Julieta black
Wishing for somewhere warm?
How about Orlando in April & a FREE All-Inclusive Vacation to the Caribbean this fall ?
Champions Spring Training 2016

If you are ready to "Catch the Wave" with Surge365 & the Vortex and create momentum...
You NEED to get to the Champions Spring Training in Orlando April 1st & 2nd & participate in the $10K Challenge !!!

This is more than just 2 intensive days of training & workshops on the critical components you need to build...
We are going to have a 120 day $10K Challenge program in place for those of you serious about achieving National Builder by Convention 2016.

All Champions on my team who attend Spring Training & choose to participate in the $10K Challenge will be able to earn a FREE All-Inclusive Caribbean Vacation.
Details TBA at the event. 

If you have not registered yet, go to:



new zealand bungy arial
Overcoming Your Fears

When I went to New Zealand, my son Max taught me to overcome 2 of my fears:

It started with his challenge to jump off the highest Bungy jump he could find in New Zealand...
The adventure started by driving up the side of a mountain on a gravel track carved in the side of it in a 10 wheel all terrain vehicle.
When we got to the top we climbed into a cable car that ran along a wire suspended between the mountain peak we were at the top of and the neighboring one, and it rolled us out to the middle of the cable until we reached a gondola suspended high above the valley floor.
new zealand bungy top

I am claustrophobic & scared of heights, and when I was strapped in and standing on a plank hanging outside this gondola suspended between the two mountain peaks, experiencing extreme vertigo, I can assure you that the
thought of swan-diving off that plank was the most 
terrifying thing I can remember in a long time

It was a new experience and not "natural" for me (since I 
don't have wings) and I wanted to run back to safety in case 
I did not "make it".
But the toughest part was MAKING the DECISION to try - 
once I leaped, the feeling of freedom and the sense of 
accomplishment was the best thing in the world !

I believe it is the same with every new thing you attempt in your life or in your Surge365 Biz.

The fear you have to face BEFORE you even try is
new zealand bungy leap
what stops so many people from experiencing , conquering and succeeding at new things..

But if you are willing to Step Out of the Ordinary and TRY...
Try to do a Vacation Party
Try to do a one-on-one presentation
Try to recruit a new team member
Try to sell a membership
Try to get a Vacation Survey filled out
Try to help your new team member waive their overhead
Try to reach the next level

TRY the $10K Challenge 
TRY attending Spring Training...

Then at least you have tried, and even if you don't succeed 
the first time, you get to give it another shot !
I truly hope you Try something new this week to grow 
your business !

Your Partner in Success,


Surge Champions Monday Night Momentum Call
Join Juliet St. John to hear all the latest updates, training tips, and hear from the latest Champions on the Team who have Stepped Out of the Ordinary
 Every Monday
 9:30 PM EST
 (712) 432-0075  pin  474053#