CURE Childhood
Cancer Association
 May 2014
In This Issue
Focus on...
New Executive Director & Associate Director
CURE Says Goodbye
Survivors Day Picnic
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed at CURE
Looking for Picassos
Golf Tournament
SmallPrint teams with CURE
Ribbon Cutting
Calling all Long Term Survivors
Star in our Eyes
Cutting 4 A CURE
Calling all Knitters
Community Events
Bereavement Group
Memorial Brick Laying Ceremony
Bereavement Educational Program Offered
Forever Changed
Sickle Cell Group
Sickle Cell Resource
BOOST Tutoring
Wish List
Volunteer Opportunities
United Way Giving
Charity Program for CURE
Ongoing Programs
Quick Links

Focus on... Our Volunteers
Volunteer of the Year, Amy Margolis


This year's recipient of the Volunteer of the Year award is a very busy lady but always seems to make the time to help CURE.  She is a business woman with her own graphic design company.  She has done work for the Memorial Art Gallery, Nazareth College and has created posters for the Lilac and Park Ave Festivals, just to name a few.

Our recipient came to CURE nearly 9 years ago as a volunteer baker for CURE's support groups.  We soon discovered she was an amazing baker, her desserts not only are delicious but their presentation would give Martha Stewart some competition!

Within a short time she was offering her graphic design services and gave CURE's logo a new look encompassing the loving embrace of parent and child.  Incorporating her love of baking, graphic design and desire to support CURE she created a cookie recipe calendar for CURE several years ago with her own recipes and photos of her desserts. 

In addition, she has designed many of CURE's brochures and countless event invitations and posters with an artistic flare.  She is always ready, willing and able to help.  Just a few weeks ago a local high school booster club who is hosting a fundraiser to benefit CURE called the office asking if we knew of someone who could help with designing a logo.  All it took was an email to our Volunteer of the Year and within a day a logo was designed.

We are so grateful for her contribution of time, talent and her dedication to the children and families of CURE.  

Outstanding Community Partner, Marilynne Lipshutz and the Studio 34 Artists


Marilynne Lipshutz and Studio 34 is the recipient of our Outstanding Community Partner. 

Studio 34 Jewelry Arts Learning Center was founded in 1998 as a public access studio. It is owned by Marilynne Lipshutz - a psychotherapist by day and bead maker every other waking minute. Marilynne has been a member of the International Society of Glass Bead makers (ISGB) and is the founder of the Upstate New York Glass Bead and Jewelry Guild.

Studio 34's involvement with CURE began about 4 years ago.  Marilynne was immediately supportive of the program and rallied her artists around to help. 

CUREs Voyage Beads Program is a visual representation of a child's voyage through treatment.  Each bead represents a particular treatment or procedure. We added a category to our program: A visit to the clinic or treatment center is signified by a glass bead designed by the Studio 34 volunteers. Since all patents have outpatient visits, it gives us an opportunity to get them into all of our patient's hands. Whether they are a beautiful glass heart or a funny glass monster or some other creative design, the beads are unique and the children delight at the wonderful selection of these glass beads to commemorate their visit.  In addition, children are also offered a choice of a special bead on their birthday and they often choose one of the beads from Studio 34.

They have donated hundreds of beads over the course of our partnership.

Studio 34 also have had children come to the studio and volunteers have helped teens create their own artistic masterpieces.  Even young children who could not use the glass torch for safety reasons were encouraged to design a glass fusion piece.

In addition, Studio 34 donated a piece of jewelry to our Brunch Auction this past year.  It was called Mel's Memory Necklace and was designed by Melinda Andrus.

Melinda was a member of CURE since she was 14 years old. After recovering from childhood cancer, Melinda became a registered nurse and worked at Golisano Children's Hospital.

The technique used to create the piece is called Kumihimo and was created on a special wooden loom. This is traditional Japanese braiding and has been done for more than a thousand years.

This wonderful and creative woman died last year at the age of 37. Volunteers, using Melinda's design and beads, created this piece jewelry in her memory.

It was Melinda's wish for the beads to benefit the children of CURE. When Mel's beads that she created are used to create a piece of jewelry and this piece is sold, the proceeds from the piece also go to CURE.

