ASCCA What You Need To KnowApril 20, 2015
Register Before April 24 -- this Friday -- and Save Up to $100 on Summer Conference Registration

The early bird cut off for registering for the ASCCA Summer Conference is this Friday, April 24. Register now and save up to $100! The full conference rate for Management is $299 now and will be $399 after April 24. Conference details can be found at our summer conference web page. Questions? Contact Rachel Hickerson in the ASCCA office ( or 800-810-4272)


June 1 is the deadline for buying raffle tickets.

Chapters: Order Raffle Tickets Here


BAR BAG Meeting and Public Workshop this Wed., April 22

The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) has scheduled its quarterly BAR Advisory Group (BAG) meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. The BAG meeting will be from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Department of Consumer Affairs, HQ2, Hearing Room 186, located at 1747 North Market Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95834.


BAR will also conduct a public workshop to review the Automotive Repair Act, changes in automotive technology, and current exemptions from the definition of "repair of motor vehicles."  The workshop is scheduled from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the same meeting location.


Workshop Notice

Parts & People: As ASCCA Reaches 75 Years, Members Voice Support and Cheer Benefits

Steve Sharp wrote a great article about ASCCA's 75th anniversary in Parts & People. Among the points made: shop owners should join ASCCA and be active in their local chapter; and ASCCA is great at team building through events such as Legislative Day, the Summer Conference, and the countertop display contest.


Read the article
(Reprinted with permission from Parts & People


Legislative Day Featured 86 Meetings with Legislators

Legislative Day on April 14 was very successful as about 50 ASCCA members held 86 meetings with legislators. Congrats to ASCCA Chapter 20 for having the most chapter members in attendance! For that they received $400 donated by President Steve Vanlandingham and Past President Mary Kemnitz. The Chapter members generously donated their winnings to the ASCCA Advocacy Fund!


Read the "Leg Day" Report by James Justus

View photos on Facebook


Read a Good Blog Post About Telematics by Aaron Lowe

"Will the Auto Care Industry be Collateral Damage in Car Company Efforts to Protect Their Vehicles from Hacking" is the headline in a new blog post by Aaron Lowe in the Auto Care Association's Capital Report. Read his additional insight into what is happening in Washington, DC.


Read the blog


NorCal, NorCal, NorCal. What's new? NorCal, NorCal, NorCal

SoCal has reached 130 points in the ASCCA's countertop display contest. The problem is, that's what NorCal had a few weeks ago. NorCal leads 160-130 and just seems to always be ahead. From now until June 30 contest entries are worth 2 points (plus a bonus point for having both displays). Need a display? Have a contest photo to send in? Email to


Help ASCCA Grow with the Special Membership Drive Tied to ASCCA's 75th Anniversary

To commemorate ASCCA's 75th Anniversary and help grow our members, our Board of Directors approved a limited offer to new members: $75 membership, starting now! Help us grow the association by recruiting new members! Chapters can sweeten the pot by adding their own incentive. Fine print: $55 application fee applies; Canceled members in the last 12 months are not eligible; No point/spiff for One Member Can! campaign; Regular (ARD) members only.


ASCCA's Member of the Month for April: Rory Balmer

Rory Balmer of Twin Peaks Auto Service in Twin Peaks is ASCCA's Member of the Month. Rory is a past ASCCA Chapter 14 President and a past ASCCA Membership Committee Chair. While working full-time at his business, he also attends De Vry University, where he is completing a BA degree in technical management. He will be attending Washington State University, entering into the Executive MBA program. ASCCA Past President Mary Kemnitz says Rory is "One of the most effective committee members I have ever had the pleasure to work with. He has won the "One Member Can Campaign" twice. He has had a significant impact on the growth and energy within Chapter 14.


Read about past members of the month here.


ASCCA's Advocacy Fund Reaches $3,000 in Quest for $30,000

We've passed $3,000 in the ASCCA Advocacy Fund since last week's update, bringing our total raised to $3,010! Thank you! ASCCA established this fund to enhance our advocacy with the state legislature (e.g., legislative advocate's travel, ASCCA's annual legislative day lobbying, Government Affairs Committee initiatives). Help us reach our goal of $30,000, donate today: 

Help Develop the New Brake and Lamp Adjuster Exams

BAR is planning to develop new exams for both the brake and lamp adjuster licenses and needs subject matter experts (SMEs). BAR is asking our members who hold a brake and/or lamp license if they would like to participate. The SMEs will work with DCA's Office of Professional Examination Services to write the exam questions. This ensures the exams are relevant, fair and defensible.  BAR plans to begin working on the exams within the next year or so and would like to start a list of SMEs. BAR does offer compensation to SME's for certain projects/ exams/ workshops as well as travel reimbursement. Anyone interested in becoming an SME should email Janelle Calindas, of the BAR, Smog Check Engineering & Research Branch, or call her at 916-403-0151, and get your name added to the BAR list.

G&K Services' First Aid Services Improve Workplace Safety
G&K Services offers several first aid kits and cabinets for mobile units and shops, which exceed all industry regulations, including OSHA and ANSI standards. Other new products include blood borne pathogen kits and a first aid responder eye wash station. For more information, email Leslie Kipnis or call 949-877-2750, or email Kathryn Kuskie or call 562-246-3022.

Member Discount Alert! ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) for Discounted Courses

Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!


Click here to take advantage of this offer


Thank You ASCCA Sponsors!

Armstrong & Associates

BG Products

Contact Us
(800) 810-4272
Automotive Service Councils of CA
One Capitol Mall, Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
In This Issue
ASCCA Summer Conference
BAG Meeting on April 22
ASCCA's 75th Anniversary
Legislative Day Recap
Blog on Telematics
Contest Update
New $75 Membership Drive
Member of the Month
Legislative Advocacy Fund
Help Develop Brake and Lamp Exams
G&K Services New Products
ESi Courses at a Discount!


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