Philanthropy Magnified: Digest
Supporting the conversation
Thank you to you, our generous donors, who make this work possible! In 2015, with more than $1.8 million in over 330 grant awards, the Community Foundation is a leading grantmaker in Tompkins County.
Thank you for making our 15th anniversary year so successful
Best wishes to everyone for a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2016
The Community Foundation serves as a repository for permanent gifts, no matter how great or small, from all who have lived or worked in - and care about - Tompkins County. Thank you for giving.
Do you receive a never ending stream of requests to give ... meet these needs, offer hope, make an impact, be an inspiration? Recently, I met with a donor, who brought in a backpack full of mail from dozens of organizations asking for support. Together, we worked through what factors seemed most important. How do I make decisions about where to give, who to give to and how much should I give?
We may not be able to answer all of your questions, but we can help you set goals, prioritize your giving, create a strategy, and evaluate impact. We are not therapists, but we do offer advice. As a Philanthropic Advisor, we can help. Click here for a Giving Guide.
A community foundation offers various giving options through different types of funds. Setting up a Donor Advised Fund is one way to leverage the impact of your giving over time. Click here to see a listing of our funds. Give us a call or send us an e-mail if you would like to talk further - we would love to hear from you!
Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers: Keeping the art of the negro spiritual alive
The mission of the Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers (DCJS) of Ithaca, New York is to the preserve the uniquely American art form of the formal concert style "Negro Spiritual." This group welcomes all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, political views or socio-economic status. These singers share a love of this music and its potential "to bring social justice to our world". Learn more in this brief video.
The group is named in honor of civil rights pioneer Dorothy Cotton, a resident of Ithaca, New York, who served as education director for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She continues to share her message of freedom and hope to people around the world through music...
Upcoming concert:
- January 25th, 8:15 pm Ford Hall, Ithaca College
The varsity sport for the mind:
Trumansburg Robot Raiders
Each year, robotics clubs are given a new set of challenges, some parts for a basic robot, and a strict set of rules. In six weeks, a team has to conceive, design, prototype, fabricate, build, and program a robot to compete in FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) events. Ever wondered what goes on at a robotics competition? Get a sneak peek here...
Over 30 professional advisors have leveraged our expertise and services
Working with you to help you and your clients develop plans that fit financial needs and charitable interests has provided measurable outcomes, financial sustainability and effective programmatic results for the people in Tompkins County, now and forever. We are pleased to make philanthropy local, easy, and enjoyable.
Since inception in 2000, legal, tax, insurance, and financial advisors in Tompkins County have trusted the services, tools, and resources of the Community Foundation to help them meet their clients' and their own charitable needs.
Thank you to the following advisors for being valuable partners in giving.
Suzanne Aigen Fred Ballantyne Clover Drinkwater Elena Flash Mariette Geldenhuys Chris Gibbons Howard Hartnett John Hinchcliff Anna Holmberg Robert Jewell Mary Larkin Elizabeth Lindsay-Ochoa Robin Masson Marshall McCormick Diane McDonough Erin McKinley Jerry Mickelson Jim Miller Bill Murphy Kim Rothman James Salk Helen Saunders Ray Schlather Leslie Strebel Paul Strebel Tim Tindall Jay True Sally True Tom VanDerzee We believe that everyone can be a philanthropist. Your financial advisor position is one we respect. We advise our donors to contact their advisor or one of the above professional advisors. We have much to look forward to and feel good about when it comes to Tompkins County. Visit our Planned Giving page for more resources and to learn about our Legacy Society. Or to learn more about how we can help your clients, contact Nancy Massicci, Chief Development Officer or George Ferrari, Chief Executive Officer.
Private family foundation shift to Donor Advised Fund: Donors gain cost, tax benefits, but sacrifice some control; leaving paperwork to us |
Frustrated by the upkeep, philanthropists are increasingly unwinding their private foundations into donor-advised funds, which invest assets and make grants to charities based largely on donors' recommendations.
Martin Morris started his own private foundation in the early 1990s to funnel money to private schools, churches and hospitals. But as the years went on, running it became a hassle...
Federal tax incentives for charitable giving made permanent
The United States Congress has finally made permanent three tax incentives for charitable giving! The President has signed the bill.
These incentives strengthen the charitable community's ability to improve American lives and our communities, and ends the sector's nearly 10-year long struggle to make these incentives a permanent part of the tax code.
The incentives include:
- the IRA charitable rollover (with NO expansion to donor advised funds)
- enhanced deductions for the donation of food inventory
- land conservation easements
Top ten philanthropy resources and trends |
Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers |
Our top ten philanthropy resources from around the sector from the later half of the month. Click through for some great reads!
The National Center for Family Philanthropy and the Urban Institute created the first national survey of family foundations to identify empirically new trends in family philanthropy. They identify the 10 biggest trends for philanthropists to take note.
To balance the competing demands and visions of corporate foundations, Lalitha Vaidyanatha of FSG, introduces three strategy tools to guide corporate executives: the intent matrix, the issue monitor, and impact models.
The feel-good school of philanthropy |
Jamil Zaki, The New York Times |
THIS year, " Giving Tuesday," Black Friday's philanthropic cousin, kicked off our nation's most generous calendar month. Americans punch up their charitable donations in December, to over an estimated $1 billion a day.
Why do we give? Many motives drive kind actions. We might donate to impress our friends or curry favor. To at least some extent, we also give to help make the world a better place.
A movement known as effective altruism (E.A.) seeks to make us better do-gooders. Often called "generosity for nerds," effective altruism uses data science to calculate how people can ensure that each dollar they give has the greatest impact on the lives of those in need...
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Community Foundation of Tompkins County
200 E Buffalo Street, Suite 202
Ithaca, NY 14850
Philanthropy MAGNIFIED |