Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 1
Todd Menton brings his unique energy and style to tunes and songs at the Dubliner Pub from 9pm to 12am.
Friday, Sept. 4 & Saturday, Sept. 5
Head on down to Rochester for the Rochester Irish Fest in Peace Plaza, downtown Rochester. More details at their website and in article, at right.
Tuesday, September 8
The first day of CIM's Fall term. We are excited to meet all of our new students and to welcome back our returning students.
Thursday, September 10
Don't miss this chance to hear Charlie Heymann perform at the Dubliner Pub from 9pm -12am!
Saturday, September 12
Tuesday, September 15
Join Todd Menton once again at the Dubliner Pub for a lively evening of music from 9pm - 12am.
The High Kings, a classic Irish ballad group, will be performing at the Cedar Cultural Center at 7pm.
Friday, September 18 
Todd Menton celebrates the release of his newest CD, Rosie in the Stars, at 7:30pm at the Celtic Junction.
Saturday, Sept. 26 & Sunday, Sept. 27
Saturday, October 3 Watch for more information soon...
Head over to the Celtic Junction at 8:00pm for an evening of songs from Norah Rendell's newest CD, Spinning Yarns.
This is not meant to be an exhaustive listing of all of the possible events within the Irish community in the Twin Cities. For more listings, please visit the
Please welcome our
newest fiddle instructor,
Mary Vanorny
Mary has spent many hours absorbing Irish music through recordings and live at sessions and concerts, and credits the numerous and talented Irish musicians in the Twin Cities with helping her learn and giving her encouragement. She began playing the violin as a small child, and has been performing since then with various groups all over the Midwest and in Ireland. She was heavily influenced by Cape Breton music growing up in addition to the Suzuki method, which she has taught for several years. Today Mary is influenced by greats like Michael Coleman, Andy McGann, Brian Conway, Liz Carroll, and Tommy Peoples. She currently studies privately with Brian Conway and step dances with Rince na Chroi.
Mary will be teaching on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please give her a warm welcome.
We are excited to share with you our promotional video, made in celebration of CIM's tenth anniversary. Thank you to Steve Flynn of GoodLooking Films for helping us bring the story of
the Center for Irish Music to a wider audience. Please take a few minutes to watch the video and share it with your friends and family.
Support CIM Every Time you Shop!
Each time you shop Amazon.com, you can help raise money for CIM! Simply click on the following link and save it in your bookmarks. That way, every time you shop you'll be brought directly to our Amazon smile site. Happy shopping and thank you for supporting The Center for Irish Music.
'Like' CIM on Facebook!
The CIM has a very active Facebook page. Please join us there for the most up-to-date announcements, posts related to traditional Irish music, and upcoming events.
CIM has a
YouTube Channel
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Click below to view videos of many public performances by CIM ensembles at the Irish Fair of MN, St. Patrick's Day events, local coffee shops, and summer fairs.
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CIM has a LinkedIn group and we encourage CIM members to contact each other via this social networking site.
Glendalough, Wicklow National Park, Ireland
Dear CIM students and supporters,
It's hard to believe that Labor day is around the corner, and that our Fall semester begins in less than a week! On Tuesday, September 8th, the CIM hallways will be buzzing with tunes, songs & chat. It will be so good to see you all again. Fall registration is open! It's not too later to register for group classes and private lessons, but we recommend doing so asap. CIM has seen significant growth over the past 2-3 years. In general, this is a wonderful thing, however one of the challenges we are encountering this year is that certain instructors and days are filling up completely during peak hours. While it is wonderful to have a full school, we are not quite as flexible as we were 5 years ago and cannot always accommodate special scheduling requests. If you have a busy schedule, please contact us right away to set up lessons!
Finally, we'd like to extend a special welcome to new students and families, many of whom we met at last week's Open House. We'd also like to send our gratitude to the instructors and volunteers who made the Open House such a vibrant one this year. See you soon!
-Norah Rendell,
CIM Executive Director, &
-Emily Flagstad, CIM Assistant Director
Fall Term Begins Tuesday, Sept. 8
It's not too late to register for group classes or private lessons!
| CIM instructor John McCormick |
CIM offers instrumental and singing classes for children, teens, and adults taught by world-class teachers - both
Many of our instructors
have full schedules, so we recommend reserving a lesson time as soon as possible.
