Automotive Service Councils of California


January 10, 2014

Register Now for the 2014 Automotive Aftermarket Industry Summit!

Sponsored by ASCCA, CAWA, AAIA, CAT, and CalABC  
Saturday, February 8
Team Weekend
February 8-9
Embassy Suites Sacramento Promenade 
100 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814 
P: 1-916-326-5000 * F: 1-916-236-5001
Team Weekend Agenda

Click here to register online!

ROOM RESERVATIONS: All attendees must make their own room reservations. Our room rate is $159/night. Mention "ASCCA - Auto Service Councils of CA" in order to get your special room rate. There are three ways to make your room reservations:
  1. Click here to make hotel reservations
  2. Go to and make a reservation using the group/convention code: ASC
  3. Call 1-800-498-5237 and ask for the ASCCA-Auto Service Councils of CA discount rate.
CUT-OFF DATE:The cut-off date for making reservations with the hotel is

January 17, 2014Any reservations made after this date are subject to full published hotel rates. Rooms are not guaranteed to be available after our cut-off date. Please book your room ASAP to avoid not getting a room. 

2013 ASCCA President Jack Crawley (left) with CAWA Board Chair Ed Jiminez at the 2013 Automotive Aftermarket Industry Summit in Newport Beach, Feb. 8-9.



Become a Cars 4 Careers Vehicle Donation Center and Support Careers in Automotive Technology 

The ASC Educational Foundation (ASCEF) is looking for a few good shops to become "Cars 4 Careers Official Donation Centers."

  • Help generate funds for the foundation to expand our scholarship, training and education programs.
  • Unique SEO enhancements and placement on the C4C website.
  • Added value to your customers.
  • Do your part to help recycle old cars.
  • Because it's the right thing to do. 
  • We need a network of shops throughout the state to make this a success!
 It's easy to become a donation center:
ASCEF fax (916) 444-7462, or

More information online

Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) Advisory Group Meeting Summary

By Jack Molodanof, ASCCA's Legislative Advocate


ASCCA folks in attendance included (from left to right) Gloria Peterson, Margie vanLierop, Mary Kemnitz, Craig Wells, Craig Johnson (BAG member), and Ted Walters. Not in photo: Paul Frech (BAG member), Jay Jefferson.


BAR Chief Pat Dorais opened the meeting and made introductions. Corrine Fishman from DCA provided an update. DCA along with BAR has created a new video on the Autobody Inspection Program which provides consumers with a "no cost" auto body inspection after they have had repairs. This program has been around for several years. The BAR will come to your house and inspect your car to make sure repairs were done correctly. But according to Bill Thomas of BAR enforcement, there has been a decline of consumers using the program. In years past, they would get over 1,000 requests; now they get barely 100. Even though Thomas said that annual consumer auto body complaints are unchanged, BAR wants to promote the inspection program to get more consumers to use it. Click link below for BAR video.


Under Public Comments Craig Johnson asked the BAR about ASCCA's proposal to include an ARD number in Craigslist advertisements.  BAR Chief Pat Dorais replied that he believes BAR has the authority to create such a law through regulations and will begin the process. That is very good news. Also, Craig asked that the BAR investigate and determine whether changes need to be made in the section of law that exempts certain minor repairs from BAR registration, including battery replacement. BAR said they will research this and place the item on the next BAR agenda.


Paul Hedglin provided an OBD II and DAD equipment update. So far three vendor companies (Applus, Drew, Worldwide) have submitted for certification. Applus is ahead of the pack and is the only company that is in the Beta phase 2 testing stage. Paul said that whoever gets finished first and does the best job will get certified first by BAR. Tentative time line for implementation: Spring 2014 DAD certified equipment will begin statewide and mandatory DAD equipment use will begin in summer 2014.


Tim Corcoran of BAR provided some updated information on the CAP program.  The average repair cost is $635 and the average CAP contribution by a customer is $393. There is a list of public repair assistance options on the BAR website. The Notice of Motorist sign is being revised and shops will need to replace theirs. CAP shops will be able to get one free of charge. An ET blast will be sent out once the signs are available.


Vince Somma covered pending regulations & legislation, including CAP eligibility regulations; ignition interlock devices; disciplinary regulations; STAR amendments (eligibility/technical changes); BAR 97- specification updates; advertising requirements for ARD's; brake inspections regulations; windshield replacement standards; certified schools/instructor regulations; SB 202 Galgiani (requiring tire shops to register with BAR).


Finally the DTSC provided an update on SB 346 (new brake pad law) based on our recommendation to do such a report at the BAG meeting. DTSC provided an overview and mentioned how ASCCA worked with them to develop the FAQ's.


