Philanthropy Magnified E-Newsletter
April 2016
Jennifer Forbes
What can an investment in Community Foundation of Tompkins County do?

Follow the story below that started with one grant in early 2014 supporting a young mother, Jennifer Forbes, and learn about the many rippling results.
Natural Leaders Initiative
March 2014

Women's Fund grant to the Natural Leaders Initiative of Cornell Cooperative Extension provides scholarships for grassroots and emerging women leaders to access national conferences, workshops, and other important educational experiences to learn about community-building innovations; gain greater inspiration, confidence and vision; build a wider grassroots leadership network; and increase their civic leadership.
Kathy Yoselson Fierce Determination Fund
July 2015

The Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) requests funds from the Community Foundation to support local attendance at the historic Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland. The donor advisor of the grant from the Kathy Yoselson Fierce Determination Fund learns of the request and makes a grant to MRC.
Movement for Black Lives
July 2015

With support from the Women's Fund and the Kathy Yoselson Fierce Determination Fund, Jennifer Forbes joins the larger Ithaca contingent traveling to the historic Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland. Jennifer drove with another single mom, along with their pre-school-age children. It was a profoundly powerful experience for each of them.
August 2015

Inspired by the conference, Jennifer Forbes meets with Jessica Hankey from the Southside Children's Center to explore the need for peer-to-peer advocacy for single moms. Sista4Sista is born. Southside Community Center's Sista4Sista will be a peer support and advocacy group created by and for economically vulnerable single mothers with young children. Sista4Sista's members are empowered to improve access to vital services such as quality housing, childcare, nutrition, and professional development for themselves and, through public policy advocacy, for all of Ithaca's mothers in need.
Elsa Hyde
January 2016

Jennifer Forbes and Jessica Hankey meet with Janet Cotraccia, Community Foundation Program Officer, and are encouraged to apply to the 2016 Women's Fund grant cycle. The application is reviewed by a community represented review team, chaired by Elsa Hyde (pictured), and is recommended for funding. Applications are shared with many donors and an anonymous donor steps up with a gift to the Women's Fund to fund the full $3,500 request.
Women_s Fund
March 2016

Jennifer Forbes accepts the grant award at the 12th Annual Women's Fund Luncheon and shares her vision and passion for this project, in front of over 250 attendees.
April 2016

The first two Sista4Sista meetings take place at Southside Community Center. The group is setting goals and has already heard from a representative from Fidelis Care (a woman with experience in single-parenting) and learned about the resources available to people who may need affordable coverage beyond what Medicaid covers.

Jennifer shares her thoughts after the first meetings, "Honestly, the space has provided the opportunity for a group that has been silenced for so long to speak up. It's empowering to be in a room full of women, speaking on issues that many moms already have experience with and articulating the specific kind of support we can benefit from."

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Community Foundation of Tompkins County | 200 E Buffalo St Ste 202 | Ithaca | NY | 14850