Thursday Notes 
The Raskob Parent Association Weekly Newsletter
March 19,  2015                                                                                       Volume 2   Issue 27
Message from RPA President

We had a great turnout at the Raskob Social last Saturday night. The parents, guardians and faculty all seemed to have a wonderful time.  A huge thank you to Wanda and Karl Cole-Frieman for hosting the event in their lovely home and for donating the food and wine.  Thank you to all who attended.  Thank you also  to those who made donations to the Raskob Parent Association at the event.

Speaking of donations, you will all be receiving a letter outlining the fundraising priorities that were identified by the Raskob faculty and administration and further reviewed at the RPA meetings.  Those parents who have already made donations at the Raskob Social may want to pass the letter along to other interested parties such as grandparents.  Families who wish to donate may write a check or complete a credit card form included in the mailing and send the donation to Raskob in the enclosed envelope.  The letter includes instructions form corporate matching.  We hope that the donations can be made soon so that Raskob may purchase some of the requested items for use during the current school year.  

Our final teacher appreciation breakfast, coordinated by the elementary room parents, will be on Thursday, March 26. Our next RPA meeting has been moved to Friday, March 27 (so as not to conflict with field studies week) at 8:30am in the California Room. At the meeting, we will discuss potential board members for next year and preliminary fundraising totals.

Best Regards,
RPA News and Announcements

EdRev Student Art Contest - Accepting Submissions!

Do you know a young artist, writer, musician or filmmaker with learning differences? Encourage them to submit a piece to the Student Art Contest! 

  • Visual Art: painting, sculpture, photography, works on paper
  • Written Word: poetry, essay, short story
  • Video: short film, up to 3 minutes
  • Music: up to 3 minutes of music
  • Learning differently: any medium, must describe/depict your learning difference
All work will be displayed in the Gallery at EdRev 2015. One submission per student in any art form. All submissions must be received by March 27th, 2015. Click here for more details.

Click image for more info and to register
Raskob Administration

Science Showcase


You are invited to watch the screenings of the Science News Broadcasts on Wednesday March 25, 2015

Showings will be during each science class period. Come during your student's science period.

1st Period: 8:30-9:20

3rd Period: 10:30-11:00

4th Period: 11:00-11:45

5th Period: 12:35-1:20

6th Period: 1:20-2:15

If you are unable to attend, each class's show will be available to view online on a later date.

Help Raskob Receive Parents Press Awards

Last Year Parents' Press awarded Raskob Learning Institute with two awards: 
  • Best Special Needs Elementary School
  • Best Learning Disabilities Specialist
Raskob also earned "Top Pick" for Best Special Needs Camp. Thank you to those who voted and helped promote all of the wonderful programs we offer. 

Please consider voting again this year by clicking here. Once on the website, click on the Alameda Country link and scroll down to the categories that include Raskob.   

Voting ends on March 31. Thanks for your vote.
In This Issue
Quick Links

School Google Calendar 


Raskob Spirit Wear Store

Shop Amazon and Support Raskob

Volunteer Hours Tracking Form
Important Dates
March 25
Science Showcase
See Info Below

March 27
RPA Meeting
California Room

March 30
Field Studies Week Begins

April 3
Staff Development Day-NO School

April 6-10
Spring Break-NO School

April 13
Students Return to School
Workshops, Seminars and Speakers
Parent Education Network Presents: Motivation Breakthrough 6 Steps to Turning on the Tuned Out Child
Thurs. March 26