St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School
Eagle Weekly
August 14, 2016
In This Issue
Parent Resources
Upcoming Events
Aug 15 First Day of
Aug 15 Mass - Feast of
            9:50am Gym
Aug 15 8 Period Day
Aug 24 Mass Day 9:50am
             Alumni Mass 
             3:30pm Dismissal
Aug 25 Student Activities
             Fair 9:45am Gym
Aug 31 Mass Day 9:50am
             3:30pm Dismissal
Aug 31 Picture Day for
             Grades 9th, 10th,
             and 11th
Aug 31 Back to School
             Night 6:30PM
Sep 2  Exposition of the
           Blessed Sacrament
           9:40am Gym
Sep 5  NO SCHOOL -
            Labor Day Holiday
Sep 7  Mass Day 9:50am
           3:30pm Dismissal
Sep 8  Senior Breakfast
           7:30am Commons
Sep 9  Pep Rally Schedule
            Fall Sports
Sep 13 Progress Reports
Sep 14 - 15
             Fall Junior Retreat
Sep 14 Mass Day 9:50am
            3:30pm Dismissal
Sep 16 Parent Information
            Session 8:30am

Is it an A Day or E Day? Please click HERE to view the one page school calendar. 
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Today's Reading
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In those days, the princes said to the king:
"Jeremiah ought to be put to death;
he is demoralizing the soldiers who are left in this city,
and all the people, by speaking such things to them;
he is not interested in the welfare of our people,
but in their ruin."
King Zedekiah answered: "He is in your power";
for the king could do nothing with them.
And so they took Jeremiah
and threw him into the cistern of Prince Malchiah,
which was in the quarters of the guard,
letting him down with ropes.
There was no water in the cistern, only mud,
and Jeremiah sank into the mud.

Ebed-melech, a court official,
went there from the palace and said to him:
"My lord king,
these men have been at fault
in all they have done to the prophet Jeremiah,
casting him into the cistern.
He will die of famine on the spot,
for there is no more food in the city."
Then the king ordered Ebed-melech the Cushite
to take three men along with him,
and draw the prophet Jeremiah out of the cistern before
he should die.
Principal News

Front Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Schedule for Monday, August 15th:
Students are required to wear Mass dress as we will be attending Mass.
Returning students will report to the gym at 8:15am to obtain printouts of their schedules and locker combinations. Classes will begin at 8:35am and Dismissal will be at 3:20pm. All families are welcome to join us for Mass in the school gym at 9:50 AM.

8:15 Warning Bell
8:20 - 8:30 Returning students pick up schedules in the gym
8:35 - 9:05 A Block
9:10 - 9:40 B Block
9:50 - 11:10 Mass IN THE SCHOOL GYM
11:20 - 11:50 C Block
11:55 - 12:25 D Block
12:25 - 1:00 Lunch
1:05 - 1:35 E Block
1:40 - 2:10 F Bock
2:15 - 2:45 G Block
2:50 - 3:20 H Block
3:20 Dismissal

Dismissal will be at 3:20pm for the rest of the week as there will be no Mass on Wednesday.

Please email Mrs. Evie Cascarano at for any attendance issues prior to 9:00 AM including late arrival and early dismissal.
Mass Days
The front office will be closed from 9:45 - 11:00 a.m. on scheduled Mass days. Prior arrangements will need to be made should you need to pick up or drop off your student(s) during this time.  Please refrain from making any appointments during Mass.

Handbook Acknowledgement Form 2016-2017
This form is due on Monday, August 15th.  These forms may be dropped off in the front office!

Back to School Night
All parents and guardians are welcome to join us for Back to School Night on Wednesday, August 31st. Our event will start in the gym at 6:30pm and then families will have a chance to briefly meet each of their student's teachers.  We look forward to seeing you as we begin another school year!
St. Dominic Savio Drop-off / Pick-up Procedure
A reminder to all parents, new and returning, that the drop off and pick up areas for the school are located on the side of school in the large parking lot. Parents are to come in the entrance and circle through the lot to drop off and pick up their students. If you need to wait a while for your student, please pull into an open space and wait for them to meet you at your car.

All drivers are advised to drive respectfully and carefully in the school parking lot at all times and to exit at the Savio entrance. Please do not drive through the front parking lot when you exit campus in the afternoon as this interferes with Holy Family traffic.
Any concerns about drivers in the parking areas of the school may be shared with the Assistant Principal, Mr. Joe Gutilla.

We request that students not be dropped off or picked up at the front entrance or enter through the front office doors unless they are tardy and require a pass for class.
Supply Donation Wish List 
We are always so very grateful to our Savio parents for their generous donations.  Click HERE to view this school year's of items needed by the faculty and staff.  If you would like to donate any of these supplies they can be dropped off in the front office during business hours.  Thank you in advance for your generous donations.

