Philanthropy Magnified
January 2013
A Message from Our Director
George Ferrari

Best wishes to everyone in the new year. Your Community Foundation begins 2013 having achieved a number of milestones thanks to the philanthropy and continued support of the engaged and generous people of Tompkins County. For the first time we have reached a total of more than $10 million of assets. Our cumulative grant total since our inception in 2000 through the end of 2012 is an additional $4 million. And in December 2012 we opened a record total of 8 new funds with contributions of more than $2.3 million. Your Community Foundation is honored to continue to serve all of your philanthropic needs and to join with Tompkins County residents to address challenges, to build community, and to improve our quality of life. Thank you.
Philanthropy Magnified every day.
Please consider a generous gift to support local philanthropy by visiting our website.
Community Foundation Releases
Pride of Place
the 2009-2012 Listening Learning Report for
Tompkins Rural Communities
Listening to our neighbors and learning from them is a vital part of the mission of the Community Foundation.
Beginning in 2009, members of the Foundation's Board of Directors and staff conducted eight conversations with residents from each of the rural towns of the County to ask for insights about the issues that were of greatest importance. Rural populations are uniquely at risk, though particularly resilient, in terms of health care, environmental issues, and economic opportunities.
From the nearly 20 hours of conversations, the Community Foundation has compiled a summary to guide our grant-making work. This summary is also intended for others to study and learn about the realities of life and pressing needs within the rural towns of Tompkins County. As important, the lessons learned will help guide political and economic leaders and individual donors toward assisting these townships to find paths to ensure the connections they value, preserve the quality of life they want, and the means to secure their towns' future.
Click here to learn more and to see the full report and the executive summary
Best Gift for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday? Social Impact
BY Ryan Scott
January 17th, 2013
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that acts of service were the great equalizer. "Everybody can be great," he noted, "because everybody can serve." That's why Dr. King's wife, Coretta Scott King, once said that "the greatest birthday gift my husband could receive is if people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds celebrated the day by performing individual acts of kindness through service to others."
Since 1986, three years after President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law, every third Monday in January is designated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday that celebrates Dr. King's life and work. In 1994, Congress named MLK Jr. Day as a national day of service, and since then Americans have often celebrated the day through acts of service, dubbing the holiday "A Day On, Not a Day Off."
This movement also aligns with President Obama's national call for all Americans to incorporate volunteerism and public service into their daily lives as a responsibility of citizenship.
First Grant from New Fund Supports
Friendship Donations Network
With eight new funds opening at the Community Foundation last month alone we are excited about seeing new grants supporting our community. A first grant from the new Blecher Schaffzin Family Fund has been approved for general operating support of the Friendship Donations Network (FDN). The mission of FDN is to rescue fresh nutritious food from stores and farms that would otherwise be thrown away and redistribute it to our neighbors in need. This grant is in memory of long time FDN volunteer leader Judy Dietz.
Click here for more information about Friendship Donations Network
Who We Are

Community foundations are not-for-profit organizations founded and staffed by people who are dedicated to seeking out what is needed in our community and what is valuable about Tompkins County and to helping those valuable assets grow important results. We understand our community's needs and help you to turn your charitable passions into results oriented philanthropy. We show donors how to make your gifts go further and accomplish more.
Contact George Ferrari, Community Foundation of Tompkins County, Executive Director or call 607-272-9333 if you would like to explore ways for the Community Foundation to assist you in making your philanthropic dreams a reality for Tompkins County.

Howland Foundation
Q&A Session
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Cooperative Extension
Women's Fund Grant Awards Luncheon
March 12, 2013
Howland Foundation
Grant Cycle
Application Deadline
Thursday, March 28th
For additional information regarding grant opportunities, please visit us online at www.cftompkins.org/granting
January is
National Mentoring Month
Consider making an Honorary or Memorial Gift to the Community Foundation's
Child & Youth Fund
Community Foundation 2013 Officers Elected
Robin Masson
Mickie Sanders-Jauquet
David Squires
Mary Berens
Outgoing members completing their terms in 2012 with the thanks and appreciation of the Community Foundation are Jacki Barr, Max Brown, Caroline Cox, Jennifer Gabriel, Wendy Hankle, Anthony Hopson, Laurie Linn, Linda Madeo, Nelson Mead, Ed Morton and John Rogers.
Meet the Board
Board Chair
Robin Masson
Vice Board Chair
Mickie Sanders-Jauquet
Mary Berens
David Squires
Richard Banks
Susan Brown
Tom Colbert
Randy Ehrenberg
Ross Feldman
Marcie Finlay
Mariette Geldenhuys
Bob Jewell
Sara Knobel
Tim Little
Alan Mathios
Diane McDonough
Bill Murphy
Nancy Potter
Carol Travis
Linda Wagenet
Julie Waters
Amy Yale-Loehr
Incorporating Board
Jeff Furman
Howard Hartnett
Bill Myers Robert Swieringa John Semmler
Diane Shafer
Executive Director
George Ferrari, Jr.
Program Officer
Janet Cotraccia
Donor Relations Officer
Amy LeViere
Dear Reader,
We value your input. We hope you have found this newsletter to be informative. We strive to provide continued communications to our donors, grantees, donor advisors, community members and board members. Please contact us with comments, or if you would like to update your email or home address.
Website: www.cftompkins.org
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