Philanthropy Magnified
July 2013
A Message from Our Director
George Ferrari

Our board has just completed a new Values Statement. This statement reflects how we conduct our grant making and our donor relationships. It reflects our commitment to excellence, respect, and learning and effectiveness.
* Integrity, inclusion and transparency in both grant-making and stewardship of resources; * Impartiality and flexibility, matching community needs with donor interests; * Involved donors who are empowered to take bold and effective philanthropic actions; * Community leadership in acquiring and sharing of knowledge; * Engaging in best practices and innovative models of service.
As always keep connected by visiting our website at www.cftompkins.org
Philanthropy Magnified every day.
Grants Success Stories
The Johnson Community Impact Club is a student organization at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management committed to strengthening our community through volunteering, understanding, and learning from the relationships among the for-profit, non-profit, and public sectors, and promoting socially responsible business. Students focus on volunteering their time as well as raising funds to help local charities in an effort to "leave the Johnson School, Cornell University, Ithaca, and Tompkins County better than we found it". This group started the Johnson Community Impact Fund, here at the Community Foundation, in 2001 and has been building their fund through fundraising events such as the Pie in the Face Event and the Community Impact Charity Auction annually. Deborah Philips is this year's VP of Grant Making and Donations for the club. She was a member of the Howland Grant Cycle review team, contributing valuable input as well as learning about needs in our local community. She was instrumental in nominating several grants from the fund this spring, including grants to the Hangar Theatre, the Advocacy Center, Ithaca Children's Garden, Women's Opportunity Center, Loaves and Fishes, Ithaca Youth Bureau: College Discovery Program, Kitchen Theatre, Golden Opportunities and the Downtown Ithaca Children's Center (formerly the Drop In Children's Center). The Johnson Community Impact Fund is a great example of how the Community Foundation provides a means for inspired students to serve local community needs resulting in lasting community impact.
NEWLY EXTENDED to August 5, 2013, Community Foundation Receives $17,500 Match Challenge for 3 Fund Raising Campaigns on PEAKS Website
We hope that you will check out an exciting new way to support local philanthropy using the PEAKS website. Community Foundation is promoting three campaigns to raise $10,000 for our fall grant cycle, $5,000 for our Women's Fund endowment, and $2,500 for our Children & Youth Fund.
Community Foundation of Tompkins County is pleased to announce a special opportunity designed to encourage others, especially first time donors, to make contributions. Through the generosity of an anonymous donor new contributions for three specific campaigns will be matched dollar for dollar effectively doubling the value of every gift. Qualifying gifts of any amount must be made no later than August 5 to be made twice as valuable creating even more resources to serve our non-profit sector.
CLICK HERE for the Community Foundation platform explaining all 3 campaigns
CLICK HERE for the Philanthropy Magnified campaign to raise funds for the Community Foundation Fall 2013 Grant Cycle
CLICK HERE for the Women Weaving a Difference campaign to raise funds for the Women's Fund endowment
CLICK HERE for the Funding the Future campaign to raise funds for the Children & Youth Fund
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration
Fall 2013 2 Year Grants, Magnified Results Grant Cycles
The Fall 2013 application and guidelines will be posted on our website on Monday, July 15, 2013.
The Community Foundation of Tompkins County is offering a two year (pay out in 2013 and 2014) Grant Cycle to assist community organizations in achieving increased effectiveness. This grant cycle continues the Community Foundation's commitment to respond to what was learned during the "Listening and Learning" sessions carried out throughout Tompkins County in 2013. We welcome applications for programs/projects that would benefit from a two year funding cycle.
Grants will support the following initiatives:
1. Support for a program or project with demonstrable outcomes.
2. Capacity Building (i.e. planning activities, board/staff development, software purchases and training, mergers and collaborations)
2013 prospective applicants are invited to a recommended, though NOT required, meeting to ask questions and help assist you in developing your application. Thursday, September 5, 2013 from 11AM-12PM at Cooperative Extension
We offer the opportunity to have our staff review a completed draft of your application before you submit the final application. This is NOT required. Please make certain that the draft is submitted by email to Janet Cotraccia, jcotraccia@cftompkins.org, Program Officer, no later than 9AMWednesday, September 11, 2013.
Chronicle of Philanthropy June 23, 2013
By Nicole Lewis
Right after Thanksgiving, charities nationwide will learn whether Giving Tuesday, a daylong national effort to help charities raise money online during the holiday shopping season, can really make a difference. Last year, the first Giving Tuesday drew donations to about 2,600 nonprofits.
But now everyone has bigger ambitions as they seek to make the idea as popular as the Black Friday sale days that start just hours after most Americans have had a chance to digest their turkey and cranberries.
"It's something we can build on," says Shana Masterson, national associate director for interactive fundraising and engagement at the American Diabetes Association. "I imagine there is going to be even more competition on Giving Tuesday this year."
Ms. Masterson's organization raised about $21,000 through its Giving Tuesday campaign in 2012 even though the group had only about three weeks to prepare.
Because last year's Giving Tuesday was a first-time, grassroots-style event organized on the fly, the American Diabetes Association, and many other groups, didn't have an opportunity to communicate with donors in advance and create a fully fleshed-out campaign.
This year's event, to be held December 3, will be different. The central organizers of Giving Tuesday plan to unveil a new Web site and logo this week with the goal of doubling the number of charities that participate in the effort, says Henry Timms of the 92nd Street Y, who created the event. And charities are being advised to start planning and communicating with their supporters now.
Click Here to Read More
Who We Are

