ASCCA What You Need To KnowDec. 14, 2015
Enjoy this photo album on ASCCA's Facebook page featuring pictures of Chapter 48's Holiday Extravaganza.
As competition becomes more rampant in the industry, discounts are becoming a less effective way to gain long-term customers.
Read more of this article from Ratchet+Wrench.
ETI Tool Tech - April 25-28, 2016 in Monterey
The vehicle of today is quickly becoming the vehicle of tomorrow. The Autonomous Vehicle, Comprehensive Vehicle Tracking, Biometric Vehicle Access and Smart/Personalized In-Car Marketing are only a few of the advancements that are right around the corner for future vehicles.
A successful business strategy depends on a clear vision of the future.  Improve your vision at ToolTech 2016 as you network with other thought leaders about the challenges and opportunities involved with providing the right tools and equipment and maintaining the level of service our customers expect while the vehicles we support continue to grow in complexity.  
Click here for more information.
Office Depot Offers Available Exclusively to ASCCA Members
Office Depot has released their 2015 Holiday Catalog of their copy and printer materials.  View it here.
Office Depot is offering ASCCA members four different deals:
  • HP Office Ultra White Paper $26.99 per case - Click here
  • HP EcoFFICIENT Paper $26.99 per case - Click here
  • Keurig coffee machines including K-cups - Click here
  • Upcoming ASCCA Chapter Events
    Dec 5th: Chapter 5 Christmas Party and Casino Night Fundraiser - click for more information
    Jan 20th: Chapter 1940 event at the Toyota Auto Museum
    ASCCA's TeamTalk Update Beginning January 1st
    On January 1st, all ASCCA members will start receiving the ASCCA TeamTalk emails.  This is one of the ASCCA membership's greatest benefits. Use it for questions, networking, and to share any other information with the entire ASCCA membership.
    The emails will include an option to unsubscribe, for any members who do not wish to receive the emails.
    iATN Discounts Available to ASCCA Members

    The International Automotive Technicians Network (iATN) is the world's first and largest online network of automotive service industry professionals. Since 1995, iATN has been providing outstanding service industry resources to members worldwide. ASCCA members can enjoy a $9-per-month discount off of the regular price of iATN Business+ premium membership, at $45-per-month.  This membership provides your shop with up to 5 premium access accounts.

    Link to iATN's website


    Help ASCCA Grow with the Special Membership Drive Tied to ASCCA's 75th Anniversary

    To commemorate ASCCA's 75th Anniversary and help grow our members, our Board of Directors approved a limited offer to new members: $75 membership, starting now! Help us grow the association by recruiting new members! Chapters can sweeten the pot by adding their own incentive. Fine print: $55 application fee applies; Canceled members in the last 12 months are not eligible; No point/spiff for One Member Can! campaign; Regular (ARD) members only.


    Member Discount Alert! ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) for Discounted Courses

    Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!


    Click here to take advantage of this offer


    Thank You ASCCA Sponsors!

    Armstrong & Associates

    BG Products

    Contact Us
    (800) 810-4272
    Automotive Service Councils of CA
    One Capitol Mall, Suite 800
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    In This Issue
    Chapter 48 Holiday Extravaganza
    A Move Away from Discounts
    ETI Tool Tech
    Office Depot Offers
    Upcoming ASCCA Chapter Events
    TeamTalk Update


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