Lunch News
Online Lunch Ordering is NOW OPEN!
Please review the Registration & Ordering Instructions HERE and place your orders at  

Lunch Service begins on Monday, August 15th.  For parents with students at BOTH Holy Family AND Savio please be aware that you must register to order lunches for each school separately at  You must create a different Login Username for each school that will be associated with each school's password and lunch menu.  If you have any questions, please contact Evie Cascarano at

Student News
Transition of Families
Savio is excited to announce our transition to a House System! Since the opening of Savio, each student has been assigned to a Family identified by Saints. As the school has grown and built traditions, we have found the need for more leadership opportunities and a more structured system for allowing students to deepen their sense of belonging and identity at Savio. The House System is combining the roles of Families and Student Council.
The House Council will take on the responsibilities of Student Council such as planning school dances and school wide social events. The House Council will also plan activities that help students grow in faith, service, and leadership. Each House will retain their saint names and students who have been part of the former family. Four of the families have been retired and placed in new Houses.
Each House will be electing two representatives called House Prefect and House Secondary. The prefects and secondaries from each House will make up the House Council (formally Student Council) along with the Head Boy, Cameron Kologinczak and Head Girl, Angele Kelly. Cameron and Angele were selected at the end of the school year last year by faculty and staff to represent our school and the student body.   We are excited for the opportunities the House System will provide for students! Please pray for our school and the Houses as we make this transition to better our school and community.

St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School Picture Day will be on Wednesday, August 31st for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors only. 
Senior Pictures will be on Wednesday, October 5th.

Transportation News
Student Parking Information - Parking Tags available Aug 15th!
Starting this school year, in order to help provide a safe and secure environment for all of our students and their vehicles, there will be some changes in the structure of student parking on campus.

Any student who drives a vehicle to school and parks the vehicle in the student parking lot MUST secure a vehicle registration form BEFORE driving the vehicle to school.  Registration forms for current drivers may be picked up in the main office before school starts or from the Assistant Principal, Mr. Gutilla, after school starts.  The grace period for current drivers to pick-up and turn-in a completed registration form will end on Monday, August 29th.  Those students who secure drivers licenses during the school year can pick up the registration forms directly from Mr. Gutilla.

Upon receipt of the completed registration form the student will receive a numbered Savio student parking tag that must be hung from the rear view mirror of the vehicle.  The cost of student-parking tag is $10.00 and will be issued to the student upon receipt of the completed registration form.  Parking tags will be available starting on Monday, August 15th.  All student vehicles must display the parking tag while parked in the student parking lot.  


NORTH ROUTE (St. William and St. Helen)
Pick-up St. William 7:30 am; Drop-off St. William 4:20 pm
Pick-up St. Helen 7:00 am; Drop-off St. Helen 4:40 pm

Pick-up St.Louis 7:30 am; Drop-off St. Louis 4:30 pm

SOUTH ROUTE (St. Theresa and St. Ignatius)
Pick-up St. Ignatius 7:00 am; Drop-off St. Ignatius 5:00 pm
Pick-up St. Theresa 7:25 am; Drop-off St. Theresa 4:35 pm

Fine Arts News
2016 Savio Fall Play
The 2016 Fall Play will be You Can't Take It With You by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman. An information meeting about the Fall Play will be on Friday, August 19 after school in the band hall. Auditions will be Monday, August 22 and Tuesday, August 23. You can find information about the show at  Please come to the information meeting on August 19 if you are interested in auditioning for the show. If you have any questions, please email Joyce Mink at

Calling all characters!
Anyone interested in auditioning for the Fall play, You Can't Take it With You, should attend the information meeting this Friday, August 19 at 3:45pm in the band hall to hear important information and to pick up audition forms. Auditions for the Fall play will be on Monday, August 22 and Tuesday, August 23 at 3:45 in the band hall. 

Performers needed to participate in Speech events including solo acting, duet acting, poetry interpretation, and prose interpretation. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please attend our first meeting on Wednesday, August 24th at 4:00pm in the art room.
Savio Parent Association (SPA) News

Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year!!
On our first day of school, SPA's Social Committee will provide a yummy Back to School treat!