After the BAG meeting the BAR held workshops to get input from the industry for Brake Inspection Standards, Windshield Replacement and Certified Training Institution Regulations. There was general support for the Brake Inspection regulations, except for the new car dealers. They don't want to provide consumers with brake friction measurements, etc. There was general support for the windshield replacement, some technical questions were addressed and finally the certified training regulations include a section to allow and certify non-technical training (i.e., ethics, service writing, other training) which we have been pushing. This would provide a shop an opportunity to go to BAR-certified, non-technical training rather than be subjected to fines and other monetary penalties.


Face Book Image  
In This Issue
Register Now for the Industry Summit
BAR Advisory Group Meeting Update
BAR Releases Video on No-Cost Auto Body Inspection Program for Consumers
Article Headline


January Member of the Month:
t Salerno  

Honorary Lifetime member Robert Salerno of Salerno's Auto Service Center in Redlands, CA (ASCCA Chapter 14)

In his own words: I was inspired to get into automotive repair early on. If my mother was alive today, she would tell you that starting at the age of two I took everything apart just to see what made it work. My dad at times wanted to terminate my life because he found some of those things in pieces. At age 15, for $50 I purchased a 1930 Model A sedan with a damaged engine. With the help of Sears, Roebuck & Company, and reading some books, I was able to overhaul the engine. With financial support from my lawn business I got that fine vehicle running. I also worked for a body man and painter at a local Pontiac dealership, in exchange for their free labor to paint my car. Then there was an opening for a new car-get ready helper. So my love of automobiles and of taking things apart became my road to a lifelong career.


I became an automotive shop owner because my parents didn't like the idea of my being an automotive mechanic. The long hours I spent redesigning four-cylinder engines into V8s, lowering vehicles, along with the loud exhaust became total frustration for my parents. Then there was marriage and children. I still had a desire to do something I liked. My first love was working on vehicles, and with the approval of my first wife we borrowed money to open a service station. That was 37 years ago and since then I have owned several service stations, until eventually I felt the need for a larger shop. March 10, 2014 will mark 48 years in business.


Here's how I got involved with ASCCA. Never be in a meeting and have to go to the bathroom! What happened on April 15, 1980 was the beginning of 34 years of involvement with ASCCA. I was at an ASCCA meeting and at the end our executive director John Goodman said to me and the membership that I would be a leader of the association. Like a lot of shop owners, I said, "No way, I do not have the time." "Yes, you will make the time and effort," said the person next to me (now longtime friend and adviser Dale Bright). Three shop owners were installed that evening and I was the last one chosen. What happened was I came out of the bathroom to find a group of people standing up and applauding my return to the room. I asked what had happened. Dale replied, "You have been voted in as a chapter board member." At another meeting later on this happened again -- I took a bathroom break only to come back and hear President Pete Peterson state that I had been voted in as mechanical governor (chapter representative today).


Nine years later I was elected to the State Board. In 1991 was voted to serve on the executive committee. After 14 years I retired to become a chapter representative and serve on my chapter board. I gained friendships throughout the United States, knowledge of how the government operates, and had the benefit of belonging to an organization of people with the same professional concerns as me. With this backing I walked into representatives' offices and had them shake my hand and listen to our presentations. Senators and assemblymen were calling me asking for my input on items of concern to small business owners. Also, I have profited and gained so much knowledge from many shop owners over the years just by the discussions we have had in our meetings. The best business decision I ever made was joining ASCCA because it has made me a better business owner and a better person.


The group of shop owners that we have now are more knowledgeable than us old timers. My love for our association is still strong and I am proud to be part of ASCCA. Without the work of volunteers we wouldn't be as strong as we are. Without membership we are just alone in our shops. When you look around the table at meetings and conferences you can see we are all individuals working together. I stated one time at a meeting that we are not competitors -- we are comrades in the same industry. We must all work together to make a better image for the automotive industry. Amen! 


BAR's New Video on No-Cost Auto Body Inspection Program Available to Consumers
The Department of Consumer Affairs' Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) released a short video for its No-Cost Auto Body Inspection Program. The program provides consumers with no-cost vehicle inspections to ensure all collision repairs listed on their auto body repair invoice were done correctly.   
"The Auto Body Inspection Program is a great resource for drivers who have recently been in a collision and have had auto body repair done," said Bureau Chief Patrick Dorais. "To the untrained eye, it can be hard to tell if a repair was done correctly and whether or not the vehicle's safety has been compromised. This program is very easy to participate in and provides consumers with peace of mind about any auto body repairs they may have had performed."  
The video features an actual consumer who has used the program, explains how the program works and how to contact BAR to participate. The video can be seen here.
Thank You ASCCA Diamond Sponsors!

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About Us
Founded in 1940, the Automotive Service Councils of California is the largest independent automotive repair organization in California. Its members represent all areas of the automotive repair industry, including mechanical, auto body, suppliers and educators.