ASCCA What You Need To KnowJuly 06, 2015
ASCCA Member Raul Salgado's Shop Featured in Parts & People.

Raul Salgado, owner of Raul's Auto Repair, with locations in Azusa and Covina,and ASCCA Chapter 5 member, said at a time when many independent repair shop owners have decided to reduce equipment and marketing budgets, he has done just the opposite. Click here to read more.
The Spring 2015 issue of ASCCA's quarterly magazine, The California Independent is out for your viewing pleasure! New this year, the magazine is available for downloading on ASCCA's website (it is no longer printed and mailed to members). Feel free to share the link below with your colleagues or anyone you think might be interested in ASCCA. 

Eleven Steps to Prevent Materials Theft

There are many shop owners who trust their staff and have no stopgaps in place to prevent theft from happening and no methods for keeping tabs on employees.


Putting procedures in place to protect your shop against theft isn't about policing staff or creating a feeling of distrust. Instead, "it's about keeping honest people honest."  Read more

ASCCA Scholarship Awards Presented at De Anza College
ASCCA presented scholarship awards at De Anza College at an awards breakfast this past Friday, June 26. Larry Moore, a De Anza alum and the winner of the Foundation's distinction for the most vehicle donations to Cars for Careers in fiscal year 2014-15, had the honor of presenting the awards. Pete Vernazza posed with the award winners.

Click here to see photos from the awards ceremony

The ASCCA together with AutoVitals has launched an educational program aimed at helping ASCCA shops gain significant boosts in technician and service adviser productivity while improving communication to the motorist with dealership grade professional inspection results. 

Jack Molodanof: The Do's and Don'ts of Advertising
ASCCA's own Jack Molodanof was interviewed a few months ago by Autobody News about the do's and don'ts of body shop advertising. It applies to independent auto shops as well. He cautions that unlawful advertising -- even if you didn't know the information in your ad was misleading -- can get repair shops into big trouble.

July 1: Points Went Down for Countertop Displays

But it still isn't too late to enter.


The score has remained NorCal 169, SoCal 141. You still have just short of 2 months to submit your entries. Need a display? Have a contest photo to send in? Email


Updates on the contest are posted on Facebook.

Do not forget that July 1 is the effective date of the new California Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Law. ASCCA's lobbyist Jack Molodanof has this tip for ASCCA members: The Department of Industrial Relations has developed a set of FAQs on their website that will help you understand the requirements.

Division of Labor Standards Poster


'Good and Cheap Never Go Together'

If owner of Glenmoor Automotive, Paul Seghposs, were to shout Tom Cruise's famous line ("Show me the money!") from the 1996 hit, Jerry Maguire, into a telephone receiver, he would probably change the last word to "value." That's because he said he's not in business to save his customers money. That's not his job.


Read more here.


Donate to ASCCA's Advocacy Fund

We're approaching $4,000 in the ASCCA Advocacy Fund, thanks to the recent raffle at the summer conference! Thank you to everyone who has donated! ASCCA established this fund to enhance our advocacy with the state legislature (e.g., legislative advocate's travel, ASCCA's annual legislative day lobbying, Government Affairs Committee initiatives). Help us reach our goal of $30,000, donate today.


New! Dental and Vision Insurance for ASCCA Members 
ASCCA has a new member benefit: Group dental and vision benefits for you and your employees. ASCCA now has great dental and vision options to offer you through an agreement with Coremark Insurance Services. Details are provided in the brochure below. 

Click here for the brochure that covers the dental and vision program

iATN Discounts Available to ASCCA Members

The International Automotive Technicians Network (iATN) is the world's first and largest online network of automotive service industry professionals. Since 1995, iATN has been providing outstanding service industry resources to members worldwide. ASCCA members can enjoy a $9-per-month discount off of the regular price of iATN Business+ premium membership, at $45-per-month.  This membership provides your shop with up to 5 premium access accounts.

Link to iATN's website


Help ASCCA Grow with the Special Membership Drive Tied to ASCCA's 75th Anniversary

To commemorate ASCCA's 75th Anniversary and help grow our members, our Board of Directors approved a limited offer to new members: $75 membership, starting now! Help us grow the association by recruiting new members! Chapters can sweeten the pot by adding their own incentive. Fine print: $55 application fee applies; Canceled members in the last 12 months are not eligible; No point/spiff for One Member Can! campaign; Regular (ARD) members only.


Member Discount Alert! ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) for Discounted Courses

Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!


Click here to take advantage of this offer


G&K Services' First Aid Services Improve Workplace Safety
G&K Services offers several first aid kits and cabinets for mobile units and shops, which exceed all industry regulations, including OSHA and ANSI standards. Other new products include blood borne pathogen kits and a first aid responder eye wash station. For more information, email Leslie Kipnis or call 949-877-2750, or email Kathryn Kuskie or call 562-246-3022.

Thank You ASCCA Sponsors!

Armstrong & Associates

BG Products

Contact Us
(800) 810-4272
Automotive Service Councils of CA
One Capitol Mall, Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
In This Issue
ASCCA Member Raul Salgado's Shop Featured in Parts & People
ASCCA California Independent Spring 2015 Issue Available Now!
Eleven Steps to Prevent Materials Theft
Scholarship Awards at De Anza College
Go for the Gold in the ASCCA 2015 Digital Olympics!
Do's and Don'ts of Advertising
Contest Update
July 1: Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Starts
Good and Cheap Never Go Together
Legislative Advocacy Fund
New! Dental and Vision Insurance
iATN Discounts for ASCCA Members
New $75 Membership Drive
ESi Courses at a Discount!
G&K Services New Products


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