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Adler Cosmetic & Family Dentistry  |  Boulder Center for Advanced Dentistry
February 2015

Cycling is popular year-round in Colorado and our first article this month offers some tips for staying safe on the road.

Our office provides a specialized type of dental treatment known as neuromuscular dentistry. It's an interesting area of dentistry and is proven effective in the treatment of numerous symptoms, some of which are listed below.
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Adler Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
Boulder Center for Advanced Dentistry
(303) 449-1119

Essential Cycling Safety Rules
When cycling, it is imperative for cyclists to understand how to safely navigate the roads and sidewalks while also being preventative in avoiding possible dangers associated with sharing the roads.
Understanding how to safely share the road is crucial to your safety. In order to fully protect yourself while cycling, it is first crucial to understand the potential dangers one may face while cycling.
Most Common Hazards
There are actually very common hazards incorporated with daily cycling activities. Whether commuting to work or going for a leisurely ride, one must truly understand what to look for when sharing the roads or sidewalks. One of the most common and dangerous hazards is the obstructions in roads. Parked cars, debris, or waste cans are very common obstructions and dangerous when riding a bike. Be sure to keep your eye out to avoid hitting any of these hazards. Another common obstruction is slippery roads and surfaces. Be sure to watch out for puddles and wet roads after rain. Perhaps the most dangerous hazards you could face are reckless and distracted drivers. When sharing the road, be sure to avoid drivers who appear reckless, swerving or driving at excessive speeds. It is best to remain in special bike lanes that are specifically designed for bicyclists.
Cycling Safety Rules
Understanding the most basic of cycling rules is important to remain safe when riding your bicycle. Listed below are a few common cycling rules that are easy to follow and understand.
  • Communicate - Use hand signals when you need to change lanes or speeds. Also, make sure drivers see you. Ensure you have made eye contact so they understand your intentions when sharing the road.
  • Make yourself visible - One of the most important aspects of ensuring your safety is having a bicycle taillight. Motorists are unable to see you from other than the rear of your bike; thus, prior to cycling, ensure your taillight is functional and visible. Also, wear vibrant clothing that is visible from far away.
  • Ride in the slow lane - If the road you are cycling on does not have a designated bicycle lane, ensure you are riding on the very right-hand lane. This lane is for slower traffic; thus, ensure you are riding in the slowest lane.
  • Avoid making sudden changes - When cycling, ensure you remain consistent with your movements and positions. Avoid making sudden movements and gestures that motorists viewing you from behind are unable to anticipate. This will assist in them making the necessary corrections to avoid a potential accident.
Following these basic cycling safety rules will help make sure you have a pleasurable and safe bike riding experience.


Article Source: Mindaugas Bruso:

The views expressed in this article are provided for informational purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views of Adler Cosmetic & Family Dentistry or BCAD. 

Are You A Candidate For 
TMJ / Neuromuscular Dentistry

Neuromuscular dentistry is evaluation/diagnosis, and healing of the relationship between teeth, jaw joints, jaw posture, head muscles, neck muscles, back muscles, head posture, and body posture. These all impact your bite (occlusion), and could cause a variety of symptoms affecting your long term health and well being. A problem bite can occur due to accidents or missing, worn down, and misaligned teeth. 


Neuromuscular dentistry can be effective in treating:

  • Headaches
  • Loose teeth
  • Worn, chipped, or cracked teeth or fillings
  • Clenching or grinding
  • Excessive snoring or sleep apnea
  • Jaw joint pain, clicking or popping
  • Shoulder, neck, and back pain
  • Numbness in arms and fingers
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Facial pain
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Pain and sensitivity in teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Ringing or congestion in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Temperature-sensitive teeth
  • "Tingling" fingertips
See case study profile on our blog:

For additional details or to schedule an appointment or consultation please contact us at (303) 449-1119.

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To request additional information or to schedule a free consultation please contact us at (303) 449-1119.

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