What You Need to Know 
To Elevate and Unite Automotive Professionals, and Give Them Voice

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Calendar of Events


Team Weekend

September 27-29

Embassy Suites Sacramento

Sacramento, CA   




All attendees must make their own room  

reservations. Our room rate is $159/night.  Mention "ASCCA - Auto Service Councils of Ca" in order to get your special room rate.

There are three ways to make your room reservations:

  1. Go to www.sacramento.embassysuites.com and make a reservation using the group/convention code: AUT
  2. Call 1-800-498-5237 and ask for the ASCCA discount rate.
  3. CLICK HERE to be direct to our rates automatically. 




California Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Gonzalez v. LA Motors Case      

 Update provided by Jack Molodanof, ASCCA Legislative Advocate 

The California Supreme Court (by a vote of 6-1) has denied review of the Gonzalez v. Downtown LA Motors, LP (2013) 215 Cal. App 4th 36.  This means that the lower courts decision is upheld and that piece/flat rate paid technician employees are entitled to separate hourly pay for "waiting" time.


The Facts of Case:


Downtown LA Motors, LP, a Mercedes-Benz dealership(employer) compensated its technicians on a piece-rate basis, which means that techs were paid a set amount for each repair completed based on a formula for each job performed. Each job is given a "flat rate" which is determined by the industry depending on how many "flag hours" the completed job is worth. The techs accrue flag hours only when working on a repair order. The employer paid techs a flat rate ranging from $17 to $32 for each "flag hour". The employer calculated tech pay for an 80-hour period by multiplying flag hours accrued by the applicable flat rate.Each tech kept track of all the clock time spent at the job-site by clocking in and out at the beginning and end of shift, and clocking out for meal breaks. If a techs piece rate compensation fell short of the applicable minimum wage for all hours worked, the employer would pay the difference.


Basis of Lawsuit:


The technicians (class of 108 service techs) contended that there frequently was not enough work to do and they had to remain at the dealership when this happened. They did not flag any hours when waiting for repair jobs, but were expected to perform various non-repair tasks, such as obtaining parts, cleaning their stations, attending meetings, traveling to other locations to pick up and return cars, reviewing service bulletins, and participating in on-line training. The techs filed a class action lawsuit claiming that the employer violated California Law by not paying techs a minimum wage during the "waiting time" (or time spent on the clock engaged in non-piece work).




The court ruled in favor of the technicians, holding that California law requires the employer to pay the techs for their waiting time between repair orders. Furthermore, the technicians were entitled to separate hourly compensation for time spent waiting for repair work or performing other non-repair tasks directed by the employer during their work shifts.


The Supreme Court's decision (denying review) upholds the lower courts ruling and now makes the Gonzalez v. LA Motors case the law in California.





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California Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Gonzalez v. LA Motors
Call for Board of Directors Nominations
Nominate a Member of the Month
2013 Member of the Year

James Justus, James Automotive, San Diego, CA

In his own words:

"I studied to be a shop teacher and upon graduation from Long Beach State I went into the Peace Corps and taught in Jamaica. Upon returning I started teaching again in San Diego where I currently live but there were no full time teaching position jobs so I fulfilled a substitute teaching position for a year. It appeared that nothing full time was going to turn up so in the need to make a living the next best thing I thought of to do was to open an auto repair shop. As the Sole Proprietor of James Automotive with most of my employees being with me for 20+ years I have to say that I am very happy with my decision and thank you to ASCCA for making it so memorable. I am truly honored and humbled by this award. Thank you."

ASCCA members like James are shining examples of how One Member CAN Make a Difference! 


Call for Board of Director Nominations       

ASCCA is asking members desirous of running for a position on the ASCCA Board of Directors to fill out the application below. This is a two-year term commencing January 1, 2014. Please complete the application and profile and return to ASCCA Executive Director, Jackie Miller at jmiller@amgroup.us  or via fax at (916) 444-7462 no later than AUGUST 19, 2013. You may contact ASCCA staff at gpeterson@amgroup.us if you have questions.  


Click here for Board of Directors Application



Nominate a Member of the Month 



The ASCCA Member of the Month is a new recognition & appreciation program developed by your ASCCA Leadership to recognize our members who go above and beyond to support our core purpose: ToElevate and Unite Automotive Professionals and Give them Voice.


Each Member of the Month will receive a certificate and a $50 visa gift card. Additionally, the member will be recognized on the ASCCA website homepage for one month, announced on Team Talk, featured in the WYNTK and in the California Independent.


Send your recommendations for ASCCA Member of the Month to Heather Vigil via email at hvigil@amgroup.us with "Member of the Month Nomination" in the subject line.  Include a description of why your nominee should be recognized as ASCCA Member of the Month!

Click here for more information and how to send in your Member of the Month nomination.




Special Thank You to ASCCA's Diamond Sponsors!




Mudlick Mail 




One Capitol Mall, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814
(800) 810-4272