Thursday Notes
The Raskob Parent Association Weekly Newsletter

January 14, 2016                                                      Volume 3   Issue 18

Lets Go 

Message from the President

We had a productive RPA meeting last Friday during which we started to plan the Raskob Social which will take place on Saturday, March 19th.  This is a casual and fun social event attended by parents, guardians and the Raskob faculty.  It also serves as the RPA's largest fundraiser.  We will have baskets out in which you can place your donations for specific items like technology or just make a general donation.  At our next RPA meeting on February 5th, we will vote on our fundraising goals for the Social.  We have been working with the Raskob Administration who has provided us with a list of the items that are their priorities as well as cost estimates.

Our next RPA meeting on Friday, February 5th will also be a Quarterly Coffee and Polly Meyer, Director of the Raskob Clinic, will be the speaker.  Polly is a wealth of information about learning differences and always has a number of book recommendations.  She also runs the Raskob summer program and can describe that.

Thank you to the room parents and families in the Williford and Hagstrom advisory classes for providing a delicious breakfast today for the Raskob staff.  

Please come and cheer on our Raskob basketball team. Most games are in the HNU gym from 4 to 5 pm. The next game will be on Tuesday, January 19th

Go Roadrunners!

Marianne Mitosinka, RPA President
Announcements from Raskob
2016 Youth to Youth Conference for Middle Schoolers
"More than 80 high school leaders from the San Ramon Valley and Castro Valley are going to be asking 350 middle school youth to "MY WAY" on Saturday, March 5, 2016

For the past several months these high school students have been working enthusiastically planning drug prevention programs, participating in leadership activities and having a whole lot of fun while planning this conference for your 6th, 7th or 8th grader. 

High school leaders will guide their younger peers through skits, panel discussions, team building challenges, and small group activities.  More than 20 workshops will be offered throughout the day.  The conference will end with an exciting dance geared towards middle school students.  More than just an event, the Youth to Youth Middle Conference is a way to see the best in teens and their leadership skills.   If your kids like hanging out with their friends, meeting new friends, having fun, dancing and good food ~ then this is the conference for them."

 Space is limited and fills up quickly 

For more information check out this link 

In This Issue
Quick Links

Important Dates
Jan 15
Spirit Day: Crazy Hat Day
Last Day to turn in ASP paper work

Jan 18
No School MLK Day

Jan 19
ASP begins

Jan. 19. 
to 5 pm at the HNU gym
Jan 25. 
4 to 5 pm at  the HNU gym

Did You Know?

Raskob is full of talented kids!