Automotive Service Councils of California


September 27, 2013
It's Not TOO Late! Join Us for September's Team Weekend
Embassy Suites  

September 27-29

Embassy Suites Sacramento

Sacramento, CA   




All attendees must make their own room  

reservations. Our room rate is $159/night.   

Mention "ASCCA - Auto Service Councils of Ca"  

in order to get your special room rate.

There are three ways to make your room reservations:

  1. Go to and make a reservation using the group/convention code: AUT
  2. Call 1-800-498-5237 and ask for the ASCCA discount rate.
  3. CLICK HERE to be direct to our rates automatically.


Who Will be the Next ASCCA Member of the Month?



It could be you! 


Send your nominations in now and wait for the monthly announcement!


The ASCCA Member of the Month is a new recognition & appreciation program developed by your ASCCA Leadership to recognize our members who go above and beyond to support our core purpose: To Elevate and Unite Automotive Professionals and Give them Voice.


Each Member of the Month will receive a certificate and a $50 visa gift card. Additionally, the member will be recognized on the ASCCA website homepage for one month, announced on Team Talk, featured in the WYNTK and in the California Independent.


Send your recommendations for ASCCA Member of the Month to Heather Vigil via email at with "Member of the Month Nomination" in the subject line.  Include a description of why your nominee should be recognized as ASCCA Member of the Month!

Consider the following criteria when considering a candidate you would wish to nominate for ASCCA Member of the Month:

  • Faithfully adheres to ASCCA code of ethics (check online reviews for unresolved issues?)
  • Active proponent of ASCCA (both State & Chapter); talks up ASCCA to non-members
  • Actively helps other shops succeed (both member and pre-member shops)
  • Utilizes member benefits (ASCCA advantage) & mentors new members in utilizing benefits
  • Active in local Chapter (where applicable) & State events
  • Adds his/her voice to legislative issues; contacting representatives on key issues
  • Participates in /monitors Team Talk


Each nomination will be carefully reviewed and considered by the ASCCA Membership Committee.  The pool of Member of the Month winners will be voted on by the Chapter Representatives Committee for Member of the Year to be honored at ASCCA's 2014 Summer Conference.


There is no limit to those who can be nominated so send your recommendations in today!






In This Issue
Join us for September Team Weekend
Nominate a Member of the Month

September Members of the Month

Larry & Laurie Moore, Larry's AutoWorks, Mountain View, CA

In their own words:

"I got into auto repair because I was really hard on cars and they would break and since I was a student, I could not afford to pay to have them fixed.  I worked my way through college building VW engines in my garage and eventually for a local engine building company. 


While finishing up my college education, the shop owner I worked for decided to get out of the business.  He offered me the business at a great price.  I begged and borrowed enough money to buy the business.  I immediately discovered that what I learned in college about business had almost no application in my small shop.  Luckily the previous owner had done a very good job of setting up the production processes which helped me survive long enough to figure it out the business side. 


Laurie joined me in the business after we both worked briefly for another company in a different industry to get some perspective on our business.


We learned about our local chapter when an insurance agent told us how much money we could save using the ASCCA insurance program.  I attended a couple of meetings and found out that the shop owners who attended were a wealth of information for things I thought I had to figure out on my own, or thought I had figured out but found out they had much better answers! 


Becoming a member of ASCCA took our business to a whole new level - it gave us people we could call who knew exactly what we were going through, and who usually had the answers we needed.  Never having worked in the industry other than at the shop we ended up owning, we had no friends in the business, so ASCCA really helped us propel the business forward.  We ended up joining the local Chapter Board and then I was elected to the ASCCA state Board. This introduced us to some of the top shop owners in the state, who then became additional resources for us.  I can safely say that without joining ASCCA our business would not be what it is today.


The best advice I can give a new member is GET INVOLVED!  I believe that is the true value of membership, having the resources of all the other ASCCA members, especially through the medium of team talk and the local meetings.  There is nothing like having dinner with other shop owners to get ideas and solutions for the improved and successful day-to-day operation of the business.  Not to mention you will probably make some great new friends!"


ASCCA members like Larry and Laurie are shining examples of how One Member CAN Make a Difference!

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About Us
Founded in 1940, the Automotive Service Councils of California is the largest independent automotive repair organization in California. Its members represent all areas of the automotive repair industry, including mechanical, auto body, suppliers and educators.