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Compliance Update
August 25, 2015

OFCCP Launches Customer Experience Survey

On August 17, 2015, as part of its ongoing customer service initiative, OFCCP deployed its 2015 Customer Experience Survey to federal contractors that have undergone a compliance evaluation in the past four years. The survey, deployed electronically via SurveyMonkey, collects information on the contractors' experiences during compliance evaluations to identify areas where the OFCCP can strengthen its outreach, education, training, and processes.

In designing the survey, the OFCCP selected the option in SurveyMonkey that makes survey responses anonymous. SurveyMonkey is not collecting and sharing data with the OFCCP that would personally identify survey respondents, including IP address. The OFCCP encourages contractors to participate in the online survey. However, if your organization received the survey electronically but prefers to print and mail a copy of the completed survey, please do so anonymously by mailing it to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Debra Carr, Director, Division of Policy and Program Development, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room C-3325, Washington, DC 20210.

The survey will remain open until October 31, 2015.

This information is intended to be educational and should not be considered legal advice on any specific matter.

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