Community foundations are not-for-profit organizations founded and staffed by people who are dedicated to seeking out what is needed in our community and what is valuable about Tompkins County and to helping those valuable assets grow important results. We understand our community's needs and help you to turn your charitable passions into results oriented philanthropy. We show donors how to make your gifts go further and accomplish more.
Contact George Ferrari, Community Foundation of Tompkins County, Executive Director or call 607-272-9333 if you would like to explore ways for the Community Foundation to assist you in making your philanthropic dreams a reality for Tompkins County.

Your Community,
Your Community Foundation
Annual Report
available online
Public Budget Forum
August 8, 2013
Fall 2013 Grant Cycle
Q&A Session
Cooperative Extension
September 5, 2013
Application Deadline
Must be received by email by
5PM September 18
Philanthropy Learning Exchange
Community Foundation as Philanthropic Advisor
September 19, 2013
for professional advisors
September 19, 2013
for donors, donor advisors and Legacy Society members
For information regarding grant opportunities, please visit us online at www.cftompkins.org/granting
Susan Brown
Nominating and Governance Committee
Susan Brown has lived in Ithaca for 42 years. She recently retired after 33 years as a family mediator, working with couples going through Separation and Divorce and also doing some other family mediation as well as some business mediation. Her goal was to try to help her clients keep a respectful relationship during the process of negotiating their settlements. The benefit to their children of having two parents who could still speak to one another after a divorce kept her in the field for many years. The work taught her to be creative in thinking about how to solve difficult issues and to listen carefully to all points of view before contemplating a solution. In addition, managing money creatively was also the focus of many of these negotiations.
Susan served on the Board of Directors of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation for twelve years as well as on the Board of the Ithaca Community Choruses. Currently she is on the board of on the board of the Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers and on the board of a condo association on Sanibel Island.
Meet the Board
Board Chair
Robin Masson
Vice Board Chair
Mary Berens
David Squires
Richard Banks
Susan Brown Tom Colbert
Randy Ehrenberg
Ross Feldman
Marcie Finlay
Mariette Geldenhuys
Bob Jewell
Sara Knobel
Tim Little
Alan Mathios
Diane McDonough
Bill Murphy
Nancy Potter
Carol Travis
Linda Wagenet
Julie Waters
Amy Yale-Loehr
Jeff Furman
Howard Hartnett
Bill Myers
Robert Swieringa
John Semmler
Diane Shafer
Executive Director
George Ferrari, Jr.
Program Officer
Janet Cotraccia
Donor Relations Officer
Amy LeViere |
Dear Reader,
We value your input. We hope you have found this newsletter to be informative. We strive to provide continued communications to our donors, grantees, donor advisors, community members and board members. Please contact us with comments, or if you would like to update your email or home address.
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Closing Headline |
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