
Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs
for the Emergency Medical Services Professions



AUGUST 4 & 5
Evaluating Student Competency Workshop, Nashville (NAEMSE Annual Symposium)

Accreditation Update & Evaluating Student Competency Workshops, Chicago
News from the CoAEMSP 

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MARCH 2015

Open Hearing Scheduled on CAAHEP Proposed Standards and Guidelines

Sunday, April 19, 2015
11:15 am Central
Intercontinental Hotel, Kansas City, MO

The Open Hearing on the the proposed CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Emergency Medical Services Professions is scheduled for Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 11:15 am (Central). 

Review the Proposed CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines

Comment on the Proposed CAAHEP Standards no later than April 6, 2015


Attending the Open Hearing Electronically:

Participation in the Open Hearing by electronic (online) means is available to those unable to attend in person. Please register to attend the online access of the Open Hearing below. The EMSP Open Hearing will begin Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 11:15 am (Central).  Your registration must be received by April 17, 2015.

Register to Participate in the Open Hearing Electronically

Attending the Open Hearing In Person:

Registration is not necessary for those planning to attend the Open Hearing in person.

For those desiring hotel room reservations at the Intercontinental Hotel, Kansas City, contact the hotel at 1-866-856-9717 and use the group code CAA.  
CAAHEP/CoAEMSP Requires Publication of Outcomes Results

Staff Contact: Gordy Kokx, gordy@coaemsp.org or
214-703-8445, x117

In January 2015, CAAHEP made a change to Standard V.A.4 in the accreditation Standards for all its professions.  The language in the EMS-Paramedic Standards now states:

V. Fair Practices
A. Publications and Disclosure
4.    The sponsor must maintain, and make available to the public current and consistent summary information about student/graduate achievement that includes the results of one or more of the outcomes assessments required in these Standards.

Guideline: The sponsor should develop a suitable means of communicating to the communities of interest the achievement of students/graduates (e.g. through a website or electronic or printed documents).

For programs to be in compliance with the new Standard, CoAEMSP adopted the following policy:

All programs must publish, preferably in a readily accessible place on their websites, the 3-year review-window average results of the outcomes for: National Registry (or State, as applicable) Written and Practical Exams, Retention, and Positive Placement.

At all times, the published results must be consistent with and verifiable by the online Annual Report of the program.

Each year in the Comments tab of the Annual Report, the program must state the website link (or other publication) where its results are published.

The publication of the outcomes results must be completed no later than December 31, 2015 and the link must be included in the 2015 Annual Report.
All Programs MUST Update Their Accounting Records

Staff Contact: Ruth Crump, ruth@coaemsp.org or  214-703-8445, x116

Please note the following changes to our organization in your accounting records effective January 1, 2015:

Name change from Joint Review Committee on Education Programs for the EMT-Paramedic, Inc. dba Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions to Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions, Inc. 

Federal ID number has changed from 22-2599816 to 30-0807524.

Get the current W9.

If your Program pays by ACH or Direct Deposit, our Banking information has changed! Please contact ruth@coaemsp.org and we will provide the new Routing number and Account number on request. 

Any ACH made after February 28, 2015 to the old account will be returned to you by our former bank, payment to the CoAEMSP will be delayed, and may cause you to incur additional processing fees if not processed by the due date.

The CoAEMSP will not have any way of knowing if our former bank has returned a payment to you--timely payment is your responsibility!

Please contact Ruth at ruth@coaemsp.org with any questions regarding this change.

Please be sure you are using the CORRECT mailing address:

Executive Office
8301 Lakeview Parkway
Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088
Annual Reports Due
for LoR Programs April 1

Staff Contact: Lynn Caruthers, lynn@coaemsp.org or
214-703-8445, x115

The 2014 Annual Report for the CoAEMSP is now available for data entry. Failure to submit the 2014 Annual Report by the April 1, 2015, deadline will result in the Letter of Review being revoked immediately.

LoR programs must submit the Annual Report each April 1st until accreditation has been received.

The login link is here.

Find complete directions here.
(Every program is encouraged to review and print a copy!)

Visit the Annual Reports website page.

Please review the information in Key Points to Remember, then complete only the following sections on the Annual Report:
  • Personnel
  • Satellites & Affiliates
  • Program Information
  • Distance Education
Key Points to Remember

Questions? Contact Lynn Caruthers: lynn@coaemsp.org or 214-703-8445, x115.
NAEMSE Symposium, Nashville
CAAHEP Evaluating Student Competency Workshop

August 4 & 5, 2015 at the NAEMSE Annual Symposium, Nashville

Evaluating Student Competency Workshop

This 2-day workshop is designed to assist instructors in appropriately evaluating students in all domains as well as complying with CAAHEP accreditation Standards related to student evaluation. This workshop has an online pre-course component that is approximately 4 hours in length. For this session, it is advised that participants have access to the NAEMSE Textbook, Foundations of Education: An EMS Approach 2nd edition (available for purchase from NAEMSE; $75 includes tax, s&h (except international address). To order the text book contact NAEMSE at 412-343-4775, or use the registration form or online form).

