Saluting those that gave their lives for our freedom.

me�mo�ri�al day

məˈm�rēəl: noun

a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May.


Pretty somber at first glance don't you think? So how do we go from taps on a bugle to taps on a keg. Think of it this way. These folks put their lives on the line to preserve our freedom and the country they loved. So this weekend as you fire up the grill and tap that keg. Take a moment to remember that our lifestyle, our freedom, was not free. It was fought for and protected with the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom remains tenuous and valuable. There are some in the world to which the idea of freedom still remains elusive. So enjoy yourself and remember that those we memorialize made the ultimate sacrifice to assure that we still have the freedom to live our lives. What better tribute to these heroes than to fully live the life they so dearly protected.


From our family here at Lyons Roofing to yours,


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