I hope you are positioning yourself for the Surge Momentum Explosion !
Surge is going to revolutionize the way travel is purchased - the only question is if you are going to participate and leverage the timing of your position in the formation stages...

Surging in Canada in October !!!
If you know anyone within a 2 hour drive of Toronto, Vancouver, or on Vancouver Island, make sure to get them out to hear about the Surge explosion & Build your business !


Vancouver Island - Sunday, October 18th - location TBA

The best way to ensure you have a guest at one of these meetings is to pick your guest up, lock the doors, and drive them there !
If you don't bring a guest, you have Zero chances of growing your team, earning a commission, and building your Surge business...

Before you get wealthy, you've got to make a check.
Before you make a check, you've got to do the activity.
"Ain't nobody gonna come along and strike an oil-well in your
back yard!"                     
- Famous quote from Art Williams, Coach Tomers' mentor

YG Kingston Breaks 
Surge365 Records !

Congratulations to team member YG Kingston on breaking the previous Surge365 record set by his sponsor, Demond Coleman, and setting the New record for the most TB sales in a pay week - 23 Team Builder sales!
Don't miss our Champions Momentum call next Monday night at 9:30pm EST to hear from this Young Genius what he is doing to build his Surge business...

(712) 432-0075   pincode 474053#

Mindset Tip - Being World Class
Thanks to Surge365 Champions Tracy Heiser for sharing this
What does it mean to be world class?

It is defined as being ranked first among all others
  • *   A foremost figure
  • *   A general term for a high level of performance
  • *   An international standard for excellence
When I think about what it takes to become world class- like a world-class athlete, I realize that there are some foundational lessons for all of us to learn as it relates to becoming world-class in whatever we set our hands to.

The secret of how these athletes became world-class is found in the combination of two fundamental ideas: desire and dedication.

A 22-year-old man doesn't simply wake up one day and find that he is on the Olympic basketball team. No, it started years before. In fact, it probably started when he was only 6 or 7 years old. Maybe his father took him to a basketball game, and that little boy said, "Someday, Daddy, I am going to be a basketball player." That was the first sign of desire. Desire is key. World-class people start with desire. They have to at some point "want it."

But we all know people who dream of big things and never accomplish those dreams, don't we?
Why is that?
After all, they have desire. They want it. But the engine that drives a dream is dedication. Desire tells you what you want, while dedication is what will get it for you.

Someone may see a young gymnast and say, "Wow, that looks so easy." What they don't see, or perhaps overlook, are the years of practice, the years of getting up at 4:30 every morning and going to the gym before school. It is the dedication of the young athlete, the many times of failing in practice, the many times of falling off the equipment and faithfully getting back on, that turns a wisher or a dreamer into a world-class doer.

A person with desire but no dedication will never achieve much. You must have the powerful combination of both.
So let's take a closer look at each of these and gain some insight into what desire and dedication are all about

There are three parts to desire:
* Dreaming
* The Vision
* Focus

First is dreaming. Have you let yourself dream lately? Just sit down and begin to imagine all of the incredible possibilities your life could become? Spend some time just dreaming.
Next is vision. Once you dream, you begin to cut back on all of the possibilities and narrow it to what possibility it is that you really want. You begin to create a vision for your life. You begin to see it as you want it.
Lastly, under desire is focus. Once you have the vision, you have to really focus in on that dream. This is where you get really specific about what your life is going to look like.

There are also three parts to dedication:
* The Plan
* Beginning
* Perseverance
First is the plan. Without a plan, you will drift to and fro. You will certainly not carry out your dream if you do not have a plan. So write it down. Set your goals. Know what you want and how you are going to get there.
Second is the beginning. This may sound simple, and yet it is simply profound. Many people have a dream, and they even have a plan, but they never begin. It's so simple: Just start. The first step on the long journey is still just one step. If you have a dream and a plan, take a step in the right direction.
Lastly is to persevere. Every road to every dream has a section or sections that are hard to travel. Every great dream will encounter difficulty. The question isn't whether or not you will encounter trouble, but how you will respond to trouble. 
Will you quit when the going gets tough or will you persevere? 
I have found that every successful person I know, myself included, has encountered problems along the way that tempted them to quit. Yet, they persevered and achieved their dream.
Let's take a look at the progression. As you do, think about where you are in the progression of becoming a world-class dream pursuer.
1. Dream
2. Create a vision
3. Focus the vision
4. Develop a plan
5. Begin to pursue the dream
6. Persevere
Team, my hope for you is the fulfillment of every dream that you have. 
That is what life is about, isn't it? 
But to do so, I know that you will have to combine your desire with good-old dedication. And when you combine those two, you will be well on your way to leading a world-class life!

Make this week a world class week.

Stop thinking about what you should do and go do it.

The best thing you will ever do is accomplish YOUR dreams!
See you at the TOP!!

Your Partner in Success ,


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