Outstanding Community Business, A.P. Enterprises


A.P. Enterprises Property Services was founded in 1990 and provides snow removal and asphalt repair and paving. In 2013, A.P. planned an event that included using their pink loader called "Loads of Love", which generated donations for the CURE Childhood Cancer Association. In addition to planning this fundraiser, A.P. has been a sponsor at Cutting 4 A CURE for two years and was also a sponsor at the 2013 Recipe for a CURE brunch. A.P. has also been a silent provider of resources to CURE, including providing hundreds of dollars worth of gas cards for CURE to give to local families who needed assistance. A.P. has provided assistance financially, but has also been present and helped attract people to our events by parking their pink loader on site during the 5k and Fun Walk as well as the Cancer Survivor's Day Picnic and Cutting 4 A CURE. Kids love to get their picture taken with the machine and also like to sit in the big seat. A.P. is present in the community - participates in the Stroll for Strong (parks loader there) as well as creating a one of a kind police car that advertises for A.P., but more importantly pays tribute to the two fallen fireman from West Webster fire department and thanks those in uniform for their service. A.P. is a leader to businesses in the community and continuously demonstrates the importance of giving back.


Outstanding Family Volunteers, The Tracy Family


This year's recipient of the Outstanding Family Volunteer award had a big year in 1997 when they welcomed twin girls to their family. 

The following year, 1998, was also quite eventful, but in a different way.  At 5 � months old one twin was diagnosed with hepatablastoma - also known as liver cancer. 

Later that year their precious baby underwent a liver transplant at just 13 months of age, and received 8 rounds of chemotherapy.

Fast forward to 2014 and you see an amazingly different picture.  Both girls are now 16 years old and healthy.  One is a varsity volleyball player for Rush Henrietta High School and Impact Club Volleyball. The other twin has decided to become a nurse practitioner in Pediatric Oncology to help children like her sister face the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.

Sadly, this family has had another encounter with childhood cancer.  Just 2 years ago, the twin's cousin was diagnosed with lymphoma and lost her battle to cancer at only 23 years old. 

What this family has done with their cancer experience is to support other families on a childhood cancer journey by volunteering with CURE.  For many years now, anytime we put out a call for help, we are likely to hear from this family offering to help.  And it's not just one or two of them....over the years it has grown from the 4 of them (mom, dad and the 2 girls), to an army of extended family ready to go into action with whatever CURE needed.

Five years ago we held our first Recipe For a CURE brunch.  We needed help planning and executing such a big event.  This family took the lead on the Decorating Committee and has done so every year since.  Mom, dad, twins, aunts, cousins and other extended family work all year long planning for the event, picking up items to use for decorations, and making table centerpieces.  Then, the day of the event, they cart all of what they have accumulated (which I think requires more than one vehicle!) and bring it to the Brunch, set it up, give our guests a beautiful festive event, then pack it all up and take it  home until the next year's event.  It's not uncommon to hear them talking at the event about plans they'd like to make for the following year!

We are grateful to this family for their contributions of time, talent, energy and creativity to CURE, and are pleased to award the Outstanding Family Volunteer for 2014 to the Tracy Family - Mary, Steve, Danielle and Heather. 

Outstanding Boost Tutor, Barb Rea


Barb Rea has been a dedicated, reliable, trustworthy and compassionate CURE volunteer since before CURE relocated to Westfall Road.

As a volunteer she has always been more than ready and willing to do whatever has to be done.  She is so enthusiastic  that after being asked to help hand out survivor t-shirts at the Survivor Day Picnic one year, she volunteered from then on to take charge of the task.  You never have to remind her or ask her twice. 

Barb so loves and believes in the CURE mission that she even asked guests to her wedding to make a donation to CURE in lieu of a gift.

It should not have been unexpected that when she learned about a new aspect of CURE; the Boost volunteer tutors, that she would jump right in.  As a Rochester City School District retiree, she came highly recommend and began immediately helping children get back into the swing of things at school successfully after undergoing treatment/long stays in the hospital or at home.  Then, when she realized it was difficult to always arrange for tutoring of our city school students, she facilitated the completion of a memorandum of agreement between CURE and the RCSD to allow our tutors to tutor their students within the school buildings, which made it so much easier for the children and their parents, as well as the tutors involved.

