Women and the Hourglass
Created by Marylou Falstreau

Please Accept The Gift of My 
"Everything Is A Gift" Coloring Page
"One day she woke up and understood Everything is a gift and so is she."

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Also . . . Please share this with anyone you know who would appreciate the message. 

Special Holiday Promotion!

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Enter the word "gift" in the promo box at checkout.
Valid December 1 - 31 2015

Gifts are what we ask for
on days that are foretold
a celebration or an honoring
of years that count us old
We wrap them up in butterflies
and sprinkle them with gold
then store them for the future
pink candles have turned cold
Gifts are what we long for
when days become long nights
a release from fear and letting go
of things that hold us tight
a healing and redemption
 a returning to the light
of clear blue skies and open doors
a rainbow in my sight
Gifts are what we are and see
a bird a plant a spacious heart
an eagle spread just like a tree
a taste of tears and pounding waves
of shifting sands and symphonies
of laughing smiles and breaking frowns
I see you
Do you see me?

� Marylou Falstreau 2008
 Women and the Hourglass
Coloring Book
This Coloring Book is for you. You may color inside or outside the lines, depending on what makes you the happiest. Happy is important!
~ Introductory Price thru December 2015 ~

"Whispers In My Ear"

Today is a "Count Your Blessings Day", for you have much to be grateful for. See and remember the beauty that surrounds you. See and remember the goodness in the people, places and things in your life. 
Write this down, not upon paper, but upon your heart.
To learn more about "Whispers In My Ear" please click here:
All "Whispers In My Ear" Prints are 50% off!!!

Copyright � Marylou Falstreau 2015. All Rights Reserved.

The Art of Marylou Falstreau | P O Box 6448 | La Quinta | CA | 92248