How do you craft a life?
How do you build your narrative?
Your Willamette Writers Dispatch
Have you ever wondered about the biographies on the back of children's books? How do they write them? And what can we learn from them? This month, Barbara Herkert will take us to the back cover, and show us how to craft a life.
Crafting a Life | Oregon Coast Meeting in Newport
On Sunday March 20th at 2:00 pm, local children's book author Barbara Herkert will present a two-hour workshop titled Crafting a Life: The Tools of a Picture Book Biographer. This free workshop will be held at the Newport Public Library in the McEntee Room. 
Herkert explains that many of the tools the picture book biographer uses are the same elements of drama and suspense that fiction writers use: creating a hook at the beginning, portraying a likeable and competent-but flawed-protagonist with powerful motivation, presenting mounting obstacles, and incorporating a sense of "the ticking clock." 

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Conference Registration Opens March 21st!

The Willamette Writers Conference registration opens on March 21st -- for MEMBERS ONLY. Are you a member? Do you need to renew? Log-in to our website and get started on renewing your membership, and we will email you the link on March 21st to register early for the Willamette Writers Conference!

Kay Snow Contest Accepting Entries

The purpose of this annual writing contest, named in honor of Willamette Writers' founder, Kay Snow, is to help writers reach professional goals in writing through a broad array of categories, and also to encourage student writers. In addition to cash prizes, winners will be listed on the Willamette Writers website, are honored at our Willamette Writers Conference the 2nd weekend in  August at the Portland Airport Sheraton Hotel.

Gary Corbin | Member Annoucement

Gary Corbin is pleased to announce the debut of his legal thriller, Lying in Judgment, on March 5. The novel is available in both print and all major ebook formats and can be found on, as well as in the iTunes, Sony Reader, Nook, and Kindle Reader bookstores.

Sarina Dorie | Workshop Announcement  
The Willamette Writers on the River chapter is hosting a Spring Workshop on "The Nuts and Bolts of Writing and Selling Short Stories" with Sarina Dorie, April 30th, 10am- 5pm at the Comfort Inn Suites in Corvallis. More info can be found here: 
Willamette Writers | 2108 Buck St. West Linn, OR |

Willamette Writers | 2108 Buck St | West Linn | OR | 97068