This week at High Meadows Camp July 10, 2015
Today was Water Carnival Day. All units gathered on the High Meadow for booths and games run by Seniors castles and Specialist areas, ranging from bubble-making to face-painting to the ever favorite dunk-tank. After lunch, an all-camp Livestock occurred on the High Meadow featuring performances from across all age groups. The afternoon was capped by a special ceremony we detail in this week's Tradition Highlight.
Tradition Highlight: Knighthood
The Knighthood Program allows Senior Quest and Legend campers the opportunity to challenge themselves individually in attempts to hone their skills in our program activities. "Requirements", as we call them, are set in place as guidelines for marking improvement and attainment of skills, techniques, and talents. In each camp activity, campers have the choice to progressively achieve levels of Page, Squire, Sentry and Knight. The last and final overall level, Knight, is an achievement that few have reached in the history of High Meadows Camp, typically, only one or two per summer. This level requires many years of work and demonstrated mastery in seven different activities. The requirements for the level of Knight are often very difficult, even unattainable by some. When this overall knighthood is achieved, recognition is given at the award ceremony where, following a reading of the Arthurian legend, the camper is given the opportunity to pull the sword Excalibur from stones in the center of Stonehenge and his/her name is added to a permanent sign hanging there.
Today, High Meadows celebrates the achievements of Diana, the second camper to achieve their overall Knight this year. We are super proud of her hard work and dedication to get to this point.
It is up to each individual camper to decide to engage in challenging themselves in particular classes and/or overall through the Knighthood program. Counselors teach and assess the skills for knighthood requirements but not force the campers to participate if they choose not to do so.
Merlyn's Moat - The place to cool off
The swimming pool where all of camp goes to cool down! We have a qualified staff of lifeguards and Water Safety Instructors who give instructions in our salt water pool including survival swim, first aid, preschool aquatics, the Knighthood Program for Seniors and, of course, free swim with fun water games.
We have a history of returning family at the pool. Three sisters (collectively known as the "Pool Sisters") started working at High Meadows in early '80s as Waterfront Directors, and at least one of them has returned every year since. Two of them, Karen and Mary Ann, have since retired. However, Lynda, who has been poolside for 28 years, remains, and her children, Jake and Amanda also work at the pool. All of her nieces and nephews, as well as her oldest son Brandon, have also attended camp, became Knights, and worked. Currently, her nephew, and Karen's son Jeff is the Seniors Knighthood Coordinator.
* We had our "Lemonade for a camp song" stand on Thursday.
* Our Unit Choice this past Wednesday was Hat Day.
* We made binoculars for art and went on a bird watch on the High Meadow.
* We took our group picture and decorated frames for it.
* We had our Water Fun Day on Tuesday.
* We made our Grasshopper t-shirts this week.
* We performed the Cha-Cha Slide at the all camp Livestock today.
* We tie dyed our shirts this week and many of us wore them for our Tie Dye Day Unit Choice on Wednesday.
* We had a lot of fun snacks this week, ranging from dirt cups to s'mores, in addition to roasting marshmallows in Traditions and Nature classes.
* Our Unit Choice on Wednesday was Camper-Counselor Switch Day.
* We gave out traditionally decorated feathers to campers who successfully completed the No TV challenge.
* Look for your campers to be bringing home Woodworking projects they made this session.
* Our rising 4th grade campers had their "Launch Lunch" with the Seniors, where they learned about Senior Camp traditions and classes.
Senior Quest Quips & Legend Lore
* On Tuesday, Quest went on their Lake Trip to Victoria Beach at Lake Allatoona, a day full of swimming and sand castles! Everybody had a fantastic time!
* On Wednesday, we enjoyed our cookout night. We played a variety of games), swam at the pool, ate a great Sammy Bar dinner, and finished with s'mores at by the campfire.
* On Wednesday, the Unit Choice Day for Quest was Skittles Day, and Legend's was Emotions Day.
*We had our Arts show on Thursday afternoon, where campers in the Dance, Performing Arts, Woodworking, and Arts and Crafts, had the opportunity to show off their masterpieces.
Thank you for playing and learning with us this 1st session of Summer 2015! Please help us improve High Meadows Camp by taking a short, anonymous survey here. If you have any questions or comments that require a response, please email us at
Early registration for Summer 2016 will begin in December. Stay informed throughout the year by checking our Facebook page!
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