We need a minimum of 4 students to run a group class. The following classes are still in need of one or more students:
Beginning Ensemble
taught by Mary Vanorny (for kids ages 8-12)
Tin Whistle Troupe
taught by Norah Rendell (for kids ages 6-10)
Irish Gaelic Songs for Young Singers
taught by Daithi Sproule (for kids ages 10-14)
Intermediate Fiddle Ensemble
taught by AJ Srubas (for teens ages 12-16)
Intermediate Corncrake Youth Ensemble
taught by Brian Miller (for ages 9-13)
Chords for Beginners
taught by Sean Egan
Accompaniment Seminar taught by Sean Egan
Irish Pub Songs
taught by Todd Menton
Singing Irish Gaelic Songs
taught by Daithi Sproule
For full details regarding these classes and more, please click here:
CIM instructor, Daithi Sproule, with song students
Young students in Singing Sweeties at our Spring recital
Classes for children ages 2-6 years will begin in October. We offer two classes in the morning, both taught by Alisa Mee:
Celtic Cuties (ages 2-4) from 9:15am-10:00am
Singing Sweeties (ages 4-6) from 10:00am-10:45am
**For complete class descriptions and details, or to register for either of these classes, please click here.
We're excited to get to know YOU!
The Center for Irish Music is a thriving music school, providing valued instruction in traditional Irish music to students in the Twin Cities. However, the CIM is also a welcoming, vibrant community of professional artists, dedicated staff, highly motivated students, and devoted volunteers. We invite you to get to know our community by:
- introducing yourself to our staff, fellow students, and parents while waiting for classes. We want to meet you!
- chatting with your instructor (or your child(ren)'s instructor) for a few minutes before and/or after class.
- viewing our 10 year anniversary video (link at left) to find out what we do and why we're so committed to CIM.
- becoming involved as a CIM volunteer.
- perusing our website and learning all about our staff, board, and instructors.
- supporting CIM our many events each year.
- joining in the learner session at Keegan's Pub, Sundays from
4-6pm. - making a donation to our Annual Fund. Any amount of support helps us to continue offering high quality instruction in Irish music.
CIM at the Rochester Irish Fest!
Daithi Sproule & Laura MacKenzie
We are delighted that CIM will have a presence at the Rochester Irish Fest over Labor Day Weekend. Take a family road trip to enjoy two days of music and merriment in downtown Rochester, at Peace Plaza.
7:00pm Daithi Sproule & Laura MacKenzie
11:30am Learn About Gaelic Harp with Ann Heymann
1:00pm Sing-along with Ann and Charlie Heymann
2:30pm Irish Accordian and Concertina Workshop with Charlie Heymann
3:00pm Daithi Sproule & Laura MacKenzie
4:00pm Sing-along with Ann and Charlie Heymann 8:00pm Ceili with the Twin Cities' Ceili
Congratulations to CIM's two students who competed at the Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann in August!
|  Two of our students, Adrienne and Moira, travelled to Sligo, Ireland last month to compete at the Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann, the largest Irish traditional music competition and festival in the world, and to take intensive music lessons in the days leading up to competition at the Scoil Eigse. Both Adrienne (competing in whistle, Irish song, English song, and piano accompaniment) and Moira (competing in whistle) [both also competed in the duet competition] performed exceptionally well and had a wonderful time making new friends, learning new tunes, enjoying countless hours of impromptu sessions, and navigating the sometimes tricky unwritten traditions of the Fleadh.
Several highlights were: hearing and seeing the Mulcahy family perform at the Hawkswell Theatre, having many of Adrienne's extended Irish family cheering both of the girls on at their competitions, dancing the night away at an under-18 trad. disco in town, and getting to meet legendary sean-nos singer, Seamus Mac Mathuna.
Thank you for all of your support and well-wishes that you sent their way! Sligo was such a beautiful location for the Fleadh...we look forward to having students compete next year when the Fleadh moves to Ennis!
CIM asst. director Emily Flagstad, Michelle Mulcahy, Moira, Mick Mulcahy, Louise Mulcahy, Adrienne