In This Issue:
Upcoming Events
Monday, June 1st - Sunday, June 7th
This week is make up week at CIM.  You will only have a lesson if you have pre-arranged a make up lesson with your instructor. 

Sunday, June 7th
CIM's Young Adult and An Luan ensembles will be performing from noon-2pm in front of Irish on Grand for Grand Old Day.  

Thursday, June 11th
Head over to the Underground Music Cafe for the monthly Celtic Music Showcase from 7 - 9pm. 

Friday, June 12th - Sunday, June 14th
MIM 2012 Logo Don't miss all of the workshops, music, and camaraderie at the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend. For complete details, see the article in column at right.  **We are in great need of volunteers over the weekend.  Please consider signing up for a shift or two here.**

Friday, June 12th

Saturday, June 13th
The MIM Master Artists Concert is the signature event of the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend. Featuring all of our visiting artists, this will be an event to remember! Buy tickets here

Monday, June 15th
Summer term begins at CIM!   Register now for summer camps, group classes, and private lessons.

Thursday, June 18th
A great outdoor entertainment evening is in store for you with Todd Menton performing at the Normandale Lake Bandshell in Bloomington with Lehto & Wright.  7pm.  

Saturday, June 20th
Head over to the Celtic Junction for the Third Saturday Ceili!  Dance instruction from Mike Whalen and tunes from the Twin Cities' Ceili Band.  7-10pm.

Wednesday, June 24th
Todd Menton returns to the Dubliner Pub to perform rousing Irish tunes and songs from 9pm to 12am.


Friday, June 26th
Today is the deadline to register for the Irish Midsummer Festival at Folklore Village in Wisconsin, to be held over the 4th of July weekend.  More information, below.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive listing of all of the possible events within the Irish community in the Twin Cities.  For more listings, please visit the IMDA's Event Calendar, which is a great resource for local events.
**NEW**   Irish Midsummer Festival at Folklore Village
            July 3-5
This 4th of July weekend, join the Folklore Village (located in rural southwest Wisconsin, 35 minutes west of Madison and six miles east of Dodgeville) for an Irish Midsummer Festival for the whole family!  Pack up your tents or stay in their bunkhouses, because you don't want to miss any of the jams, workshops, dances, crafts, and unique Midsummer Irish traditions. Meals will be catered and there are full- and part-time options.  Join CIM's Todd Menton and AJ Srubas, Twin Cities' dance instructor Karen Cieminski, and others for workshops in singing, guitar, fiddle, bodhran, mandolin, bouzouki, sean-nos dance, two-hand, set, and ceili dance, sun-prints, a Fairy Village, a Green Man Forest, blacksmithing Celtic crosses, the creation of a St. John's Midsummer Pole, and a Saturday night bonfire.
Questions? Call 608-924-4000 or email 

REGISTER BY June 26th 

Irish Instruments 
Coloring Book Available!
Artist Marty Ochs and CIM Executive Director Norah Rendell have created this artful coloring book for you! Bring these images to life with your own imagination and artistry, and learn more about 16 of the most commonly-played instruments in traditional Irish music. Great care has been taken to make the details of the illustrations realistic: numbers of keys, buttons, strings, tuning pegs, finger holes and more.

Thank you for supporting the Center for Irish Music with the purchase of this coloring book!

Coloring books are available for purchase in the CIM office or at Irish on Grand for $10.00.
Support CIM Every Time you Shop with Amazon!

Each time you shop, you can help raise money for CIM!  Simply click on the following link and save it in your bookmarks. That way, every time you shop you'll be brought directly to our Amazon smile site.  Happy shopping and thank you for supporting The Center for Irish Music.  

MALARKEY - RADIO WITH AN IRISH ACCENT  Every Monday at 7:30 - 8pm on KFAI 90.3 FM Minneapolis or 106.7 FM St. Paul.  

THE THISTLE AND SHAMROCK  On KBEM-FM 88.5 FM, Saturdays from Noon - 1pm AND on internet radio on Saturdays from 10 - 11am and Sundays from Noon - 1pm.  
     Like us on Facebook   View our profile on LinkedIn      View our videos on YouTube      Follow us on Twitter      

 June 2015
Dear Center for Irish Music supporters,

With the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend 10 days away, and summer term beginning on June 15th, the office is buzzing and registrations are pouring in!  We have pre-sold a record number of ticket sales for the MIM master concert on Saturday, June 13th - over 130 so far.  We may sell out, so be sure to get your tickets online today!

May was an exciting and eventful month for CIM as eleven students and three instructors travelled to Cincinnati to compete at the Midwest Fleadh Cheoil. Our students played extremely well, placing in the top three in over 30 competitions in solo, duet and group categories! Of the many students who qualified, three will travel to Sligo, Ireland from August 9-16th to participate in the Scoil �igse (week-long workshop) and the Fleadh Cheoil na h�ireannWe send a hearty congratulations to all our students! The whole community is so proud of you! 