Barb is a joy to work. She proves that statement through her relationships with the children whom she tutors and the CURE staff and other volunteers she encounters.  She truly is deserving of the  "Volunteer Tutor of the Year" award.

CURE Announces the Hiring of Our New Director and Assistant Director

CURE is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of CURE Childhood Cancer Association has named Bob Gutkin as Executive Director, and Holly Dutcher as Assistant Director.  They begin serving in their roles on Monday, April 21.  Both come with a wealth of experience.  We are excited for CURE's future with Bob and Holly at the helm.  Below is some biographical background information about Bob and Holly from CURE's Board Chairperson, Wendy Carney.  

Bob Gutkin


Bob Gutkin, our new Executive Director, comes to us with a wealth of experience in both for profit and nonprofit arenas.  A self-described retired entrepreneur, Bob owned and managed Dynalab Corporation, a manufacturer and distributor of re-useable plastic laboratory products, which is now the largest supplier of private label plastic laboratory products. Bob is also involved with Excel Partners; a venture capital group that assists in making startup companies a reality.  He has been a volunteer and leader in many not for profits and led a highly successful fundraising drive that raised 35 million dollars for the first University of Rochester Medical Center research building. He chaired many committees for medical center including development and quality of care. Bob is past Chairman of the Board of the URMC. In addition, Bob has served on several non-profit boards and on two private foundations.  On a more personal note he has been married to Rochelle, for 52 years and has three children and two grandchildren.

Holly Dutcher


Holly Dutcher, our new Assistant Director, comes to us with over six years of accounting and financial assurance experience. Her parents were firm believers in helping one another; she began volunteering in 6th grade.  In high school she was introduced to the Make a Wish Foundation through a school wide fundraiser and has cultivated her passion for giving back to children facing cancer and other catastrophic illnesses since. She has worked at Ernst & Young, Manning & Napier, Inc and Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Services, Inc.  She comes from out of our ranks of volunteers. She has been volunteering with CURE since December 2010. Some of the events she has consecutively volunteered at over the past four years include The Holiday Party, the Cancer Survivor's Day picnic, the Walk/5k, Recipe for a CURE brunch, and sold Vespa tickets at various events. She has chaired our live auction at Recipe for a CURE brunch in both 2011 and 2012. In 2011 she co-organized Cutting 4 a CURE, which over the past two years has raised $13,000 for CURE and resulted in 77 ponytails for Children with Hair Loss. Through her direct fundraising efforts from 2011 - 2013, $35,000 was brought to the CURE Childhood Cancer Association. Holly joined our Board in July 2013 and is always brimming with new ideas to help CURE help our families more.  Holly is married to Chris and they currently have a new Shih Tsu Yorkie mix puppy named  Penny.

CURE Says Goodbye to Fundraising Coordinator Emily Rowe


Emily Rowe, our Fundraising Coordinator has decided it is time to leave CURE to pursue her career in nursing.  Emily has been attending nursing school and recently just received a scholarship and as a result, would like to focus her energies towards her nursing education and her young family.  Emily has been with CURE for 13 years and was originally the Director of Programs before her current position as Fundraising Coordinator.  She was hugely responsibly for our penny drives and took a big part in including the addition of the 5K to our walk.  We will miss Emily here at CURE for sure! 

Survivors Day Picnic

Sunday, June 8, 2014 


Date Sunday June 8, 2014

Location: Genesee Valley Park Roundhouse Shelter

Time: 1:00PM - 4:00PM

Who's Invited: CURE kids living and surviving a diagnosis of cancer or blood disorder and their immediate families. 


There will be lunch, music, dancing, entertainment, activities, prizes and more!


This event is free but you must register by Friday, May 16, 2014. To RSVP to this event, there is an easy online registration. click here or go to


You can also contact Kiersten Kunick at [email protected] or by calling the office at 585-473-0180 x202.  Please remember to give the Survivor's name, the number of adults and children attending and please let us know if you will require handicap parking.



See our website for more information or click here to view the invitation.


Volunteers are needed for this event!


