A Message from Our Director
George Ferrari

We are very excited about our upcoming calendar of events from September through December 2013. As a community foundation dedicated to serving donors, professional advisors, nonprofits and the greater Tompkins County community we seek to provide the best community needs information, philanthropic advice, and opportunities for your to engage in conversations with others focused on improving our local quality of life. More information about each listing below, as it becomes available, can be found by CLICKING HERE.
* September 10 at 2pm: Q&A for Fall 2013 Grant Cycle, 2 Year Grants, Magnified Results
* September 19 at 12 noon: Philanthropy Learning Exchange for professional advisors * September 19 at 4:30PM: Philanthropy Learning Exchange for donors * October 25: Women's Fund Fall Gathering
*November 12-18: National Community Foundations Week * November 15: National Philanthropy Day Celebration * December 6: Holiday Open House
* December 9: Fall Grant Cycle Awards Ceremony
As always keep connected by visiting our website at www.cftompkins.org
Philanthropy Magnified every day.
Grants Success Stories
Lansing Primitive Pursuits
Lansing Youth Services was able to continue its Primitive Pursuits program in the spring of 2013 due to a grant from the Community Foundation's fall grant cycle, "Excellence in the New Economic Era". This program supported 21 Lansing Middle School students to participate in this growing program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. Students learned life and survival skills, risk taking in a safe atmosphere, as well as gaining an increased awareness and knowledge of the natural world. Students gained a strong sense of belonging and increased their self-confidence in the face of new challenges in the outdoors. The Community Foundation is pleased to support this growing program in our community!
Great Success for Women's Fund and Children & Youth Fund Campaigns on PEAKS Website
Thanks to all the wonderful donors, many first time Community Foundation donors, who contributed to our first PEAKS campaigns. We raised $8,275 from 82 donors with the support of 10 champions. The amount raised will be doubled with a special match challenge. Our Women's Fund campaign exceeded its goal with $5,005 raised from 39 donors and the Children & Youth Fund fell just short of its $2,500 goal with $2,175 raised from 25 donors, congratulations!
Thank you for your contributions. Thank you to our 10 champions who shared information and updates throughout the campaigns which we launched at our annual celebration at the end of May.
Fall 2013 2 Year Grants, Magnified Results Grant Cycles
The Fall 2013 application and guidelines will be posted on our website on Monday, July 15, 2013.
The Community Foundation of Tompkins County is offering a two year (pay out in 2013 and 2014) Grant Cycle to assist community organizations in achieving increased effectiveness. This grant cycle continues the Community Foundation's commitment to respond to what was learned during the "Listening and Learning" sessions carried out throughout Tompkins County in 2013. We welcome applications for programs/projects that would benefit from a two year funding cycle.
Grants will support the following initiatives:
1. Support for a program or project with demonstrable outcomes.
2. Capacity Building (i.e. planning activities, board/staff development, software purchases and training, mergers and collaborations)
2013 prospective applicants are invited to a recommended, though NOT required, meeting to ask questions and help assist you in developing your application. Tuesday, September 10, 2013 from 2-3PM at Cooperative Extension
We offer the opportunity to have our staff review a completed draft of your application before you submit the final application. This is NOT required. Please make certain that the draft is submitted by email to Janet Cotraccia, jcotraccia@cftompkins.org, Program Officer, no later than 9AMWednesday, September 11, 2013.
Chronicle of Philanthropy August 7, 2013
By Pablo Eisenberg
In the last decade or so, nonprofits have stopped caring about the plight of the poor. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, nonprofits joined together when cuts in social-safety-net programs were proposed.
Organizations that represented mostly middle-class people, like the League of Women Voters, professional groups for social workers, and major nonprofit coalitions such as Independent Sector, joined their antipoverty and grass-roots colleagues to fight against threats to the poor.
A wide range of health and education institutions, women's groups, consumer and civic organizations, and charities that aided the elderly made fighting poverty one of their major program priorities. They worked in tandem with organizations that mobilized the poor to fight for their rights-most of them now gone-in effective partnerships that commanded the attention of political leaders and government agencies. The leaders of all those nonprofit organizations never lost sight of the enormous problems that poverty presented for civil society and democracy.
Today, matters of poverty seem to be off the radar screen of nonprofits. That couldn't be more evident than in the failure of nonprofits to rush to oppose the massive assault on food stamps now working its way through the House of Representatives.
Who We Are

Community foundations are not-for-profit organizations founded and staffed by people who are dedicated to seeking out what is needed in our community and what is valuable about Tompkins County and to helping those valuable assets grow important results. We understand our community's needs and help you to turn your charitable passions into results oriented philanthropy. We show donors how to make your gifts go further and accomplish more.
Contact George Ferrari, Community Foundation of Tompkins County, Executive Director or call 607-272-9333 if you would like to explore ways for the Community Foundation to assist you in making your philanthropic dreams a reality for Tompkins County.

Your Community,
Your Community Foundation
Annual Report
available online
Fall 2013 Grant Cycle
Q&A Session
Cooperative Extension
September 10, 2013
Application Deadline
Must be received by email by
5PM September 18
Philanthropy Learning Exchange
Community Foundation as Philanthropic Advisor
September 19, 2013
for professional advisors
September 19, 2013
for donors, donor advisors and Legacy Society members
For information regarding grant opportunities, please visit us online at www.cftompkins.org/granting
Robin Masson
Board Chair
Robin is past President and current Secretary of the Ithaca Area Collaborative Law Professionals and is on the Board of Directors of the Estate Planning Council of Tompkins County. She has also served on the boards of Planned Parenthood, Neighborhood Legal Services, Ithaca Rape Crisis Service, and the Community Dispute Resolution Center and as a volunteer mediator at C.D.R.C. Robin is an attorney in private practice who is committed to compassionate advocacy for her clients, using the law as a tool to help individuals and businesses solve problems and plan for the future. In recent years, she has shifted the focus of her practice from litigator to facilitator, using modern methods of dispute resolution, such as mediation and Collaborative Law, to help clients resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully without resort to the courts. She also represents children and serves as a guardian ad litem for incapacitated clients, when appointed by the courts. The majority of her law practice is in the areas of family law, estate planning, elder law, real estate, and meeting the needs of small businesses.
Meet the Board
Board Chair
Robin Masson
Vice Board Chair
Mary Berens
Diane McDonough
Richard Banks
Susan Brown
Tom Colbert
Randy Ehrenberg
Ross Feldman
Marcie Finlay
Mariette Geldenhuys
Bob Jewell
Sara Knobel
Tim Little
Alan Mathios
Bill Murphy
Nancy Potter
David Squires
Carol Travis
Linda Wagenet
Julie Waters
Amy Yale-Loehr
Jeff Furman
Howard Hartnett
Bill Myers
Robert Swieringa
John Semmler
Diane Shafer
Executive Director
George Ferrari, Jr.
Program Officer
Janet Cotraccia
Donor Relations Officer
Amy LeViere