On May 27-29, the Irish Ambassador to the US, Anne Anderson and Vice Consul General, Nicholas Michael visited the Twin Cities.  The Celtic Junction hosted a lovely reception featuring music by the CIM
Members of the CIM's Advanced Youth Ensemble with Irish Ambassador 
Anne Anderson at a reception on May 27th.
Gr�pa Ceoil (Advanced Youth Ensemble), O'Shea Irish dancers, Chad McAnally, the Brian Boru pipe band, and session tunes from Emma Fitzgerald, Ryan Behnke, Ryan Johnson, and Rosa Wells.  Board member Greg Padden  and I, along with many of the Twin Cities' Irish community, attended a luncheon put on by the Minnesota International Center in the IDS tower on May 28th.  Finally, Natalie, Cormac, Brian and I attended a press conference and mini-exhibition at the Minnesota History Center with Senator Amy Klobuchar, Mayor Chris Coleman, and Adam Scher (senior curator of the MHS).
Ambassador Anderson was thrilled to see an Irish-American cultural community that is so youthful and full of energy.  

May 31st was our day of Spring recitals.  CIM students, families, instructors, staff and board members enjoyed over four hours of performances of gorgeous Irish music over three recitals!  Well done! 

Photos from the CIM recitals.  Please watch for more recital photos
to be posted soon in an album on our Facebook page.

Enjoy reading through this dense newsletter, and I look forward to seeing you this summer.

--Norah Rendell, CIM Executive Director



For children & teens:  
Cathal, Ian, Irish Fair

CELTIC CUTIES (Ages 2-4)  Meets on Friday mornings from 9:15-10:00am for 5 weeks:  June 19, 26, July 10, 17 & 24.

SINGING SWEETIES (Ages 4-6)  Meets on Friday mornings from 10:15-11:00am for 5 weeks: June 19, 26, July 10, 17 & 24.

IRISH GAELIC SONGS FOR YOUNG SINGERS (Ages 10-14)  Meets on Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm for 8 weeks starting June 23rd.  No class on July 28th.  

SUMMER PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE (Ages 11-18 intermediate-advanced) - Meets on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:45-6:15pm on June 17, 18, July 8, 9, 15, 16, 29, 30, August 5, 6.  This class will be cancelled by June 12th if enrollment does not increase.
Register ASAP!

For adults:

Young Adult Ensemble

   Learning Trad Songs in English & Irish

Irish Pub Songs

   Introduction to Bodhran

Beginning Irish Language

   Open Sky Ensemble

Singing Irish Gaelic Songs      

   An Luan Ensemble


For complete information about each of these classes and to register, please visit our website.


Each summer, the CIM plans a selection of fun, creative, physically active, and educational music camps that cater to new and experienced students alike. With a central location at the Celtic Junction, near to the beautiful Newell Park, many CIM camps include a daily jaunt outside to relax in the fresh summer air.


For ages 8-12.  Taught by Mattie Ernst.  Camp meets daily from 1pm-3pm, July 13th-17th.  Tuition:  $114.00


For ages 4-7.  Taught by music teacher and flautist, Becca Michaelson. Camp meets daily from 9am-12pm, August 10th-14th.  Tuition:  $149.00


For ages 8-12.  Taught by Norah Rendell.  Camp meets daily from 9:30-11:30am, August 24th-28th.  Tuition:  $114.00


For complete information about each of these camps and to register, please visit our website.

June 12-14, 2015
MIM logo - need better resolution

Beginner Program
with Danielle Enblom
Irish Trad Immersion Camp - NEW
(Friday only, with CIM instructors)

Teen Program
with visiting Irish artists!

Adult Workshops
a-la-carte with visting artists 

To register, check out our programs and pricing page

Volunteers are still needed! - Please sign up here

Tickets for the master concert are for sale online!
Saturday, June 13 at 7:30pm

Visit the 2015 event site at and stay up to date.  

An Impressive Number of CIM Students Qualified to Compete at the Fleadh Cheoil na h�ireann in August!

The Midwest Fleadh Cheoil (pronounced 'flah kee-ohl') is the regional traditional Irish music competition put on annually by the international Irish music organization called Comhaltas Ceolt�ir� �ireann.  Congratulations to the talented musicians who competed at the Midwest Regional Fleadh in Cincinnati this year!  This year, the Center for Irish Music sent eleven students ages 10-17 and three young adults - Ryan Behnke, Michal Sinak, and Rosa Wells - to compete in 38 different competitions.  Of the 38 competitions, 30 of them placed in the top three!  We are proud to announce that this year, EVERY musician who travelled to Cincinnati placed in the top three in at least one competition.

Instructors, Brian Miller, Norah Rendell, and Rosa Wells went along on the trip to play with the accompaniment students, support families, and lead group competition rehearsals.  All in all, it was a very successful trip!  All of the students, parents and instructors had a wonderful time getting to know one another better as we enjoyed tunes on the bus, meals (and cupcakes) together and many good chats throughout the weekend.

You can view all of the results here.

THANK YOU to our donors who supported this trip through donations to the Travel Fund.  We would not have been able to make this life-changing, music-affirming trip a priority for our students without your generous support.  

We have uploaded an album full of more great photos documenting our trip to the fleadh on our Facebook page.  Click here to view them easily.
836 Prior Avenue North
St. Paul, MN  55104