To sign up to volunteer, please click here or contact Kiersten Kunick@ [email protected] or by calling the office at 585-473-0180 x202


Volunteers Needed for the Lilac Festival

May 9-11 and May 16-18, 2014


We are looking for volunteers to help us at our booth for the following times:


Saturdays, May 10 & 17, 2014

10:30am to 12:30pm

12:30pm to 2:30pm

2:30pm to 4:30pm

4:30pm to 6:30pm

6:30pm to 8:30pm


Sundays, May 11 & 18, 2014

10:30am to 12:30pm

12:30pm to 2:30pm

2:30pm to 4:30pm

4:30pm to 6:30pm

6:30pm to 8:30pm



click here to sign up or contact Kiersten Kunick at [email protected] or by calling the office at 585-473-0180 x202

Volunteers Needed for Fairport Canal Days

June 7 & 8, 2014


We are looking for volunteers to help us during the following times:


Saturday, June 7, 2014 

9:30am to 12:00pm

12:00pm to 2:30pm

2:30pm to 5:00pm


Sunday, June 8, 2014 (please note, this is also the day of our Survivor's Day picnic)

9:30am to 12:00pm

12:00pm to 2:30pm

2:30pm to 5:00pm


If you would like to volunteer for this event, please  click here to sign up or contact Kiersten Kunick at [email protected] or call the office at 585-473-0180

Volunteers Needed at CURE


(1)  We are looking for a volunteer to come into the office regularly to work on some clerical/reception duties at CURE. Would like a regular volunteer who can designate a specific time each week they can come in. Perhaps the hours of 10-2 or something comparable.

(2)   We are also looking for a volunteer who would be interested in maintaining the Volunteer Spot website for our volunteer events. The volunteer would work with Kiersten on this.


(3)   Garden volunteers - we need volunteers to sign up for a day of the week to clean up the garden. Please click here to sign up to help out with weekly maintenance in our garden.


If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Associate Director Holly Dutcher at [email protected] or contact the Director of Programs, Kiersten Kunick at [email protected] or call the office at 585-473-0180

CURE is looking for Picassos
Submission deadline: June 1, 2014 


We are searching for artists who love to paint, color or draw.  CURE will be making note cards to send to families and sponsors throughout the year and would love to have original art pieces from CURE kids to create these note cards. Pieces should not be larger than 8 1/2 x 11.  No lined paper please. It can be any theme but please refrain from using words in the art work. It can be sports or nature or self portraits or whatever the artist would enjoy creating. Artwork will be debuted at the Starbucks at Twelve Corners in Brighton this summer. Submission deadline is June 1, 2014. 


If you have a piece you would like to submit, please include the first name of the child and their age. You can drop it off or send it to CURE Childhood Cancer Association at 200 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14620 care of Kiersten Kunick.  If you have any questions, please contact Kiersten Kunick at [email protected]

12th Annual CURE Kids Cancer Classic Golf Tournament


It's that time of year again! The golf season has almost arrived, which means it's time to "Chip in Fore the Kids" at the Annual CURE Kids Cancer Classic.  We welcome you to join us on June 23, 2014 at our new location at Champion Hills Country Club in Victor.  You will enjoy lunch, appetizers, prizes and raffles, and of course a relaxing day playing golf at one of the finest golf courses around.


Foursome: $260

Individual: $65


Schedule of Events:

12:00 PM - Registration and Lunch

1:00 PM - Shotgun Start/ Modified Scramble Format

4:30 PM - Appetizers, Prizes, Raffles and More


Presented by Hugh Miller Financial Services

For More Information and to register, please visit our website or click here.

SmallPrint Teams with CURE to Offer Unique Jewelry


Smallprint Rochester captures your child's fingerprint, hand print, foot print or artwork in silver pendants for necklaces or bracelets, cufflinks or key rings.  This item would make a perfect mother's day gift for the woman in your life.  Smallprint has offered that 15% of all jewelry pieces purchased would go to CURE Childhood Cancer Association.  You can see more of their line at or you can contact the owner, Alicia Thompson, for more information and how to order.  Her contact information is 585-402-9028 or email her at [email protected]

Ribbon Cutting May 1, 2014 for our New Vespa Partner in Visions Hotels


Visions Hotels of Rochester, Canandaigua and Corning have partnered with CURE Childhood Cancer Association.  Among other services, these hotels will be selling Vespa Raffle tickets in their lobbies for CURE.  These hotels include Country Inn and Suites, Best Western, Holiday Inn & Suites and Home2, LaQuinta Rochester South in the Rochester area and Holiday Inn Express in Canandaigua. There will be a ribbon cutting to debut their new hotel, the Home 2 located at 999 Jefferson Road in Rochester on May 1, 2014.  Please join us to celebrate this new partnership at this ceremony. If you would like more information on this partnership, please visit CURE's website at or to find location for Visions Hotels in the Rochester area please visit their website at


Also, CURE would like to thank our partners from Country Rode Motowerks and Parkleigh for their continued patronage of CURE in the Vespa Raffle.

