2015 Dates
HIED Graduate Assistants Nearing the End of Course Work
Exception for Full-Time Enrollment Form
Ph.D. HIED Student Information
Plan of Study 
Frequently Asked Questions
M.Ed. HIED Student Information
Plan of Study



Dr. Paul Gaston

Professor and Former Provost, KSU 

213 Moulton 330-672-6003


Dr. Susan Iverson

Associate Professor

411 White Hall 330-672-0653


Dr. Mark Kretovics

Associate Professor 

411 White Hall 330-672-0642


Dr. Tracy Lara

Associate Professor 

411 White Hall 330-672-0626


Dr. Martha Merrill

Associate Professor 

411 White Hall 330-672-0646


Dr. Stephen Thomas


401 White Hall 330-672-0654

Office and Program Websites

HIED Website   
Adult & Veteran Services
Bursars's Office
Career Services
Financial Aid
FlashCard Office
Graduate Studies
Information Services
International Students
Parking Services
Public Safety
Recreation Services
Student Accessibility
Tech Spot (computer repair)