Thursday Notes 
The Raskob Parent Association Weekly Newsletter
May 21, 2015                                                                                                       Volume 2   Issue 35
Message from RPA President

Thank you to everyone who brought food and paper goods to the RPA pizza dinner during the Open House last week and especially to Ginny Fine for ordering the pizza.  It was great to see so many families enjoying a fun event!

Our last RPA meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, June 4 at 8:30am in the California Room.  We will discuss plans for next year and remaining board positions.  We are still looking for a Secretary which is a great board position for someone who wants to learn more about Raskob and get involved while making a very limited time commitment.  It is a good entry position and it would be wonderful if the parent of an elementary student could volunteer to fill it.  The only responsibility is to attend the monthly meeting, take notes and provide typed and photocopied minutes at the next monthly meeting. Please contact Marianne at if you are interested.

Erica Denning has agreed to be VP of Fundraising and Becky Stephens has agreed to be VP of Communications.  Thank you both for stepping up. We are still also trying to fill the president slot and have been in discussions with a few individuals.  If you are interested, I would be happy to discuss the duties with you. You can reach me at the email address above.

I hope to see everyone at Awards Night on June 4.  It is a wonderful event in which every student is recognized for am academic and physical education achievement. More information is provided below about timing and bringing food for the potluck dinner. 

Best Regards,
Shopping Amazon for Graduation and Father's Day Gifts?

Before you shop search Amazon via this link and the students and faculty at Raskob School all benefit. Share the link with family and friends and Raskob will benefit even more.


Each time you use the link to begin your online Amazon shopping 

a portion of your purchases will benefit Raskob.


Retailer donations vary and can be up to 10% in some cases all 

you have to do is use the links provided above and, with no 

additional cost to you, Raskob will receive a percent of your purchase. Its' that simple.


Thank you for supporting the RPA.

Raskob School Awards Night

HNU Black Box Theater | 5:30-7:30pm


Elementary School Awards | 5:30PM

Elementary and Middle School Potluck Dinner | 6:00PM

Middle School Awards following Potluck Dinner



The assignments for what to bring are as follows--please bring a serving utensil with your dish.




A-D, please bring a PROTEIN (meat, fish, legume, etc.) dish to feed 12 people.


E-L, please bring a GREEN SALAD or VEGETABLE dish to feed 12 people. 


M-R, please bring a NOODLE, RICE or GRAIN dish to feed 12 people.  


S, please bring a DESSERT to serve 12 people.   


T-Z, please bring BEVERAGES to serve 20 people.


*Middle school families are welcome to come closer to the 6pm potluck start time, and do not need to be present for the elementary awards presentation

In This Issue
Quick Links

School Google Calendar 


Raskob Spirit Wear Store

Shop Amazon and Support Raskob

Volunteer Hours Tracking Form
Important Dates
May 22
Spring Concert
HNU Valley Center for Performing Arts

May 25
Memorial Day - NO School

June 3
RPA Meeting
HNU California Room

June 4
Raskob's Awards Night
Details below

June 10
8th Grade Graduation
HNU Valley Center for Performing Arts

June 12
Last Day of School
Noon Dismissal-NO ASP
Workshops, Seminars and Speakers
Raskob Learning Institute Summer Program
Session One - June 22