Sectors   I    Themes 
Issue 2 - March 19, 2015

The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) held its Third Annual Conference on the theme of "Fiscal Policies and the Green Economy Transition: Generating Knowledge -Creating Impact" in Venice, Italy, from 29 through 30 January 2015. The conference was hosted in partnership by Ca' Foscari University of Venice, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and drew together 247 participants to debate and discuss newly developed research on the most effective means of introducing and reforming fiscal measures in support of green growth.

The GGKP has now released a Conference Report which provides a synthesis of the key themes and insights to emerge from the GGKP Third Annual Conference as well as an overview of each of the meeting's individual sessions.

For more information about the conference including papers, presentations, photos, blogs etc. please visit the conference webpage
About GGKP
The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) is a global network of international organisations and experts that identifies and addresses major knowledge gaps in green growth theory and practice. By encouraging widespread collaboration and world-class research, the GGKP offers practitioners and policymakers the policy guidance, good practices, tools, and data necessary to support the transition to a green economy.
Upcoming Events
Workshop - Indicators and Data for Climate Resilient Development
European Commission
25-26 March 2015
Brussels, Belgium

Green Growth and the New Industrial Revolution
GGGI, Grantham Research Institute
26 March 2015
London, United Kingdom

International Tax Dialogue
1-3 July 2015
Paris, France

Environment Europe
30 August - 5 September 2015

Oxford, United Kingdom


16th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation

Contact Info
The UNEP report 'Building Inclusive Green Economies in Africa: Experience and Lessons Learned, 2010-2015' provides an overview of where Africa, as a region, stands in terms of transitioning to an inclusive green economy. This synthesis is a compilation of numerous UNEP Green Economy Scoping Studies, Assessments and Sectoral studies which have been carried out since 2010 across eight countries in Africa (Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa).It draws on these studies to summarise the prospective gains and challenges associated with investing in a green economy and outlines a way forward to prioritise policy reforms.
GGGI and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, have released the policy brief 'Green agricultural policies and poverty reduction' as part of a series of research on Growth and the Economy. The policy brief provides a practical guide to successfully designing and implementing green agricultural policies based on the outcomes of more than 20 projects in 17 countries. The policies explored include payments for environmental services, subsidies and unconditional incentives, community-based natural resource management and training and extension services. Learn more on the GGKP Insights blog.
This World Bank paper 'Budgeting for Green Growth in the Republic of Korea' reviews how the Republic of Korea accommodated its US$84 billion Green Growth Plan in its annual and medium term budgets and maintained fiscal balance. The paper notes several reforms that can help other countries successfully execute similarly ambitious programs including updates to international budget classification standards.
The OECD report 'Land Transport and How to Unlock Investment in Support of Green Growth' combines several different concepts that are central to sustainable mobility, including sustainable economic activity, reduced environmental impact and sustained growth in high quality jobs. It attempts to balance the importance of economic growth, with environmental and social priorities through assessing positive actions that can be taken by a wide variety of public and private stakeholders.
CDKN has released the report 'Promoting the use of climate information to achieve long-term development objectives in sub-Saharan Africa: Results from the Future Climate For Africa scoping phase'.  The report presents the significant barriers to achieving long-term development objectives - particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, a region with low capacity to adapt to the future impacts of climate change. Looking at six case studies, the report investigates how climate information is being used in decision-making in sub-Saharan Africa.

WWF-UK's new report 'A Greener Budget: Sustaining our Prosperity in a Changing World', sets out a suite of practical policy recommendations that would help to shift the UK to a sustainable, resource efficient, low-carbon economy.

Drawing on the latest evidence, the report shows how these policy measures are win-wins for the environment and the economy - cutting public sector costs, generating new jobs, creating new market opportunities, improving UK competitiveness, and insulating the economy and businesses from growing risks of resource scarcity and climate change.

This study from UNEP and IUCN called 'Pastoralism and the Green Economy - A Natural Nexus?' focuses on pastoralism's current and future potential for securing sustainable management and green economy outcomes from the world's rangelands. The study synthesises existing evidence and uses practical examples to demonstrate the system's characteristics for adaptive sustainability and some of the key opportunities and challenges for promoting development in rangelands.