More information & registration
Save the Date!
CoAEMSP is at the 20th Annual NAEMSE Educator Symposium & Trade Show
Take advantage of valuable CoAEMSP pre-conference workshops and breakout sessions Thursday, August 6 and Friday, August 7. Plus you can visit our exhibit booth and speak directly with CoAEMSP staff!

CoAEMSP workshops and sessions include: 
  • Essentials of CAAHEP Accreditation
  • Writing the SSR and Interpreting the CAAHEP Standards
  • Making the Most of CAAHEP Accreditation with Site Visits, Deal Breakers and Round Tables
  • Best Practices: Annual Report, Field Internship / Preceptor Training & Capstone, Student Competency Evaluation
  • Best Practices: Personnel Resources, Student Tracking and Defining Student Competency
  • Annual Reports: Completing the Online CAAHEP Annual Report and Next Steps if the Thresholds Are Not Met

Get more information 

Be Sure You Understand Requirements for Satellite Locations & Classes!

Some programs are under the impression that having its satellite location and class approved once is enough. Not true!

The completed Request for Approval must be submitted, in advance of the beginning of class, and for each cohort matriculated for each satellite location.

Failure to obtain prior CoAEMSP approval for each location/class may result in the graduates from the location/class not being eligible for the national examinations for the Paramedic.

Questions about this form and about the approval process may be directed to Lynn Caruthers at 214-703-8445, x115 or lynn@coaemsp.org.
Updated Information!
Seeking Accreditation? Avoid These Common Pitfalls!

Please read this entire article for important information on:
  • Three things to do first when you are planning on submitting an LSSR
  • Common pitfalls that delay the review process
  • Key errors that will delay your program from attaining the Letter of Review (the first step in the accreditation process)
  • Whom to contact with questions
  • What you can expect from the CoAEMSP staff
 Download the complete article
Don't Get Left Out! 
Limited Workshops This Year!

Accreditation Workshop
The Evaluating Student Competency Workshop will be the only workshop offered August 4-5 in Nashville at the Annual Symposium.

The only other time this year that BOTH the Accreditation Update AND Evaluating Student Competency Workshop will be offered is December 3-5 in Chicago.

from Dallas Workshops

"I needed this update! Job well done!"

"Extremely helpful! Everyone should attend!"

"A lot of ground covered effectively, and in an interesting, fun manner."

"...the group discussions were helpful and the accepting atmosphere kept everyone at ease. Great job!"

"...There have been some changes in the last few years, so the update was helpful."

"...Worth every minute and every $$."

"...Anyone who teaches or manages an EMS program should come to these courses, and keep coming back! Just outstanding!"

"...the fear of the unknown was allayed by the approachability of the team."

"I especially appreciate the intentional efforts toward clarity and reducing some of the anxiety the process of accreditation naturally brings. Also very helpful was the addressing of the underlying philosophy related to the Standards/Guidelines/Interpretations."

 Make plans now!
Read the Article
Evolution of EMS

Read the article "Evolution of EMS", written by
MICHAEL GERBER, NREMT-P, MPH, and appearing on the EMS Strong website.
$1,400 Annual Fee Effective July 2015
The annual accreditation fee will increase by $200 effective July 2015. The $200 increase allows for improvements to be made for increased efficiency, service, and tools to make the accreditation process easier for programs. Improved and extended services include:
  • Dedicated executive staff for site visits to expedite the accreditation process
  • Additional staff to handle operations for the significant increase in CAAHEP accredited programs
  • Increased responsiveness, service, and efficiency
  • New site visit management tools and other technological improvements to help Program Directors manage site visits and other accreditation tasks online
Annual Fees Updates

Staff Contact: Ruth Crump, ruth@coaemsp.org or  214-703-8445, x116

Billing Contacts

Programs with Billing Contacts that are not the Program Director need to let us know the email address of the Billing Contact.   By default, the Program Director is listed as the Billing Contact; however, some institutions have another individual listed.  You may list the main Billing Contact email and one (1) cc email address.   If you have not done this, email Ruth ruth@coaemsp.org asap, and no later than April 15.

Annual Fee Invoices

Programs will receive an invoice for Annual Accreditation Fees in the amount of $1,400 during the week of May 4. This invoice will come from Ruth Crump (ruth@coaemsp.org).

If you do not receive an invoice by May 8, first, check your Spam folder to see if the invoice ended up there; if not, notify Ruth, ruth@coaemsp.org, so that she can email it to you immediately.

The due date for the invoice is July 1. This applies to ALL programs that either hold accreditation, the Letter of Review, or are working toward the LoR.

To avoid additional processing fees, payment is due on or before July 31. Payment will be considered past due if it is not postmarked by July 31. If payment is late due to mailing it to the wrong mailing address, an additional processing fee will be assessed. Confirm that your accounting records are up to date:

Executive Office
8301 Lakeview Parkway
Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088

NOTE: An Additional Processing Fee invoice of $500 will be sent the first week in August for past due Annual Accreditation Fees. The increase in Additional Processing Fees is noted on the Fees page of our website.

If your program requires that a Purchase Order appear on the invoice, email this request immediately to ruth@coaemsp.org.
By the Numbers

Share Your Feedback and Suggestions

Is there something you would like us to cover in a future eUpdate? Let us know!