Cudahy Staff Connection
In This Issue
Spirit Wear
Employee Wellness
Google 101 for Parents
Insurance Updates
Latest News 

October 24, 2013 - "Un-Conference" 

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We will guarantee a quality education where students, staff, families and community work collaboratively to prepare all students to be productive 21st Century students. 

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Opening Doors, Opening Minds  |  OCTOBER 2013
Dear Colleagues,

We have had a very successful start of the year! I would like to personally thank each of you for your role in the smooth start! I cannot stress your importance to the District.

Your willingness to have a "can do" attitude is infectious - and duly noted by a variety of people. For whatever reason this year I seem to be experiencing more community members coming up to me to relay a positive experience they have had in an interaction with staff. Keep up the great work. You are making this an even better place to work.

While we continue to face challenges in doing our jobs well, we must persevere. Our students and their families count on us to do our very best, day in and day out. The great thing about the "can do" attitude is that it carries us through the tougher times. Once again, thank you for all that you do for our students and their families.

Dr. Heiden
Spirit Wear is Here!
Cudahy staff spirit wear We have a great selection of logo apparel for men and women available to order now. Click here to download the order form (on the last pg of the PDF).

Orders are due by October 30.  Please return the order forms to Karen Weber via Pony Mail. Checks can be made payable to School District of Cudahy.
Making Wellness Fun:
Employee Update
Tina Kreitlow
Director of Community Education and Recreation

The School District of Cudahy is committed to a healthy work environment and supports all staff in the effort to live a healthy lifestyle. To that end, the district has been able to offer all of the Cudahy Recreation Department fitness and wellness programs at 50% off of the listed price, meaning that many of the great programs offered are $15 - $20 per session. 

More great classes will be offered in the coming months that will help address the requested programming needs by the staff of programs on stress management, weight control, nutrition and women's health. One such program in the works is an ethnic cooking class that will be offered from 3:45 - 5:15 pm, and the best part is that the participants will leave with a meal to take home to their family that evening!

Additionally, the district is sending a Wellness Wednesday message each week with tips on health, nutrition, managing stress, healthy recipes, and local activities for staff to become involved in. One Wednesday per month, you will receive the health and wellness newsletter, Vitality, tailored to address the same topics listed above in more detail. There is also a general focus on helping staff to do more activities with their own children and families, and become engaged in social groups.

When we are healthy in spirit, mind and body, we are more productive and confident at work and at home. Stay tuned for more ways that we will help support you in your wellness journey!

Outstanding Teacher Award
CHS Business Education teacher Kevin Jones was nominated for the North Shore Bank Outstanding Teacher Award. North Shore Bank recognized teachers who are helping students learn the ins and outs of money matters. 
Iva Dean Cook Teacher of the Year 
Congraulations CHS Special Education Teacher/Transition Coordinator Jenny Shohoney on being selected as the Division on Career Development and Transition's (DCDT) Iva Dean Cook Teacher of the Year for 2013! This award is the only one of its kind in the country, and it's given to teachers who work in a transition coordinator's role. The School District of Cudahy is the only school district in the country that has had a staff member win this award more than once.

On November 14, Mrs. Shohoney will be in Williamsburg, Virginia, to accept her award. Congratulations Mrs. Shohoney!
Google 101 - for Parents 
On Tuesday, October 15,
we held our first Google 101 night for parents at CMS. 
Director of Instructional Technology Mickey Chavannes helped organize the event in response to parent requests to learn more about the 1:1 initiative for 7-10th graders. 


We had a great turnout. Parents were using the computer lab to replicate a classroom to get a glimpse of how their students use technology. Parents not only explored the Google search engine, but also Google docs such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation programs. Fifteen participants walked through a typical lesson and to learn how their students use Google Apps for Education in the classroom.


Cudahy School Board Goes Google


The Cudahy School board will also be jumping into the world of Google. By this winter, all school board members will be issued a district Chromebook. The goal is to help board members become familiar with and use the instructional technology Cudahy middle and high school students are using. In addition, the district hopes to reduce the cost of printing agendas and board packets by using Google Apps to create and distribute board information. 
Superintendent Advisory Committee 
Insurance Changes
The SAC has been working on changes to our insurance plans. If you did not see the Power Point, here's a link to download and get up to speed on the new plan.

CUDAHY SCHOOL DISTRICT  | Opening Doors, Opening Minds

2915 E. Ramsey Ave. Cudahy, WI  53110  |  (414) 294-7405 |