Thursday Notes 
The Raskob Parent Association Weekly Newsletter
May 7, 2015                                                                                                       Volume 2   Issue 33
Message from RPA President

Raskob's Open House is Thursday, May 14 from 6-7:30pm. Students will have the opportunity to show their families what they have accomplished at school this year. The RPA will provide a pizza dinner.  Families are being asked to sign-up and bring paper goods, fruit and salads.

Thank you to all of the students who brought flowers and cards for Teacher Appreciation Day.  We were able to create (with Anne Schreiner's expert arranging ability) lovely bouquets for each teacher and administrator as well as for the teacher lunch.  A special thank you to Kristin Porter for organizing a delicious catered lunch for the teachers and staff.  Thank you also to the parents who watched the playground so that the faculty could enjoy lunch together.

We had an interesting RPA meeting yesterday.  Kate Perry, who runs the social skills groups for the middle school, spoke to parents during our Quarterly Coffee. Thank you to Julian Proctor for providing the coffee and breakfast pastries.  The RPA meeting followed and we discussed the purchase of items for Raskob with funds raised by the Raskob Social.  So far, two document cameras and projectors have been purchased, the atomic clocks have already been installed, some playground equipment has been purchased and a new bench is being ordered.  The purchase of additional iPads has been delayed as Raskob is working with the HNU tech department to determine if leasing might be a better option than purchasing additional technology items.

Our last RPA meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, June 3 in the California Room.  Awards Night will be Thursday  evening, June 4. This is a fun event for the entire family as every student will receive an academic award and a physical education award.  The teachers speak about each student.  Families will be asked to participate in a potluck dinner.  

We still need parents and guardians to step up and help with the Raskob Parent Association for next year.  Open positions include: President, VP Communications, VP Fundraising and Secretary. There are also non board jobs available if you would like to help. Meetings have been held at drop-off time (8:30 am) the first Wednesday  of the month, but we may move to a new day of the week if that would be more convenient.  I joined the board as president during my second year at Raskob.  It is a manageable job due to the small size of Raskob and the great collaboration with the Raskob Administration, especially Edee, Stefani, Jessica and Marlen.  I will still be here next year to help with the transition. Please contact Marianne at if you are interested. 

Best Regards,
In This Issue
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Important Dates
May 7
High School Info Night for
7th Grade Families
Raskob Library

May 14
All School Open House

May 22
Spring Concert
Time and Location: TBD
Workshops, Seminars and Speakers