The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) generates, manages and shares green growth knowledge.
20 November 2015 - Issue 8
Feature: Exploring the impact of fiscal policy on the green economy transition - New GGKP working papers
The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) has released a series of six working papers produced through its Fiscal Instruments Research Committee.

Each paper in the series addresses a unique question or knowledge gap in the theme of green fiscal reform, and has been authored by top experts in their respective fields. The papers cover a range of fiscal topics important to informing the transition to a green economy, such as fiscal reform, water security, environmental taxation in transport, low-carbon technology innovation and more.

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Join the GGKP for a webinar on
24 November 2015 from 15:00-16:30 Geneva time (check your local time here) exploring how the two objectives of ending poverty and stabilising climate change can be more easily achieved if considered together.

The webinar will be moderated by Carlo Carraro (Vice-Chair, IPCC WG III and Co-chair of the GGKP Advisory Committee). Stephane Hallegatte (Senior Economist, Climate Change Group, World Bank) will present the findings from the new World Bank report "Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty", with Paul Ekins (Director, Institute for Sustainable Resources, UCL) and Simon Anderson (Head, Climate Change Group, IIED) as discussants. This will be followed by a moderated discussion with the audience.

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Join the GGKP and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) for a public lecture by Laura Diaz Anadon (Assistant Professor in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University), on 24 November at the Graduate Institute in Geneva from 18:30 - 20:00. Professor Anadon will draw on recent interdisciplinary research to highlight new insights on the impacts of energy technology innovation policies and will discuss the role that domestic and international actors can play to advance energy innovation. Special emphasis will be placed on the growing experience from emerging economies and low-income countries in adopting new energy technologies. 

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New Research
Financing the development of an inclusive, green economy

The UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System has released its final report 'The Financial System We Need'. The report draws together practical examples of policy changes in banking, capital markets, insurance and institutional investment, drawing on detailed work in countries such as Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, India, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, the UK and the USA. It offers a Framework for Action that shows how a systematic approach taken at both the national and international levels to shape a financial system can more effectively finance the development of an inclusive, green economy.

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Meeting climate goals requires stronger policies

The report 'Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Progress' reveals that current emissions trends are not in line with countries' targets. The report reviews trends and progress on climate change mitigation policies in 34 OECD countries and 10 partner economies (Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, India, Latvia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation and South Africa), as well as in the European Union.
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Resource efficiency in trade

The report 'International Trade in Resources: A Biophysical Assessment' by International Resource Panel (IRP) and UNEP is an exploration of the role of international trade in increasing resource efficiency, reducing environmental impact and promoting equitable and inclusive growth. The report explains how trade could be resource efficient by allowing commodities to be obtained from countries or locations where their production requires fewer resources and generates fewer environmental impacts.

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Strengthening carbon pricing by 2020

The working paper '
Implementing Effective Carbon Pricing' from the New Climate Economy (NCE) recommends that all developed and emerging economies, and others where possible, should commit to introducing or strengthening carbon pricing by 2020, and should phase out fossil fuel subsidies. The paper looks at the strong momentum for carbon pricing around the world, including growing support from the private sector, it examines the benefits of carbon pricing, and explains what is needed for successful implementation, drawing on lessons from different countries, and it discusses how to advance international cooperation on carbon pricing, with particular attention to members of the G20.

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Upcoming Events
24 November, Geneva, Switzerland,  Energy technology innovation and the role of domestic and international actors, GGKP17-21 DecemberOxford, UK, Oxford Forum for Sustainable Cities 2015, Environment Europe 
14-15 December, Paris, France, Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum 2015 - Enabling the Next Industrial Resolution: Systems innovation for green growthOECD

16 February, The 2016 European Circular Economy Conference, Forum Europe
16-18 DecemberParis, France, 1st Global Forum on Green Economy LearningPAGE, GGKP, OECD, and UNESCO-UNEVOC
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