Calling All Long Term Survivors


We are looking to do a special survivor edition of the newsletter for Childhood Cancer Survivor Month in June.  If you have a long term survivor who has an interesting story to tell and would like to share their story, please send contact Kiersten Kunick at [email protected]

You Are A Star In Our Eyes

Nicole Digregori


Nicole Digregori is a cool young adult who has participated in our Voyage Bead program.  The Voyage Bead program offers beads to children who have been diagnosed with cancer and each bead is a representation of their journey through treatment.  Nicole found a unique way to make her voyage beads.

Raymour & Flannigan


Raymour & Flannigan Showroom in Henriettta generously allowed us to host our Volunteer Recognition Dinner in their Dining Room Furniture Center.  The adorned the entry way with balloons and even set out a red carpet for our volunteers to walk as they entered the area. General Manager Rob Crean was a great help to the staff and even provided a gift certificate to our Volunteer of the Year Award winner.

Cutting 4 A CURE

 June 1, 2014 


At Cutting 4 A CURE, we invite individuals to come into one of the salons and receive a service. If the individual would like, they can cut their hair and we donate it to Children with Hairloss; the official recipient of our ponytails. You can learn more about them here: In addition to collecting donations of ponytails, we also collect monetary donations for the CURE Childhood Cancer Association. We started our event in May of 2012 and held it at Diva Hair Designers in Irondequoit, where it has been held the past two years and will be held this year as well. In our first year, we raised over $6,000 and collected over 30 ponytails! We surpassed this achievement in our second year, collecting over $7,000 and over 40 ponytails. With this being our third year, we are expanding our event and will be holding it at Diva Hair Designers in Irondequoit and Cheveux Salon in Greece. We are hoping that by holding the event in two different locations, we will meet our goal of raising $10,000 for the CURE Childhood Cancer Association!


We will have raffles (a Pandora bracelet and an item from The Home Depot), a silent auction, vendors, food, kids' activities, discounted salon services and more! Check out our Facebook page for more info: "Cutting 4 A CURE" or our website

Calling all Knitters or Want-to-be knitters and Crochetiers


CURE would like to start a Knitting and Crocheting Group to meet at the Starbucks at the Twelve Corners in Brighton once a month to create hats, scarves and blankets for children in the hospital.  If you are a knitter or if you have always wanted to try knitting, please let us know if this is an interest for you and we will get a date that works for everyone. Please contact Kiersten Kunick at 585-473-0180 or at [email protected] and let her know if you are interested.

Community Events

Webster Schroeder LAX For A CURE



LAX 4 A CURE Lacrosse Clinic

Date:   Saturday, May 3, 2014

Time:  9:30 - 12:00

Where:  Webster Schroeder High School Stadium (Turf)

Who:   Boys in Grades 2nd though 8th

Cost:   $35.00 / person, CURE Player & Siblings Free


Each year, the Webster Schroeder Varsity boy's lacrosse team participates in a community service project that is designed to teach the boys what it means to give back. This year, in association with the Webster Lacrosse Club, the team has decided to put on a lacrosse clinic for kids in grades 2nd through 8th. All proceeds from the event will be given to CURE Childhood Cancer Association.

Headlining the event as the main instructors will be Ryan Powell and The Rochester Rattlers.  Powell is a four time All-American who played at Syracuse University. He later went on to play for the US National Team and then professionally in the MLL for our hometown Rochester Rattlers.


