Cal-OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) for Small Businesses
The Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) has developed a number of materials and a training program to help small and large businesses create and implement effective workplace Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP). The IIPP is an important written workplace safety program. View the website at:
There are open-enrollment IIPP courses on May 9 in Pleasanton (flyer) and on May 17 in Stockton (flyer). The course on May 17 in Stockton has an emphasis on heat illness prevention in an IIPP. There are other courses listed here.
Registration is required, and the trainings are free. Register online or in writing to Kelly Chan by email or fax at (510) 643-5698.
Each One Reach One: ASCCA 2016 Membership Drive with Contest and Raffle!
As a member of ASCCA, you understand the importance of strength in numbers. It's what helps ASCCA achieve its core purpose of elevating and uniting automotive professionals, and giving them voice.
Each year, thousands of new bills are introduced in Sacramento, many of which will impact small business owners. Thanks in large part to members like you, we've helped forge important relationships with state policymakers, regulators, and other industry professionals. Leveraging these relationships, ASCCA has been able to weigh in on important legislative discussions in Sacramento that would directly affect your business and your bottom line. But we still need your help!
Click here to read the complete Each One Reach One flyer.
Visit the ASCCA Member Resources page for more information including talking points on recent ASCCA achievements which can be used as a leave-behind for new member recruitment.
Self-Driving Cars and the Road Ahead

Flying cars are still a long way off, but the self-driving car is here! With all of the recent media attention surrounding Google's self-driving car prototype, consumers are understandably excited about the prospect of letting their car serve as their own private driver. But what effects will automated vehicles (AV) have on highway safety? Logically, it would eliminate the danger arising from the distracted driver-those who text and drive, get drowsy at the wheel, struggle to put on their makeup, or perhaps those who have one too many drinks-but can cars, operated by computers, be as reactive as their human drivers?
This is just one of the many questions that the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) addressed at their NHTSA Automated Vehicle Operational Guidance Public Meetings, held April 28 at Stanford University. At the meeting, the NHTSA sought input and information on the roadway scenarios and operational environments that highly automated vehicles will need to address, and the associated design and evaluation processes and methods needed to ensure that AV systems are able to detect and appropriately react to these scenarios. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can watch it in its entirety here.
Automotive Aftermarket Summit - June 24, 2016
Join the ASCCA at this year's Automotive Aftermarket Summit in lovely Long Beach. The event will take place the day before the June Team Weekend, and will be held at the Hotel Maya.
June 2016 ASCCA Team Weekend in Torrance
Come and join ASCCA at our June Team Weekend in Torrance. The event will follow the Automotive Aftermarket Summit in Long Beach.
ASCCA Code of Ethics - Display it Proudly!
Each member of the ASCCA has agreed to uphold the association's Code of Ethics. The association is encouraging all members to proudly display the Code of Ethics as they demonstrates to the motoring public that your shop holds itself to a high standard. You should be proud of that and display it proudly!
In order to assist you with creating a display, we've made two versions of the ASCCA Code of Ethics available. The first version (codeofethics_sign_2016.pdf) provides a fillable field in which you can add your shop name at the top. The second version (ASCCA code of ethics.pdf) is the code of ethics with the ASCCA logo at the top of the page. We encourage you to print whichever version you prefer and hang it in your shop.
ASCCA Chapter 24 Big Factor in San Diego Auto Event's Continued Success
In an age where more and more high schools and community colleges have disbanded their automotive training programs, one school in San Diego continues to shine-Cuyamaca College. Each year, they host the popular Automotive Skills Day, featuring activities where college and high school students compete against one another in various automotive repair exercises, and participate in hands-on instruction. Event organizers credit the event's continued success with their close relationship with the local auto repair industry, including ASCCA's very own Chapter 24.
Chapter 24 has donated tens of thousands of dollars over the past several years, which are used to purchase tools that are given to the winners of the various competitions. Thank you Chapter 24 for the partnerships you've made, and the work you all have done in your community to inspire a new generation of automotive professionals!
August 2016 ASCCA Team Weekend in Anaheim
In the link below, please find detailed information on the upcoming AUGUST Team Weekend in Anaheim. We are hosting a reception and Team Weekend in conjunction with the NACE | CARS 2016 Expo and Conference.
Office Depot Deals Available Exclusively to ASCCA Members

ASCCA has worked with Office Depot to secure pricing so good that it rivals Fortune 500 pricing on each and every item that you purchase. If you haven't already, contact Bill Lewis, the ASCCA's Business Account Manager:
Upcoming ASCCA Chapter Events
May 3rd: Chapter 5 Meeting
May 10th: Chapter 16 Meeting
May 11th: Chapters 12 and 42 Meetings
May 12th: Chapters 6 and 25 Meetings
Member Discount Alert! ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) Again in 2016 for Discounted Courses

Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!
Click here to take advantage of this offer
iATN Discounts Available to ASCCA Members
 The International Automotive Technicians Network (iATN) is the world's first and largest online network of automotive service industry professionals. Since 1995, iATN has been providing outstanding service industry resources to members worldwide. ASCCA members can enjoy a $9-per-month discount off of the regular price of iATN Business+ premium membership, at $45-per-month. This membership provides your shop with up to 5 premium access accounts.
Link to iATN's website
Are you taking full advantage of your membership in the ASCCA? Check out our Member Resources page to see many of benefits of being a member.
Thank You ASCCA Sponsors!
Contact Us
 (800) 810-4272 Automotive Service Councils of CA One Capitol Mall, Suite 800 Sacramento, CA 95814 |
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