A huge thank you to SPA Social Committee for providing lunch to the students on Thursday's New Studen t Orientation.   And another big thank you to our Freshman Class Reps for coordinating snacks and providing lunch to the freshman class during their retreat on Friday

Please mark your calendars for Savio's Back to School Night, Wednesday, August 31.  I will be there to introduce SPA!!  Please come say hi!!  - Julie Zimmerman

Savio Weekly Mass - An Invitation to Pray Together
Parents, Families and Friends are personally invited to join our Savio students, teachers and staff for our first school Mass on Monday, August 15th at 9:50am at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church located at 9500 Neenah Ave; Austin, Texas 78717.  

Three (3) Adults are needed to clean and put away the mass supplies after each mass as well as care for linens.  All are asked to prayerfully consider lending about 10 minutes of time and an extra set of hands after each mass.  Please visit the SPA Volunteer page for slots that need to be filled.  Students set up for each mass; but, need our help to clean up so they won't be late to their next class.

The next Savio mass will be on Wednesday, August 24th at 9:50am. Everyone is welcome to join our students for their weekly school mass.

You are invited to pray the rosary on Tuesday mornings at 8:30am in the St. Dominic Savio Chapel.  Join other parents for this refreshing way to begin the day!  Please sign in at the office and proceed to the chapel.  If you are unable to join the group on campus, consider offering a rosary individually.  Come when you can...all are welcome!

Please check our Sign Up Genius for volunteer opportunities!

Volunteers Needed HERE!

Athletic News
TAPPS Athletic Forms for Fall Sports are DUE!
The New TAPPS Athletic forms for the 2016 - 2017 school year are listed below.  Any student who will be participating in football, cross country, cheerleading, or volleyball will need to complete all of these forms. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Coach Florez at or Coach Clark at    

Booster Club News

2016-2017 St Dominic Savio Booster Club

Check out this flyer with highlights for the year! 

DID YOU KNOW - that Savio does not charge a per sport fee?

Some schools charge fees between $100-$400 per sport not included in tuition. Therefore, multiple kids, more than one sport can add up quickly.  They do this because it costs a lot of money to run an athletic program.  At St Dominic Savio, your booster club membership helps to keep our programs running strong!  It also helps to ensure that every  student is provided access to a Savio sport.  In 2015-2016 we had over 80% of our teams make it to district playoffs or beyond. Five teams sent athletes to State Competitions!

Go Eagles, Cheers for an even stronger 2016-2017!

Join Booster Club Today - Join Now!



Support Our Eagles!
Sponsor Athletics and help your team earn money.  For every business sponsorship you bring in, your team gets 50% of the amount up to $500. Click here to sponsor! 

You can also fill out a form and pay by check or FACTS through the Savio office or contact Mary Jo Kilburn -

We want to thank those business that are supporting Savio Athletics already this year!

MVP Level
Orthopaedic Associates of Central Texas
Nyle Maxwell Family or Dealership
Avery Ranch Dental

Southstar Bank
Champion Auto Repair

Preister-Mell & Nicholson Inc.

Get your Savio Spirit Wear Early!

There are 2 places to get geared up! 

1)  You can go to our on-line spirit store and order standard items.  Place your orders now to get them in time for the first home games. 

2) Order your one of a kind specialty item from the Booster Club.  These items fluctuate some from year to year.


Guidance Office News
Opportunity Knocks features programs and opportunities for first-generation college students.  If your student will be the first generation to have the opportunity to attend college, check out the information on:

Check out our Savio College Acceptances and Matriculations map HERE!

Parent News
Social Media Lesson this week!
Click HERE to watch and learn more about the Pok�mon Go Parent App Guide!

Front Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
You may now enter your PARENT volunteer hours in RenWeb!
Effective immediately, you may now enter your PARENT volunteer hours in RenWeb.  Log into ParentsWeb>on the opening page click Family Information>click on the box that says Service Hours>click on Add Service Hours box>enter the date>select the description from the drop down box>enter the total number of hours>enter the name of the coordinator of the event you volunteered for>select the save button when finished.  If you have any questions or concerns entering your hours, please contact Holly Bologna at  

How to Change Your Personal Information in Renweb:
Log into Renweb>on the opening page click Family Information>look under the Online Filing Cabinet/Web Forms> Click on Family Demographic Form>Look under Custodial Parents>Click on the box next to your name that says Custodial Parent Form>Once you are on this form you can change any of your personal information and parent preferences.

EIM Workshops
A reminder to anyone wishing to volunteer a St. Dominc Savio CHS, you MUST be EIM (Ethics and Integrity in Ministry) compliant. Begin the process by completing the application online and submitting on Then sign up on-line through your EIM account for workshop. Basic Workshop if first time, Refresher Workshop if you have previously taken the Basic.
If you have any questions regarding EIM compliance please email Mrs. Barbi Guerra at
Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook and/or "follow" us on Twitter to keep up with all the latest activity updates and announcements throughout the week!