Please note that this clinic is not just for the Webster lacrosse community.  We would like to invite kids from all youth lacrosse programs throughout the Rochester area to participate and learn in this great event. If you would like more information or you would like to register please click this link:

Golisano Children's Hospital Memorial Service


Save the Date: This year's annual Children's Hospital Memorial Service will be held Saturday, May 3rd. Doors open at 1:30pm. Service is at 2pm with a reception following at 3pm. This is held each year at the Interfaith Chapel on River Campus. Come join us as we remember and celebrate the lives of the children we have lost in the past year, as well as years prior.

5th Annual Muddy's Buddies Lax Festival Fundraiser


Who: Muddy's Buddies is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that supports children and families that have been touched by cancer and other chronic illnesses. Check out our website to find out more about what Muddy's Buddies does in our community.


What: Youth Lacrosse Festival with Raffle prizes, giveaways, T-shirts, bounce houses, face painting. food and much more!!!!


Where: Brighton High School


When: Sunday May 4th- Girls Festival - 8 am - 5 pm

           Sunday May 18th- Boys Festival- 8 am - 5 pm


Why: To raise funds and awareness of Muddy's Buddies Inc. 

Blake Cognata Memorial Cross Out Cancer Games


Join us on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at Fairport High School where the Fairport Girls Varsity Lacrosse team will face off against Irondequoit at 4:30 and the Fairport Varsity Lacrosse team will play Pittsford at 7pm.  Tickets are $2 and admission covers both games.  If you would like more information, you can visit our website at and click on events or visit their Facebook page.

RIT Event is Looking for CURE Kids to be Honored Guests on Saturday, May 10, 2014


If you would be interested in being an honored kid for the event , please contact: MICHAEL CORSON (RIT Student) at <[email protected]>


The event is on Saturday May 10, 2014 and runs from 10:00am to 5:00pm

To learn more about the event, click here


The Mu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Nu at Rochester Institute of Technology wants to show how much we want this philanthropy event to be a SUCCESSFUL one!  Our goal is to have this event to be over $10,000 donations to St. Baldrick's Foundation. PLEASE make it HAPPEN and you will be giving HOPE to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers. The link of donations and registrations is

Join this St. Baldrick's event, and whether you decide to shave your head, volunteer, or donate, we hope you'll be a part of the excitement!

The St. Baldrick's Foundation is a volunteer-driven charity that funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization.

Get involved and you'll be giving hope to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers. HAVE FUN!

Purpee the Dragon for Childhood Cancer


Purpee the Purple Dragon is the main character in a new children's book series. Purpee will serve to inspire kids around the world and allow children with pediatric cancer to live vicariously through an adventurous purple dragon and his friends.  The author is asking for help to make this happen.  In ruturn for us sharing their story, if they get funded they have said they would donate books to the families at CURE.  We are excited about this venture and wanted to share it with our community.  To learn more, please goto: 

Brain Tumor Patient Event

Community Sharing Hope Picnic


If you or your family has been affected by Brain Cancer, please join us for the Community Sharing Hope Picnic. 


Thursday, May 8, 2014 

5:00 -7:00pm 

Location: Kings Bend Park

170 W. Jefferson Road

Pittsford, NY

Rain or Shine (Heated Lodge)

Dinner and Entertainment will be provided

This is a free event.

Please RSVP to Jade Giesey at 585-273-4970

CURE's Bereavement Group News
Next Monthly Meeting Wednesday, May 28, 2013 from 7-8:30pm at CURE


CURE's bereavement group meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 28, 2013 from 7 to 8:30pm at the CURE office.


This group is led by Joan Reeves and Pete DiCecco, each of whom lost a child to cancer and understands the pain that losing a child brings.  Parents, grandparents, extended family and friends who are grieving the loss of a child from cancer or a chronic blood disorder, are welcome to attend. Whether your loss is recent or not so recent, whether you are interested in giving support or receiving support, please consider joining us.  Parents, grandparents and friends are welcome to attend.  Reservations are not required.  For more information please contact Kiersten Kunick at [email protected]

Memorial Brick Laying Ceremony

May 28, 2014 at 6:00 pm


Parents, family and friends are invited to a special ceremony to remember and celebrate the precious lives of children lost this year as we place their memorial bricks in our garden.  Light refreshments will be served following the ceremony.  It will be held on the same evening as our bereavement group which is held at 7 pm.  Parents and friends are invited to stay and attend if they choose. However, childcare will not be available that evening.  

