June 30, 2016  24 Sivan 5776
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Friday, July 1st
6 p.m., Chapel
Saturday, July 2nd
9 a.m., Sanctuary
Dr. Mitch Parker will officiate
Prof. David Victor will offer the D'var Torah in honor of 
Independence Day.
10:15 a.m., Supervised Youth Room
Kiddush Lunch is sponsored by: Fran and Ed Chudnow, Leslie and Evan Chudnow, Fran Stark-Hundiak and Dave Hundiak, Laurie and Robert Kimmel, Sandy and Warren Lada, Cheryl and Mitch Parker, Sharon and Leonard Rosen, Mindy and Fred Shuback, and Rebecca Tron.  Kiddush Lunch June 25th was also sponsored by Cheryl and Arnold Berlin.

To become part of a Kiddush Lunch Group or to sponsor a lunch, please contact the synagogue office:  info@bnaiisraelwb.org.
SNL Saturday Night Learning July 2nd, 8:30p.m. 
at the home of Mindy and Fred Shuback.  
Please rsvp if you plan to attend: fred.shuback@gmail.com

8:30 A.M. TKA/BI CHAPEL followed by breakfast
We will be joined by members of Congregation Beth Ahm!
Happy Birthday America!

Picnic Basket SHABBAT IN THE PARK 2016
Join us the second Friday inJuly and THIRD Friday of August (please note change of date) August: July 8th and August 19th at Bloomer Park, 6 p.m. for Shabbat songs, food and fun!  No need to rsvp.  Just bring your pareve or dairy dinner and meet us at the park.

Join Joe Bernstein and Rabbi Bob Gamer July 3rd and 4th.  First, learn how to prepare and smoke brisket, then come back on July 4th to taste the brisket and enjoy the Huntington Woods Fireworks.  For more information, click here.  To rsvp, contact Rabbi Gamer: gamer@congbethshalom. org.  SPACE IS LIMITED, rsvp today!

Honey from the Heart logoHONEY FROM THE HEART 2016
Order honey for friends and family to be delivered in time for Rosh
Hashanah.  FREE SHIPPING for all orders placed before July 29th.  Delivery is guaranteed for mid-September. 
This fundraiser both helps the synagogue and sends sweet Rosh Hashanah greetings to your loved ones.Please click here to place your order online. Need help?  Please contact Peter Fenyes by clicking here.

Introducing Kesher/Connection, a new way to connect to your synagogue.   connectEveryone welcome.  
First Event:  Friday, July 15th
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
25 Years, 25 Treasures & Creating a Jewish Community
Carpool to and from TKABI
The Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives is showcasing 25 of its most significant objects, documents and photographs at the Walter P. Reuther Library at Wayne State University. The installation complements the Archives' exhibit at the Detroit Public Library, "Creating a Jewish Community".  Together we'll have a guided tour of the "25 Years, 25 Treasures" exhibit with Robbie Terman, director of the Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives. We'll have lunch downtown, then view "Creating a Jewish Community". Please RSVP by Sunday, July 10 to Cheryl Berlin   acberlin_mi@yahoo.com or 248.763.1121.   
Feel free to bring a friend or two!

To join the B'nai Israel Synagogue Family Facebook Group, contact Ilana Glazier
Family tot shabbat
Tots and Parents Shabbat*
Tot Shabbat returns in the fall.  Thank you to Gaye Taub for her assistance with Tot Shabbat.

shabbat whimsyShabbat Youth Learning
Shabbat Morning Activities Youth 
June 18th, 11 a.m. lower level:"What does G-d Need from Us?" Ages 10 and up led by Joe Bernstein

Talmud for Beginners led by Dr. Mitch Parker
Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m., Room 2 TKA/BI
Everyone is welcome, no prior knowledge required.  Texts will have full English translations and commentaries. 
Please register with Mitch (abbadoc@comcast.net; 248- 738-0220) 
if you plan to attend.

