Philanthropy Magnified
May 2013
A Message from Our Director
George Ferrari

Your Community, Your Community Foundation is the theme of our annual celebration and our next annual report to be distributed at the May 28 event. Serving all of Tompkins County is exciting, challenging and very rewarding. We benefit from board members from all parts of the county and we listen to concerns and develop solutions for the city, villages and towns in our county. Our grant making reaches all corners of this very special place. If you are a doctor living in Cayuga Heights, we are your Community Foundation. If you are from a family that has lived in Caroline for 4 generations, we are your Community Foundation. If you are a start up business in Trumansburg, we are your Community Foundation. Thanks to you we continue on a rapidly growing trajectory of more grants, record levels of assets, greater contributions and more effective impact.
We look forward to seeing you at our annual celebration on May 28 and to learning more about the passions and visions that you have to engage in local philanthropy.
You can register and encourage friends to register HERE!
As always keep connected by visiting our website at www.cftompkins.org
Philanthropy Magnified every day.
Grants Success Stories

A Portfolio of Arts Support
The Community Foundation's Vector Magnetics Fund recently made 13 grants to Arts Organizations, totaling over $42,000. These unrestricted grants provide important support for a range of arts programming in Tompkins County and throughout the region. Grantees include the following organizations: The Glimmerglass Opera, Center for Transformative Action, CTA - Vitamin L Project, Public Broadcasting Council of Central NY (WCNY), WSKG, Kitchen Theatre, Hangar Theatre, Community School of Music and Arts, Ithaca Community Chorus, Seventh Art Corporation of Ithaca (Cinemapolis), Musics Recreation, New York State Early Music Association and the State Theatre of Ithaca. These grants support the continued vibrancy of our valued local arts now and help to reassure a continued growth in the future.
Click on the specific organization listed above to get more information from each organization's website.
Community Foundation Launches 3 Fund Raising Campaigns on PEAKS Over Poverty Website
We hope that you will check out an exciting new way to support local philanthropy using the PEAKS over Poverty website. Community Foundation is promoting three campaigns over the next 60 days to raise $10,000 for our fall grant cycle, $5,000 for our Women's Fund endowment, and $2,500 for our Children & Youth Fund.
CLICK HERE for the Community Foundation platform explaining all 3 campaigns
CLICK HERE for the Philanthropy Magnified campaign to raise funds for the Community Foundation Fall 2013 Grant Cycle
CLICK HERE for the Women Weaving a Difference campaign to raise funds for the Women's Fund endowment
CLICK HERE for the Funding the Future campaign to raise funds for the Children & Youth Fund
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration
Latest Information on our
Children & Youth Fund
The Community Foundation's Children and Youth Field of Interest Fund was created to promote the healthy development of children and youth in ways that complement existing services. The Fund recognizes that the lives of our children and youth can be affected by many factors, i.e. family dynamics, poverty, health issues, etc. As such the Fund takes a holistic approach in its efforts to support programs that help children and youth. The Fund will actively seek out input from the broad community and professionals working with children and youth to ensure that the Fund's efforts are targeted to actual needs. The Children and Youth Field of Interest Fund understands the need to collaborate and coordinate with other organizations in the community in order to leverage resources and have the greatest impact.
Take a look at the latest info HERE!
Chronicle of Philanthropy
May 3, 2013
Nicole Wallace
Google wants to help people learn more about charities.
The technology giant is testing a new mobile application, One Today, that highlights a new nonprofit everyday and allows people to contribute $1 to any group that captures their interest. They can also share projects with their friends via social media and match the $1 gifts people in their networks make.
The application does not share donors' contact information with charities, but the organizations can find out who's interested in them by looking at the information people include on the public part of their user profile.
Users of the application, which is available on the Android platform, can't specify what types of charities they want to learn about. But over time, the app will tailor the recommendations they receive based on the donations they make.
The charities featured on One Today are all participants in the Google for Nonprofits program, which is open to U.S. nonprofit organizations except for educational institutions, day care centers, hospitals, and health-care clinics.
Who We Are

Community foundations are not-for-profit organizations founded and staffed by people who are dedicated to seeking out what is needed in our community and what is valuable about Tompkins County and to helping those valuable assets grow important results. We understand our community's needs and help you to turn your charitable passions into results oriented philanthropy. We show donors how to make your gifts go further and accomplish more.
Contact George Ferrari, Community Foundation of Tompkins County, Executive Director or call 607-272-9333 if you would like to explore ways for the Community Foundation to assist you in making your philanthropic dreams a reality for Tompkins County.

Join us!
Community Foundation
Annual Celebration
"Passion as a Vehicle for Change"
Tuesday, May 28th
Register Here
Philanthropy Learning Exchange #2 for Donor Advisors & Legacy Society Members
The State of Tompkins County Youth
June 13
Register Here
For additional information regarding grant opportunities, please visit us online at www.cftompkins.org/granting
Tim Little
Development & Community Relations Committee
Tim is a New York State Court Officer at the Tompkins County Courthouse. Prior to that he was a Deputy with the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office. Tim was born and raised in Ithaca. He graduated from Ithaca High School and received a bachelor degree in Recreation from Ithaca College. He has worked and volunteered at the Greater Ithaca Activity Center throughout his career. Tim was elected and served on the Ithaca City School District Board of Education 1996-1999. |
Meet the Board
Board Chair
Robin Masson
Vice Board Chair
Mary Berens
David Squires
Richard Banks
Susan Brown Tom Colbert
Randy Ehrenberg
Ross Feldman
Marcie Finlay
Mariette Geldenhuys
Bob Jewell
Sara Knobel
Tim Little
Alan Mathios
Diane McDonough
Bill Murphy
Nancy Potter
Carol Travis
Linda Wagenet
Julie Waters
Amy Yale-Loehr
Jeff Furman
Howard Hartnett
Bill Myers
Robert Swieringa
John Semmler
Diane Shafer
Executive Director
George Ferrari, Jr.
Program Officer
Janet Cotraccia
Donor Relations Officer
Amy LeViere |
Dear Reader,
We value your input. We hope you have found this newsletter to be informative. We strive to provide continued communications to our donors, grantees, donor advisors, community members and board members. Please contact us with comments, or if you would like to update your email or home address.
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Closing Headline |
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