Bereavement Educational Program
Peg DeBaise, LMFT, CT
Grief & Loss Specialist
Wednesday, June 18, 2014


CURE will be offering an Educational Program with Peg DeBaise, LMFT, CT, a Grief and Loss Specialist on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7pm.

The program will deal with the topic of The change in family dynamics after the death of a child. This program is for bereaved families, Friends and families of the bereaved are welcome as well. The program will be held at the CURE office located at 200 Westfall Road. If we have a large number of people for this event, we will move it to a larger venue nearby.  We ask that you RSVP for this event to Director of Programs, Kiersten Kunick at [email protected] or by calling the office at 585-473-0180 with the number attending.

Forever Changed
The Bereavement Families Corner


Although this column is penned by grieving parents, both Joan and Pete we will present information relevant to families in treatment, survivors families and grieving families alike. 


This column will begin with the first in a series called THE ABC's OF CANCER and starting with the character: A. In the world of pediatric cancer one of the most crucial skills to possess and support is Advocacy.  Advocacy for an in-treatment family may be skewed quite differently than for a family that has lost their child.

Let's discuss briefly one interpretation of the application of Advocacy for in-treatment families.  From the very instant that we hear that our child's diagnosis is cancer we immediately become flooded with a myriad of feelings, all at once, about a disease whose treatment we know next to nothing about.   In a future article we could examine what happens at that precise moment.  But it is at that moment we as parents must either by intuition or by training become advocates for our children. 

Keeping a journal of the details of the child's treatment is an excellent way to NOT rely on our own memory.  Ask questions.  Read from several sources and ask more questions.  Satisfy YOUR understanding of every explanation.  Understanding what the steps are in the process, learning   risks and effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment, observing your child's reactions to specific regimens, and maintaining vigilance on the details will assist doctors, nurses, staff and your child's treatment.  A is for Advocacy in one interpretation of the ABC's of pediatric cancer.  We must be the ears and the voice of those that may be incapable or simply unable to do the same for them.


To read more of this article, click here

Sickle Cell Group 

Wednesdays 11am-12 pm, Strong Hospital AC 2 Room ACF C/D


Meetings will be held on the Third Wednesday of every month. 

Time: 11am - 12pm

Location: Strong Hospital AC 2 Room ACF C/D

(take silver elevators in the main lobby to the 2nd floor)


Refreshments courtesy of CURE


Dates for 2014 Group Meetings:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, June18, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Mailing Address: Golisano Children's Hospital

601 Elmwood Avenue Box 777

Rochester, NY 14642


Any Questions Please Contact the Pediatric Hematology Social Worker

Jade Giesy @ 273-4970


Parking vouchers provided 

To view the flyer, click here

Sickle Cell Resources

Convention for Sickle Cell Disease Conference


Registration is Now Open:

The SCDAA Annual Convention is a four-day conference designed to address the multi-factorial aspects of Sickle Cell Disease. This year the event will be held once again in Baltimore, Maryland, home of the SCDAA National Office! In an effort to advocate for improved quality of life for individuals and families affected with sickle cell disease and its associated morbidity and mortality, the conference fosters the exchange of the latest scientific and clinical information related to the disease. Stay tuned for more!

Registration for the 42nd Annual Convention is now open. Click here to register.

Sickle Cell Patient Savings Opportunity


For Patient's with BC/BS: There is a mail order company called Prime Mail 866.260.0487 and they dispense 3 months supplies at a time at significant savings. (For example, a patient with 30 day supply at $600 reduced to $25 for the same supplies) Patients set up a Patient Profile and the doctor faxes the prescription to 877.774.6360. 

Boost Tutoring
For Kids and Teens



Boost tutors are available during and/or after treatment for as long as needed, even after returning to school.  These services are provided free of charge by highly qualified teachers who are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children.  If your child is struggling with schoolwork, even if treatment was completed long ago, please contact Linda Bolan at 585-317-7269 or Linda.[email protected] to learn more about how boost tutoring may be able to help.  Tutors are available during the summer as well as during the school year.


Boost Needs Volunteer Retired Teachers


If you have K-12+ experience and are interested in making a difference in the life of a child with a chronic illness, who is struggling with school work and needs supplemental tutoring, please contact Linda Bolan at 585-317-7269 or by email at [email protected] for more information about Boost.

