Philanthropy Magnified: Digest
January 2016
Sharing a spirit of generosity across generations
Jennie Graham
A warm thank you to Jennie Graham for paving the way and demonstrating to all of us the selfless attitude of sharing some of what you have with others around you. Often, you have remained behind the scenes and in support of others, who have championed causes and changes.

Some families are known for community engagement, civic mindedness, and local leadership. In the Graham family, these values have been passed on, strengthening the fabric of our community...
Honoring those, whose lives have made a difference
Richie Berg
Many donors choose to make a gift in memory or in honor of someone. We take this role of furthering their impact as an important service, where a loved one's spirit can be carried on. Through a memorial gift, community needs are met here in Tompkins County and beyond.

Today, we honor the life of Richie Berg in whose memory we have received gifts, who succumbed to leukemia on December 24, 2015. Friends and family recall his unbridled sense of fun and adventure, and his flair for hosting lavish, community events. Richie will be remembered for his big heart, his relentless sense of humor, and his little nameless acts of kindness and love. (excerpts from obituary)

Thank you to those who make a gift in honor or in memory of a loved one.
2 year grants making a difference in local government, in our community

Tompkins County's Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee's innovative programming
A two year grant in 2013 from the Community Foundation's Social Justice Fund has supported the continuation of Tompkins County's Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee (WDIC)'s Workforce Reading and Discussion Program.

The WR&D Program is built on a model used by the New York Council for the Humanities. The intent is an exploration of diversity and inclusion through reflection on everyday life experience...
Tompkins County Youth Services Department
Tompkins County Youth Service Department
A two year grant in 2013 from the Community Foundation's Tompkins Today and Tomorrow Fund has supported the Tompkins County Youth Services Department to train their funded agencies in Results Based Accountability in an effort to preserve and strengthen youth programs in Tompkins County.

The grant funding was used to purchase Results Leadership Group (RLG) software; training and technical assistance in the support and development of high-level performance measures for agencies/programs funded by the Tompkins County Youth Services Department.
Professional Advisors
Two donor stories: Estate gifts continue commitment to learning
Donor A
Imagine someone launching a teaching career in the late 1930s and still being in the classroom as the 21st century drew near.

That was Donor A. She taught in various school districts for 49 years, and then spent the next 10 as a substitute teacher. And her commitment to education didn't end there.

When Donor A died in January 2015 at age 97, her estate plan called for a $1.2 million gift to be made to the Donor A and Spouse Memorial Fund at the Community Foundation, named for her and her late husband, a former business owner...
Donor B
A lifelong county resident, Donor B, in 2010 through her will, established an Endowment Fund to provide nursing scholarships at a local college and annual grants to eight of her favorite nonprofit organizations. Her gift was unique; a company which holds mineral interests provides regular monthly payments to the Community Foundation for disbursement.

February 2015 marked the 5th anniversary of the establishment of this legacy fund. The Community Foundation evaluated the eight nonprofits in 2014 to understand the impact the Endowment Fund has had on the clients they serve.

Common themes emerged. The first grants from the fund were provided shortly after the economic downturn of 2007-09, a point in time when nonprofits were still recovering from decreased donations and cuts in federal and state funding streams...
Philanthropy News
Letter to the Editor:
Spending Deadlines on Donor-Advised Funds Would Be a Mistake
Chronicle of Philanthropy
As presidents of community foundations in four regions, we appreciate the distinction Roger Colinvaux makes between donor-advised funds sponsored by commercial providers like Fidelity and Schwab and those sponsored by other charitable organizations, such as community foundations ("Congress Needs to Send a Message that Commercial Advised Funds Are About Giving, Not Saving," Opinion, December 29, 2015).

Community foundations have worked closely with Mr. Colinvaux and other critics of donor-advised funds to help them better understand the unique role we play. We have a responsibility to ensure that policy makers fully understand the power and value of such funds in expanding the reach of philanthropy, and how mandating payout within a specified number of years is a flawed strategy to increase charitable giving in America...
How Individual Donors Can Help Build Movements
Stanford Social Innovation Review
Compared with the pace of change of other social movements, the LGBTQ movement's success in achieving marriage equality occurred quickly. And in reaction, energized by this significant policy victory, many individual donors have asked themselves, "How can we hasten the achievements of other social movements?" That's a difficult question to address in any case, but for individual donors who don't have the research capabilities and grant-making staff of large foundations, it can be particularly daunting.

One of the biggest reasons why that's so is the lack of immediate tangible impact in building or encouraging a movement; the work is risky and may not yield results for a long time. The marriage equality movement is a good example. While it might seem to some that success came overnight, the fact is that transforming marriage equality from a fringe issue into the law of the land took decades and relied on the leadership of committed activists as well as on donors who were willing to support the issue over the long-term and knew that such an outlook was critical...
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Community Foundation of Tompkins County
200 E Buffalo Street, Suite 202
Ithaca, NY 14850

(607) 272-9333 |

Philanthropy MAGNIFIED