Talmud class with Mitch Parker
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m., at the synagogue
We are currently studying Brachot, the first section of the Talmud.  Interested?  Contact Mitch: mitch@bnaiisraelwb.org

High Holiday Trope Class in formation.
Interested in learning to chant Torah reading for the High Holidays?  
Fred Shuback will offer a class for all those who wish to learn.  Classes will be Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.m.,  July 5th and July 12th.  Please e-mail Fred directly if you wish to participate: fred.shuback@gmail.com. This class is open to synagogue members post b'nai mitzvah age and older.

Mazel Tov 
Happy Birthday!
Birthday Cake
 2   Sharon Gadoth-Goodman, Mark Kuhn, Cheryl Parker, Marla Weiss  4   Maxwell Singer                                    
 7   Ilan Elrom, Yael Elrom                                                                 8   Vicki Freedman                                   
 9   Joshua Chudnow                          
11  Monte Schloss                               
13  Caleb (Coby) Robbins                        
16  Tammy Dines, Elan Rosenberg                                                           
17  Joseph Roth                                   
18  Howard Jacobson                         
19  Randall Soverinsky                       
20 Miles Singer                                   
21  Adina Berger                                       
24  Leslie Chudnow, Bernice Handler                                                    
27  Barbara Kappy                              
28  Lena Karesh, Francine Stark-Hundiak                                                
29  Robin Jacobson, David Lazarus                                                        
30  Hannah Finn, Ian Robinson                                                                         
31  Brandon Kappy, Noah Weingarden                                   

Jewish Wedding
 30 Alan & Barbara Funk
 2  Marla and Monte Schloss
 6  Paula Levy and Itzik Elrom
 6  Meredith and Adam Weingarden
 9  Mindy and Fred Shuback
16 Leslie and Evan Chudnow
16 Barbara and Irvin Kappy
19 Karen and Allan Lovinger

If your birthday or anniversary information is not listed, please email the synagogue so we can update our records.
May Their Memories Be For a Blessing 
7/1/2016 (25 Sivan)        Arlene Foster, Joseph Gartenbersg,
7/2/2016 (26 Sivan)        Evelyn Wolock Eisman, Deborah Phyllis Vernick,
7/4/2016 (28 Sivan)        Irving Koren
7/6/2016 (30 Sivan)        Milton Schloss,
7/8/2016 (2 Tammuz)     Rose Arbit Magy
7/9/2016 (3 Tammuz)     Arlene Gorbaty, Mrs. Judy Rogoff, Alvin Winkelman
7/10/2016 (4 Tammuz)   Edward Feibus, Donald Lewis
7/11/2016 (5 Tammuz)   Joseph Jacobson, James Pappas
7/12/2016 (6 Tammuz)   Fival Ginsburg
7/14/2016 (8 Tammuz)   Betty Schwartz
7/15/2016 (9 Tammuz)   Marilyn Hope
7/16/2016 (10 Tammuz) Jacob Kurland
7/17/2016 (11 Tammuz)  Harry Baer
7/19/2016 (13 Tammuz)  Marjory Golob, Mrs. Beverly Weingarden
7/20/2016 (14 Tammuz)  Jules Doneson, Mrs. Anita Sonenshein
7/21/2016 (15 Tammuz)  Irv Belsky, Mr. Isadore Hamburger
7/23/2016 (17 Tammuz)  Pearl Nusbaum
7/24/2016 (18 Tammuz)  Ida Friedman
7/25/2016 (19 Tammuz) Bella Lieberman
7/27/2016 (21 Tammuz) Max Kleinbard
7/31/2016 (25 Tammuz) Min Parker
To make a donation to commemorate a yahrtzeit, please click here.  If you are a member of the synagogue and a yahrtzeit for your loved one is not on the list, please contact the synagogue office so we can update our records.  Please click here if you wish to permanently memorialize a loved one by purchasing a yahrtzeit plaque.  
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United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
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B'nai Israel Synagogue  
5085 Walnut Lake Road
West Bloomfield, Michigan  48323