Healthy Aging
This was going to be the third and final issue related to healthy aging, but so much new information has come out recently that I need more time to digest it.  Instead, I offer two articles about ways to mitigate aging's effects.  Understanding the limitations of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) should help you to navigate the medical system better.  Pairing good quality dietary protein with exercise might help you to minimize muscle loss. 
Exercise and Amino Acids - an Anti-Aging Duo
For a variety of reasons as we age it is harder and harder to build and retain muscle mass. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
Electronic Health Records & You - Be Very Afraid
EHR programs started as clunky attempts to re-create the paper chart. Doctors were slow to sign on. That changed with 2009 legislation that used financial incentives to entice administrators to champion EHRs and prod doctors to use them.

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