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January 2013 - In This Issue:
Doing business in Latin America?
LATINtalk eJournal - January 2013 edition


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HCI Group, Ltd. operates both and portals. provides information and resources to automotive executives responsible for their company's international development and operations, and helps them with doing business in the global marketplace.  The Company's eJournals CHINAtalk, ASIAtalk, EUROtalk, AMERItalk, LATINtalk and GLOBALtalk HR editions, now reach 25,000 automotive supplier subscribers worldwide.  The monthly eJournals provide targeted information and insight on doing business in international automotive markets., a global business education platform, helps companies grow and succeed in international markets by providing education and training solutions to global challenges presented by leading experts from around the world.  On-Demand Seminars and Audio Interviews provide valuable learning opportunities, while training programs provide effective international solutions to companies' global business and operational needs.  Whether your company sources internationally, imports, exports, manufactures in several countries, has joint ventures or plans to do business internationally, you will find valuable help here.
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South American Auto Manufacturing
Attracted by explosive economic growth in South America, original equipment manufacturers from around the globe have stepped up their investment and operations in the region. As OEMs expand their footprint into South America's ... Read on...
A mixed bag - Brazil's auto industry in 2012
As the year draws to a close, there's time for a little reflection on the performance of the automotive market in Brazil, a market which has delivered a mixed bag of results.  In January, analysts were forecasting a 4% GDP growth for the ...   Read on...
Mexico's auto industry sees record 2013 production
Mexico's auto industry expects to set a new production record of at least three million vehicles in 2014 on strong exports to the U.S., although the "fiscal cliff" could complicate that goal, a top industry official said ... Read on... 
Additional Latin America automotive articles
Main Markets in South America Face Protectionism Wave

Mexico relaxes fuel-efficiency rule to quell legal threat

Argentina and Mexico Reach Agreement

Comparative Advantages of Mexico's Automotive Industry

Brazil car sales were down 2% in November 2012
Former White House security expert and GlobalBusinessProfessor .com launch international security and risk training programs for corporations
TROY, MI (USA) - January 10, 2013 -, the leading global business education platform, today announced the launch of a partnership with Force9Cyber to bring international security training and education programs to companies doing business globally.   
St. Rose, Louisiana (USA)-based Force9Cyber's Co-founder and Vice President is Pete Ochinko, a retired Special Agent who has served over 20 years with the Secret Service. His duties included developing comprehensive security plans for the President and Vice President of the United States as well as foreign presidents.
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Competitive Brazil: Challenges and strategies for the manufacturing industry
Overcoming the current challenges of the manufacturing industry in the country will require a broad pact of all market agents. Initiatives such as the "Bigger Brazil Plan" signal some alternatives and invite us to build joint solutions to benefit ...  Read on...
Mexico: Tax Competitiveness of the Maquiladora Industry, a Study from the International Perspective (Executive Summary)
 The International Tax Competitiveness of the Maquiladora Industry, a Study from the International Perspective has as main goal presenting the findings of an analysis made of the tax competitiveness of the maquiladora regime, as a result ...  Read on...
Additional Latin America manufacturing articles
Brazil to See Cautious Manufacturing Investments in 2013

Mexico November Industrial Output Up Less Than Expected

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Mexico - Mandatory Profit Sharing
The new Mexican Federal Labor Law ("FLL") came into effect on December 1, 2012. Although more than 300 articles were amended after considerable debate in the Mexican Federal Congress, the rest of the FLL remains in effect ...  Read on...
Expanding to Brazil - What You Should Know
As small to mid-size enterprises shift gears to accelerate growth, they are taking a closer look at new opportunities in foreign countries. One of those countries is Brazil. As the fifth largest population in the world and with the upcoming ... Read on...
Good year ahead for Mexico while investors feel frustrated with 'Brazil cost'
Brazil and Mexico, Latin America's two largest economies could be facing a 2013 of contrasting performance and prospects. Brazil has been hit by weakening Chinese demand for commodities, while rival Mexico, the new darling of foreign ... Read on...
Latin America: Labor markets lose appeal
The results of the Latin Business Chronicle Labor Index show a reduction in labor market attractiveness. Guatemala and Honduras hit by wage increases. Brazil and Chile show noteworthy setbacks. Ecuador is the champion on this ... Read on...
Brazil raises minimum wage and lowers taxes on share earnings
Brazil's government announced on Monday it would raise the statutory monthly minimum wage by an above-inflation 9% to 678 Reais (330 US dollars) a month, a rise that comes at the end of a year of tepid economic growth.  Read on...
"The Brazilian Automotive Industry" with Julian G. Semple
About the Seminar: Brief history of the Brazilian market / Overview of the market - players and market share / Cars, LCV and HCV / Market drivers: consumer buying power, GDP and credit expansion / Potential for growth: fleet size and age / Reduce high percentage of taxes / OEM current capacity in Brazil and Argentina and planned investments to support growth / New players development: South Korean and Chinese / Commercial agreements Mercosur and Mexico.
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"How to Remain Competitive as a Supplier in Mexico" with Leo Torres de Unanue
About the Seminar: Current situation in Mexico / Top commodities sourced in Mexico / Current environment in the purchasing world / Challenges and opportunities for Mexican manufacturing sites / What can we do? / What comes next?
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"Suppliers Terms & Conditions - Buying in Mexico" with Jorge Luis Ruiz
About this Seminar: Introduction and Background / Procuring goods and services in Mexico / Ownership issues regarding services / Purchase and Sales principles / Agreements/Terms & Conditions / Authority of the parties / Methods of Payment / Risk of Loss / Customs considerations / Invoicing / Labor issues / Warranties / Mexican official standards (NOMs) / Supplier managed inventory / Confidential Information / Consignment / Practical Case. 
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Upcoming OnDemand Seminars
Access over 100 OnDemand Seminars, with more coming soon.

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"Manufacturing in Mexico" with Alberto Villarreal
In this segment, Alysha Webb talks with Alberto Villarreal about the economic and logistical advantages of off-shoring manufacturing operations in Mexico.

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Latest articles from around the world
To read the following articles, click here

Brazil manufacturing 2012: out with a bang
Source: Financial Times

Mexican manufacturing rose in Dec for third straight month
Source: Reuters

China, Mexico Leading Fight on Climate Change With New CO2 Laws
Source: Bloomberg

Latin America Manufacturing to Grow 4% in 2013
Source: IndustryWeek

Chinese Tech Titans Eye Brazil
Source: The Wall Street Journal

Why Brazil Must Embrace a Strong Currency
Source: CNBC
Additional articles on doing business in Latin America
Mexico catches up as Brazil boom falters

Latin America Indirect Tax Country Guide

Latin America offers way out of demand doldrums

Brazil Unveils $27 Billion Port Upgrade Plant

Mexico's quest for competitiveness continues through education

Brazil wants closer links with Mexico; Rousseff plans to travel next March

Brazil, the least globalized economy in Latin America

Costa Rican double taxation relief is really dead?

European Parliament calls for speeding EU/Mercosur trade negotiations

Argentina's International Trade Disaster

Despite inflation risks Brazil keeps interest rates at record low, 7.25%

Brazil and Argentina bottom of the list in terms of competitiveness

14th Annual Latin American Tax Conference

 To read above articles, please click here