Philanthropy Magnified: Digest
February 2016
Mourning the loss of Rachel Josefowitz Siegel
Rachel Siegel

Laura Holmberg honorees Carol Kammen (2012),
Beverly baker (2013), and Rachel Siegel (2005)
Community Foundation mourns the loss of Rachel Josefowitz Siegel; dear friend, former chair of the Women's Fund Advisory Committee, the first Laura Holmberg honoree, Donor Advisor, and Legacy Society Member.
Beyond your own front door

Shared by Mary Pat Dolan
Mary Pat Dolan and Father
I really can't remember a time when giving wasn't part of my family life
We didn't have much, but we never felt that we were lacking anything essential.

As a kid and almost always at dinner time, someone - often a young person, but not always - would come to the door selling something for a "good cause." We all know somehow that some of them were doing it for their cub scout troop.
Community, neighbors in Newfield

Shared by Marie Terlizzi
Sustainability is a popular word these days, but if we take the time to reflect on how much of the natural world has already been lost or severely damaged, and how media reports of new losses are pretty much a daily phenomenon, then preventing further degradation of what is left is simply not enough.
A 2014 grant to NLI keeps on giving
A 2014 Women's Fund grant to the Natural Leaders Initiative of Cornell Cooperative Extension just keeps on giving. This grant provided scholarships for 10 low-income grassroots women leaders in the Natural Leaders Initiative (NLI) Grad Network to attend conferences and workshops in 2014-15; learn about community-building innovations; gain greater inspiration, confidence, and vision; build a wider grassroots leadership network; and increase their civic impact once they returned home.

Phoebe Brown, Tierra Labrada, and Jennifer Forbes joined the larger Ithaca contingent traveling to the inaugural and historic Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2015....
Professional Advisors
Welcome to our new board members
The board of directors at the Community Foundation are the fiduciaries of the ever-growing permanent charitable endowment and deployment of charitable assets in Tompkins County today, tomorrow, and forever. We welcome our five newest board members:
  • Luis Manuel Charris
  • Janice Conrad
  • Jeffrey Dobbin
  • Clover Drinkwater
  • Paul Velleman
Board members are one of the most important assets we have and will help steer governance, finance, development, and donor services. We send a huge thank you to all 27 members for their service.
Matchmaking: Inspiring effective philanthropy for your clients
How do you know when your client is ready to increase charitable support? One of three factors usually are good indicators: 1) annual giving has increased or held steady over time, 2) a life event that triggers a taxable event, or 3) the client has volunteered or provided other intangible types of support to the organization.
What inspires greater philanthropic gifts? Ask your client three questions:
1) What do you want your legacy to be? 2) Do you want your heirs to understand philanthropy? 3) What do your annual gifts to (fill in names of charities) mean to you?
How to help your client evaluate and plan future philanthropy to viable charities? Review mission statements. Review leadership stability. Review Board leadership lists. Focus on a giving strategy vs. supporting every cause.
Many clients give, and give substantially.
Charitable Giving by Family Net Worth
Net Worth           Annual $ to Charity
$1M-$5M            $13,113
$5M-$10M          $65,780
$10M-$20M        $211,000
$20M-$50M        $488,000
Do clients want support for their philanthropy? Yes!
What might a philanthropic plan or process take or look like? Incorporate a plan into the client's financial plan. Use members of the Community Foundation team to assist as needed. Regularly review plans, and proactively raise questions and make suggestions when a client's situation changes.
What questions might your clients ask you? Why do I need a charitable plan? What options are available to have the greatest impact in my philanthropy? How do you go about incorporating philanthropy into my financial plan? Who offers unbiased philanthropic advisory services?
How can you become a better philanthropic advisor? Know and discuss options. Partner with people at the Community Foundation, attorneys or CPAs or Estate Planning Council members. Don't be shy about sharing your own giving (without promoting your giving agenda).
Like to know more? Please call us or visit our website or our Professional Advisor Resources page and other sources of information.
Philanthropy News
Lets Join Force to Increase Charitable Giving to 3% of GDP

Chronicle of Philanthropy
Kevin Murphy
As 2015 came to a close, nonprofits were cheering a major legislative victory: Congress made permanent a tax law allowing people to more easily send money from their retirement accounts to charity, and it extended the incentives for making donations of food and of land that deserves environmental protection.

For a long time, nonprofits have been fighting at the end of every year to persuade Congress to pass these provisions - and then they've had to do it all over again...
Why Funding Overhead is Not the Real Issue: The Case to Cover Full Costs

Nonprofit Quarterly
Claire Knowlton
Big strides have been made recently in the acknowledgment that overhead ratios are poor indicators of an organization's impact or financial efficiency. Although the movement toward outcomes-based measurement offers a promising alternative to understanding impact, very little has been done to truly shift the sector's understanding of what it takes-or even means-for nonprofits to be financially efficient and adaptable. The myths and misinterpretations of the true full costs of delivering vital programs have contributed to a chronically fragile social infrastructure for our communities...
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Community Foundation of Tompkins County
200 E Buffalo Street, Suite 202
Ithaca, NY 14850

(607) 272-9333 |

Philanthropy MAGNIFIED