The Tire Swing Newsletter
Happenings at High Meadows School
December 9, 2013         
Eighth Graders Bring Secret Shop to Star House
Our eighth graders brought a revered High Meadows tradition, Secret Shop, to the Roswell community last Tuesday. Volunteering for Star House, an afterschool mentorship and tutoring program for at-risk youth, the students led elementary-aged children through a Secret Shop of their own. Eighth graders buddied with the children, helping them to choose up to four free gifts to give to their families. They then wrapped the gifts with the children and shared holiday cookies with them , baked and decorated by the eighth graders.

"Many kids at Star House have never given holiday gifts before. It is an empowering for them to choose gifts for their families," said Head of School Jay Underwood, who worked with Middle Years Teacher Anne Lovatt to organize the event. "Our eighth graders showed exceptional compassion and leadership with the Star House children -- I could not be prouder."


The project will continue in the years to come as an eighth grade "capstone" service experience. Next year, students will also be involved in the planning of the event, including managing a small budget  to purchase items on their own.


Pictured, top left: Jessica Silva-Garcia leads a child through the shop at Ester Jackson Elementary School; bottom, right: Marshall Ogden helps a child at Ester Jackson Elementary School label a gift for her mother.  

Redirect your GA Taxes to the HMS Financial Aid Fund! 

 A number of changes to the 2014 Georgia Tax Credit offer special opportunities for you to redirect your tax dollars to support High Meadows.

  1. You can apply early and "reserve" your 2014 Tax Credit now to ensure funds won't run out.
  2. All 2013 tax credit donors can take advantage of a streamlined application process that won't require you to re-enter your data.
  3. The Tax Credit has been expanded to include people who are part of an LLC, S-Corp or partnership, and these individuals can take up to a $10,000 tax credit through their businesses. Think of the impact these larger credits can make on High Meadows! Learn more about how you could make a difference.

Because many schools are taking advantage of early sign-up, 2014 funds are being allocated quickly and may run out even before the year starts!  

Please APPLY NOW if you can and help High Meadows receive these critically important funds!  


Your participation means a great deal to High Meadows. Last year, 17 additional families received tax credit-based financial aid. Thank you!

High Meadows Alumnae Instrumental in Founding Debate Team
Galloway School's first debate team, comprised of two High Meadows School alumnae Faith Finley and Donovan Dodds, won all four rounds and won second place during the debate tournaments this past weekend. Faith, who was instrumental in founding the team at Galloway, also won a ninth-place speaker award. "Faith's perseverance and debate skills were all qualities she learned at High Meadows," her mother Selena Wingate said.

Pictured: High Meadows Alumnae Faith Finley and Donovan Dodds with coach Cheryl Stanga.

Fourth an Fifth Grade Students Stress "No Idling" 

Hello, we are the Burke Portis class and we teamed up with the E.E. teacher Mrs. Griffin so we can help our community stop idling. Did you know six billion gallons of gas is wasted each year because of idling? With gas prices rising it makes more sense not to idle. If you consider not idling, you could save lungs because it causes lung damage to small children and others. Another fact is that if you idle for more than 10 seconds you will be affecting other parts of the world. When you see fog in a city you might think it's just regular fog but it could actually be pollution from far away! Please stop idling to save yourself and others around you.   

Alumni to Share their "After HMS" Experiences on January 8 

Mark your calendars now for next month's Evening with Alumni, an inspiring and informative event giving you a peek into the confidence and creativity that High Meadows instills in its graduates. Alumni will reunite over dinner at 5:30 p.m., then a Panel Discussion will take place from 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., offering our community an open conversation about transition to high school and beyond.  Please RSVP to let us know if you will be joining us. We look forward to a great evening together! 

For HMS Push Notifications, Reinstall Phone App
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information at High Meadows, make certain you have the school's phone app on your Android or iPhone. If you already have the app, please reinstall it so that you can be sure to receive High Meadows push notifications.

The app offers the school calendar, news, campus map, campus tour, fun polls, a link to High Meadows videos on YouTube, directories at your fingertips, indirect fundraising information, and links, including one to the classroom portal. To get the app, simply go to your app store and search for High Meadows School.

Yearbook Recognition Ad Deadline is Approaching

Whether your child has attended High Meadows for two years or 10, eighth grade always comes so quickly. Families at High Meadows often purchase a Recognition Ad in the yearbook to commemorate their years at our school. If you would like more information about purchasing a personal or business yearbook ad please review the Recognition Ad Information and Form. The deadline to submit the form and payment is Friday, Dec. 13.  Contact Danielle Wright with any questions.

Reminder: Generation Outreach Requests Shoe Donations 
cartoon-sneakers.jpg High Meadows would like to support Generation Outreach, which is embarking upon an ambitious program to collect approximately 200,000 pairs of shoes to benefit the homeless community in the Atlanta Metro area. They believe this effort will help to eradicate many of the podiatric diseases afflicting this population. You can help by donating shoes, new or old, for people of all ages.

The drive will end on
December  20. Shoe collection bins are located on the porch of the Community Center. Shoes will be distributed during the Thanksgiving and holiday breaks. Thank you for your help with this wonderful project! For more information, please contact Susan Brown.
Visit Jay's  Meadow Musings Blog 
Most Recent Entry: Guest Blogger Grace Shickler shares her reflection on Nelson Mandela's legacy.
 Heads Up!
Secret Shop Shopping 
December 9 - 13
Community Gathering 
December 16 
8:35 - 8:55 a.m. 
Community Center
Winter Concert 
December 17 , 5 p.m.
Community Center
Community Board Meeting 
December 17
5:45 p.m. 
Community Center 
Winter Holiday Break 
December 23 - January 3 
No School for Students 
(teacher work day) 
January 6 
Community Center
Evening with Alumni 
January 8  
Community Center
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