Juliet's NewsletterFebruary 2016
In This Issue

Max got married on our beach in Costa Rica 

I know I was out of the country a lot during December and January, but my son Max got married on the beach at our home in Costa Rica with the reception in the front yard.
A lot of you have met Max & he has quit his job in Australia & moved back to this hemisphere to take his Surge365/Vortex business to the next level !
MaxOksana Wedding
I wanted to share a little clip of Max & my new daughter Oksana's wedding with you.
Click on this link: 

Max & Oksana Wedding


Surge Champions Momentum Training Call on Mondays

Hear from the Top Producers in the company every week, and learn some tips and strategies for creating Momentum in your Surge 365 Business
Every Monday at 9:30pm EST
pin: 474 053#

Just like every baseball team who wants to win the World Series goes to Spring Training, 
if you are serious about achieving a $10K Bonus or Directorship in 2016, you NEED to find a way to get to our Champions Spring Training  in Orlando April 1st & 2nd !


This will be an Intensive "Hard Core" training, focusing on practical, "nuts & bolts" things you MUST do to earn a $10K Bonus in 2016.
We will be focusing on solid sales training, the keys to successfully recruiting in Surge365, and interactive workshops - no hype -

If we took a comparable 2 day training out to the public, it would be over $1000 to attend. 
If we wanted to cover costs, we would be charging close to $100.

But we are doing this is to HELP YOU, not to make money from you !

Early Bird Special of $49.99 has NOT sold out yet, so go to:
and click on the Spring Training Logo for details and to register before the price increases !

We are going to Spring Training so YOU can win the Championship in 2016 -

This is YOUR year to hit it out of the park !


The Vortex
Disruptive Technology
The Vortex is going to change the way travel is sold over the next decade. This takes us out of the realm of "just" network marketing or a travel club.
Just like Uber has become the "disruptive technology" that changes the way people find transportation, and just like AirBnB has become the "disruptive technology" that changes the way people purchase accomodations.....
The Vortex is going to be the "Disruptive Technology" that changes the way people take vacations
And if you show someone our product & they decide NOT to join us, you can tell them that if they are content to pay "FULL PRICE" for their vacations & travel, you will set them up with a VIP Guest Membership and beat any other retail price on the internet - while you earn commissions often 3-5 times the amount earned by traditional travel agents.
And get this - in addition to significant commissions (examples include $250 on a $999 vacation); YOU will earn Rewards Credits every time they book, which will accumulate & earn you FREE - that's right - FREE - travel and vacations !
The key is you getting the word out to your circle of friends & aquaintances before someone else tells them.
Contests & Extra $$$'s

Right now Surge365 has several Promotions running to help you build & generate extra $$$'s.
Anyone who joins as a Surge365 member between now and the launch of The Vortex will have "extra time" to qualify for their 3 & free, the Extra $1000 Bonus, and the $50K in 100 Days
If they join now, they will have 30 days from the day the Vortex launches to:
1/ refer 3 members and waive their monthly fee
2/ refer 7 members and receive the Extra" $1000 (in addition to the regular compensation plan)
And they will have 100 days from the day the Vortex launches to grow their TB Group to 100 to earn $50,000.00
***Any sales made between now and The Vortex launch WILL count for all of these promotions.

For any Champion on my team who qualifies for the "Extra" $1,000.00 Bonus by selling 7 memberships personally between Feb 8th and March 31st, I will pay for your hotel room at our Champions Spring Training in April.

For any Champion who qualifies for a free room and continues building...if you grow your TB group by another 7 members by March 31st & I will reimburse the registration cost for you and your secondary at our Champions Spring Training.

See where you are in the Standings and what you need to qualify:

I am proud to be in business with you and hope that you will take action now to exceed all your financial needs, realize your desires, and start crossing places off your "Bucket List" as we help people save on travel & Travel the World for FREE !

Your Partner in Success through Travel,

Save $$$'s
If you are planning to register for our Surge Champions Spring Training in Orlando April 1st & 2nd, 2016, don't miss our Early Bird Registration of ONLY $49.99 !!

Surge Champions Spring Training 2016
Offer Expires: When the first 100 tickets are sold

Juliet's Newsletter | pobox 212 | bradenton beach | FL | 34217