A SCCA is proud to recognize Mitch Mendenhall of Chapter 24 as November's Member of the Month. Mitch is truly a jack-of-all-trades. He's been involved in ASCCA through various capacities, beginning in San Diego as a vendor before becoming a Mitchell 1 Representative and later a Mighty Sales Representative. Today, Mitch is now a shop owner. He's been a key player in Chapter 24, and has moved up the ranks to become a board director, vice president, and chapter representative. A testament to all of his hard work and dedication, he has been elected by his colleagues to serve as next year's Chapter 24 president. Committed to advancing the automotive industry, Mitch spearheaded the recent Advocacy Fund Drive, which was established to help enhance ASCCA's legislative advocacy. "Mitch brings corporate knowledge, sales knowledge, inventory control and program management skills, along with a good personality," says ASCCA President Steve Vanlandingham. "He is a great asset to ASCCA, I thank him for all he does to help ASCCA succeed, and I am confident he will continue to be a key player at both the local and state level for years to come." Congratulations Mitch!

California's largest labor union on Tuesday unveiled its own bid to increase the statewide minimum wage, setting up dueling pay measures aimed for next year's ballot amid persistent concerns over income inequality.
ASCCA Chapter 5 Oktoberfest in Photos

Chapter 5's Oktoberfest celebration was a great time. Enjoy these photos!

Winter Tech Week provides ETI Members with the opportunity for dialogue with the OEM's and to receive the necessary information to provide the needed tools and equipment. ETI Members gain knowledge of new technologies that affect the aftermarket tool and equipment industry, receive instruction on the servicing and repair of new model vehicles, and learn of repair and service tools that may be needed for the new models.
Also upcoming from ETI:
ETI ToolTech 2016
April 25-28 in Monterey, CA
Office Depot Offers Available Exclusively to ASCCA Members

Office Depot has released their 2015 Holiday Catalog of their copy and printer materials. View it here.
Office Depot is offering ASCCA members four different deals:
Boise X-9 Multi-Use Copy Paper $24.99 per case - Click here
HP Office Ultra White Paper $26.99 per case - Click here
HP EcoFFICIENT Paper $26.99 per case - Click here
Keurig coffee machines including K-cups - Click here

The next Chapter 1940 Dinner & Program will be Thursday November 19 at 6:00 pm. Meeting is help at the Toyota Auto Museum at 19600 Van Ness Ave in Torrance. This meeting will feature BG Petrospecs presenting on Auto Shops Trends and Tips.
Upcoming 2016 events, also at the Toyota Auto Museum:
January 20, March 24, May 25, July 28, September 28 and November 17.

Chapter 20 has a fun and final meeting for 2015 lined up on the 19th - bring a toy or two!
Begins at 6:30pm at Zio Fraedo's, 611 Gregory Lane in Pleasant Hill.
ASCCA Ch. 24 Special Event - November 10 (Revised Date)
Maylan Newton - Special Event Seminar
November 10, 2015. (yes, one week earlier than normal) 5:30 social/sign in, 6:00 dinner and seminar (three hours). This class is recommended for owner and advisor.
Hunter Steak House 2445 Hotel Circle Place San Diego, CA 92108
Members $65.00 - Non Members $110.00
ASCCA Ch. 48 Event - November 11
Special guest will be Jannet Malig - Director of the Advanced Transportation Technology & Energy Center (ATTE), Cerritos College. Ms. Malig is in charge of the programs for 14 colleges across Orange County & Los Angeles County. We will hear about FREE training opportunities for our shops, internship placement and subsidization, free tech job postings and more.
Upcoming ASCCA Chapter Events
ASCCA's TeamTalk Update Beginning January 1st
On January 1st, all ASCCA members will start receiving the ASCCA TeamTalk emails. This is one of the ASCCA membership's greatest benefits. Use it for questions, networking, and to share any other information with the entire ASCCA membership.
The emails will include an option to unsubscribe, for any members who do not wish to receive the emails.
iATN Discounts Available to ASCCA Members
 The International Automotive Technicians Network (iATN) is the world's first and largest online network of automotive service industry professionals. Since 1995, iATN has been providing outstanding service industry resources to members worldwide. ASCCA members can enjoy a $9-per-month discount off of the regular price of iATN Business+ premium membership, at $45-per-month. This membership provides your shop with up to 5 premium access accounts.
Link to iATN's website
Help ASCCA Grow with the Special Membership Drive Tied to ASCCA's 75th Anniversary

To commemorate ASCCA's 75th Anniversary and help grow our members, our Board of Directors approved a limited offer to new members: $75 membership, starting now! Help us grow the association by recruiting new members! Chapters can sweeten the pot by adding their own incentive. Fine print: $55 application fee applies; Canceled members in the last 12 months are not eligible; No point/spiff for One Member Can! campaign; Regular (ARD) members only.
Member Discount Alert! ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) for Discounted Courses

Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!
Click here to take advantage of this offer
Thank You ASCCA Sponsors!
Contact Us
 (800) 810-4272 Automotive Service Councils of CA One Capitol Mall, Suite 800 Sacramento, CA 95814 |
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