Wish List

We are so grateful to the community for all of the wonderful donations we receive throughout the year. We could not service all the families we do without this generous support.  If you or a community group you belong to is looking for something to do for a charity, please consider donating items from CURE's wish list so that we can continue to provide for our families.

Items Needed:
  • Uno card games, decks of cards, activity pads, Sudoku or puzzle books
  • Birthday or other fun stickers 
  • Temporary tattoos 
  • Deodorant, Chapstick, lotion, body wash, shampoo & conditioner, antibacterial hand sanitizer
  • Fleece Blankets
  • Pillow Pets
  • Lego kits, stickers, children's toys
  • Items for teens or young adults
  • Gift cards for Wegmans, Tops, Wal-Mart, Target and gas cards
We ask that all items be new and recently purchased.  Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunities
And Other Ways to Help

Margaret Hummel Society


Please remember CURE in your will or estate planning and join the Margaret Hummel Society.  For more information please contact CURE's acting executive director at [email protected]


Would you like to volunteer with CURE?  


We have several volunteer opportunities coming up and have events throughout the year where we need help.  If you would like to be on our volunteer list, please take some time to fill out this form and email it to Kiersten Kunick, our Director of Programs at [email protected].

Please Designate CURE #1028 in the United Way Campaign



The Spring United Way Campaign is underway in our community. Please help support CURE's programs and services by requesting a donor designation form from your United Way Coordinator at work and write in #1028.  Thank you for thinking of CURE.


Kako Cares Charity Program for CURE
Make a small donation to CURE and KAKO Beauty will send you our "Product of the Month" FREE. 100% of the donations received go directly to this charity. This is Kako Beauty's way of giving back to the communities which have made us successful. 

For as little as a $1 donation you will receive a Free Luxury personal care product from KAKO Beauty.  100% of the donations received go directly to CURE. Free items are different each month so you can donate often!  Please click on the link below to be taken to the site.
Recycle Ink, Toner, Small Electronics & Help CURE
Wondering what to do with your old ink and toner cartridges?  How about that cell phone that no longer works?  Bring them to CURE and help us while helping the environment by keeping them out of landfills!  We have contracted with a professional recycling company that will pick up items at our office and pay us a small reward for each item we collect.  Please call the CURE office at 585-473-0180 to schedule a time to drop off your items. 
Ongoing Programs
Provided free of cost to our families
  • Boost Tutoring (See article above for more information or go to our website at or contact Linda Bolan at [email protected]
  • Coffee Group meeting for on-treatment families; Thursdays from 1-2 pm in the Kaiser Room, 4th floor Golisano Children's Hospital near the red elevators.
  • Voyage Beads- Patients can use colorful beads to build a tangible representation of their journey through cancer treatment.
  • Vouchers for free parking are provided to families of CURE children who are hospitalized or visiting the outpatient clinic.
  • CURE Bears for Hope and Love. Build-A-Bears are sent to children who are undergoing treatment for pediatric cancer.
  • Emergency financial assistance for on-treatment families.
  • Parent-to-Parent, Patient-to-Patient Peer Support Program
  • Family handbook and comfort bag for newly diagnosed families.
  • Emotional support and guidance from CURE's Parent Advocate, Linda Morrison.
  • Educational Programs about school issues for patients and long-term survivors.
  • Bereavement Support for families experiencing loss.
  • Social Gatherings including Cancer Survivor's Day picnic, Holiday Party and Morton Fall Family Fun Day.
CURE Childhood Cancer Association
200 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14620
phone: 585-473-0180
fax: 585-473-0201


Robert Gutkin, Executive Director, [email protected], 585-473-0180

Holly Dutcher, Associate Director, [email protected]. 585-473-0180

Mary Gallis, Director of Operations, [email protected], 585-473-0180

Linda Morrison, Parent Advocate, [email protected], 585-275-1287

Kiersten Kunick, Director of Programs, [email protected]585-473-0180 

All photos contained in this publication are the property of CURE Childhood Cancer Association or reprinted with permission, and are copyright protected.  All use of said photos is prohibited without the express written permission of CURE Childhood Cancer Association.