Our goal is to share the latest news, insights, technology and information that impact you as an employee of the Manitowoc Public School District.
September 2016
Message from Mark Holzman, Superintendent

As we get back into the swing of the new school year, thanks to all who have stopped by and chatted with me as I visit all schools in September (see remaining "meet and greets" this week). They are the first of three visits to each school I am scheduling during this school year.

I value your input and want to have open lines of communication. I am interested to hear your thoughts and ideas about how we can make MPSD the best school district in the universe. Sound too ambitious? I think we should aim for the stars and see how far we can grow.

Please say hello at future visits and contact me anytime.

With MPSD pride,

- Mark
Upcoming Events

Sept. 27-Oct. 1: Homecoming Week activities (see schedule)
Sept 30:
LHS Homecoming Parade, 6 p.m., followed by tailgate and fireworks
Oct. 1: Rubick Run, 9 a.m.; LHS Homecoming Game, 1 p.m.
Oct. 2-8: School Board Appreciation Week - thank Board members for their service
Oct. 13: Parent Teacher Conferences at Lincoln, students half day
Oct. 20: Parent Teacher Conferences at Washington, Wilson and McKinley, students half day
Oct. 28: Staff Development Day, no school for students

Full school events calendar

2016-17 annual district calendar
Staff Celebrations

Funds Donated to Officer
MPSD Athletic Director Dave Steavpack presents a $550 check to Manitowoc Police Officer Katie Walters, who was injured in a summer rollover accident. Ships fans raised the funds in a 50/50 raffle at this year's first Varsity Football game. #shipspride

Washington Teacher Excels in Food Science 
Washington Junior High Family & Consumer Science teacher Bev Deem was one of 32 teachers nationwide selected to complete a one-week food service training program for middle and high school. Congrats, Bev! 

Teachers Get STEM Training  
Thanks to MPSD teachers who finished Project Lead the Way curriculum training at Milwaukee School of Engineering last summer, learning how to teach STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and math). Congrats to these teachers who completed courses in these subjects: Richard Conrad at Lincoln High (computer integrated manufacturing and engineering design); Jeffrey Koch at Lincoln (automation and robotics); Donna Stubbe at Washington Jr. High (computer science); and Jill Pickett at Wilson Jr. High (computer science).   
Back to School with Stangel Stars
HR Corner

United Way Campaign
The district kicked off its annual United Way Campaign on September 15. The goal of the United Way is to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of social issues in our community through three focus areas: education, income and health. Information along with pledge forms will be distributed at all buildings by the principals with completed forms due back to the business office by October 20. For those contributing via payroll deduct, the first deduction will be made November 6. Please consider giving to the United Way and join the LIVE UNITED movement to strengthen our community.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 
Please remember that all employees along with any family members residing in your household have access to Aurora's EAP. This is a district provided benefit to help support employees and family members to find solutions that can help you deal with the challenges of busy lives. Consider calling EAP for concerns including, but not limited to: balancing work and family, anxiety or depression, child/family concerns, workplace stresses, relationship issues and alcohol/drug abuse. In addition, EAP offers work-life services including: finding child care, educational resources for higher education, legal consultation and financial consultation.

This benefit is free, confidential and convenient to utilize. To learn more about Aurora EAP or to seek assistance, please visit aurora.org/eap or call 800-236-3231
Championing Communication

As a district, we strive to communicate effectively with our students, families and peers. Here are some recent great ways our schools have communicated with their communities - well done!

Washington Jr. / Ms. Lemberger video
Principal Kathy Lemberger shared her inspiring story and wove messages of kindness and compassion in a back-to-school video.

Wilson Jr. / Alumni messages to students
Warhawk alumni gave current students advice in short, fun, educational clips wove together in this video posted on the school's Facebook page.

New McKinley/Monroe counselor says hello
Andrew Goldbach used humor in his video introducing himself to two schools he serves, shared on social media.

Jefferson introduces new staff
Jefferson Elementary introduced new staff to the school community via short, engaging profiles and staff photos posted on the school's Facebook page. Principal Stacie Cihlar used video to inspire students about new PBIS incentives.
Evers Honors LHS Student as Badger Boys Superintendent

Lincoln High School senior Xang Hang, his parents, LHS Principal Luke Valitchka and MPSD Superintendent Mark Holzman attended State Superintendent Tony Ever's State of Education Address Sept. 15 at the Capitol. Xang was honored for his role as the elected 2016 Badger Boys State Superintendent last summer.
In the News

Jackson Family Starts School Garden
When the PTO asked students how they could improve their school, sixth grader Anthony Holschbach suggested planting a school garden. With the help of his parents and the school's Environmental Club, families enjoyed fresh food this summer. Read more - and see Jackson PTO Facebook page

2012 LHS Grad Competes in Miss America
Lincoln alumnus Courtney Pelot represented her hometown and state "with grace and poise" at the Miss America contest this month in Atlantic City that was won by Miss Arkansas, a leader told the Herald Times Reporter. Pelot, who graduated last spring from UW Madison, is making literacy her campaign as Miss Wisconsin. She recently handed out books to children at Milwaukee schools and will join the LHS Homecoming Parade Sept. 30. Read more

Lincoln Cellist Chosen to Perform at State Conference  
Junior Rebekah Lazzeroni is one of only 10 students out of more than 600 Exemplary Soloist Award recipients who was chosen to perform her cello solo at the Exemplary Soloist Recital at the Wisconsin State Music Conference on Oct. 27.
FCCLA Students Excel at San Diego Competition 
Congratulations to FCCLA members Xang Hang and Kathleen Eberhardt, who earned a 99 out of a 100 at their STAR event competition last summer in San Diego. Thanks to FCCLA Advisor Becky Mrozek-Grodek.
Students Earn International Baccalaureate Diplomas  
Four Lincoln Class of 2016 graduates earned International Baccalaureate (IB) diplomas: Ashley Delsman, Emma Dill, Avery Jessel and Kenley Smith. These students completed the IB curriculum which focuses on global education and college preparation. Only 14 school districts in the state offer the IB curriculum, which can provide graduating seniors with college credits. Lincoln High has offered the program since 2007. Read more from the IB diploma recipients

Manitowoc Public School District | 920-686-4777
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