Healthy Aging: Skin
Welcome to the second issue related to healthy aging.  In these three articles I focus on skin and skin products. 
In the next issue I'll address lifestyle factors that lead to healthy aging, in part learned from centenarians around the world.
Old & Old-looking Skin
Skin is a complex organ with multiple layers and functions. Other than holding our insides in and sensing touch and temperature, skin provides a protective barrier against hazardous substances, infections, and mechanical, thermal and physical injury.
Anti-Aging Skin Products
Skin creams and cleansers are sort of witches' brews, with a dab of this and a pinch of that blended into a water and fat emulsion, intended to magically erase wrinkles and undo years of skin damage. Companies capitalizing on societal gerascophobia (fear of aging) whip up new products faster than scientists can prove or disprove their effectiveness and safety.
Me as a Skin Cream Guinea Pig
I always wondered about the verity of skin cream claims. Because there are so few well-done studies, I decided I would do my own. On me. After all, I certainly have damaged skin that needs help.

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