Dear CIM Supporters,
Welcome to spring in Minnesota! Thanks to our recent warmer weather, crocuses are blooming and the birds are chirping - a sure sign that spring is here.
With new life in mind, please join us in welcoming the newest member of the CIM family! Norah Rendell (our executive director), husband Brian Miller (one of our instructors) and big brother Henry welcomed baby Isobel on March 19th. All are doing well and are healthy. Thank you so much to those of you who have sent well-wishes their way. Norah will be on maternity leave through mid to late May. During this time she has made arrangements for subs for all of her classes and lessons. For administrative questions, please direct them to either Erika, Lorin, or Emily in the office.
We are so thankful to all of our instructors, student musicians, families, and volunteers who performed, supported our performers, or hosted our information booth at last month's St. Patrick's Day and Day of Irish Dance Celebrations. There's no way we could share such great traditional Irish music with the Twin Cities without you!
We'd like to welcome Brianna Hager to our administrative team at CIM. She will be working on Fridays, helping with events - MIM, specifically. She has a background in non-profit event planning and music program management. She's looking forward to meeting more of you as you register for MIM.
Daithi Sproule is back from his 6 week-long US tour with Altan! He is offering two song classes starting on April 14th. Check out the details, below.
Also, we are offering CIM logowear merchandise for sale for a limited time. Those wanting to receive items before the Midwest Fleadh must get orders in by today, April 1st. Orders received after this date will still be processed, but are not guaranteed before the fleadh.
Finally, mark your calendars for June 10-12th for the 9th Annual Minnesota Irish Music Weekend featuring a uniquely Irish-American line-up of Brian Conway (fiddle), Billy McComiskey (accordion), Brendan Dolan (flute & piano), the return of the amazing Joanie Madden (whistle & silver flute) and Sheila Shigley (song). In addition to the Great Session Experience and the Master concert, there will be workshops & lectures and excellent trad music programs for children, teens, and tweens throughout the weekend!
-Emily Flagstad, CIM Assistant Director
Two Song Classes Beginning April 14th!
Both classes are taught by Daithi Sproule, who shares his wide repertoire of traditional songs in both English and Irish (Gaelic). A great opportunity to try one of our classes with a shorter time commitment!
Only 7 weeks.
1st Logowear Merchandise Orders Due Today
We are excited to offer some great items as part of our spring logowear merchandise sale. If you would like to receive your item(s) before the Midwest Fleadh, those orders and payment need to be received TODAY. (Please fill out the online form for orders after 2pm.)
We will have sample items displayed again at the Spring Recitals on May 20th (Adult) and May 22nd (Children/Teens) for a 2nd order.
**PLEASE CONSIDER ORDERING AT THIS TIME. It requires significant administrative organization and coordination to offer these items, so we encourage you to take advantage of this offer now.
Click here for photos of items and color options
Click here to fill out the
online order form
Thank you!
Friday, April 1
Folk Songs of Another America, a concert celebrating Jim Leary's Grammy- nominated reissue, with performances by local musicians - including Brian Miller and Laura MacKenzie - at the Celtic Junction, 7:30pm.
Monday, April 4 - Sunday, April 10
The Center for Irish Music will be closed for Spring Break. Classes resume on Monday, April 11th.
Thursday, April 7 - Saturday, April 23
Friday, April 8
Head over to the Celtic Junction at 8pm to hear the April Verch Band, playing traditional fiddle tunes from Ottawa Valley, Canada, as well as old-time American and Appalachian styles.
Friday, April 15 - Sunday, April 24
Join the Irish Fair of MN and the Twin Cities Irish community at various events for St. Paul Irish Arts Week, in commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising.
Saturday, April 16
Captain Kaliber, including CIM instructors John McCormick and Mary Vanorny, will perform at the Underground Music Cafe from 7-9pm.
Friday, April 22
Saturday, April 30
- Deadline to apply for our Minnesota Irish Music Weekend and summer term is May 15th.
- Spring recitals are scheduled for May 20th (adult students) and May 22nd (child and teen students). Please plan on joining us!
June 10-12, 2016
at the Celtic Junction
Presented by the Center for Irish Music, the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend is a unique festival that pairs world-class traditional Irish musicians and teachers with learners of all ages and abilities for a weekend of workshops, lectures, the Friday night Great Session Experience and a rare and virtuosic Saturday night concert featuring the visiting artists.
Amazon Smile - Set up your Amazon Smile account to benefit the Center for Irish Music, then use this link every time you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CIM.
Shutterfly - Shop for photos, cards, invitations, and more and CIM receives 13% of your purchase price. |
Thank you in advance for remembering CIM as you do your online shopping!
Find CIM on Social Media
Connect with us!
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the
arts and cultural
heritage fund.
836 Prior Avenue North ● St. Paul, MN 55014 ● 651-815-0083