
Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs
for the Emergency Medical Services Professions



JUNE 25-27
CoAEMSP & NAEMSE Workshops: CAAHEP Accreditation Update & Evaluating Student Competency,
Los Angeles

CoAEMSP Board of Directors Meeting, Teleconference

MAY 17
CAAHEP Board of Directors Meeting

MAY 27
Memorial Day
CoAEMSP Office Closed

Progress Reports & Response to Site Visit Findings Letters due

JUNE 25-27
CoAEMSP & NAEMSE Workshops: CAAHEP Accreditation Update & Evaluating Student Competency, Los Angeles

CoAEMSP Office Closed

CoAEMSP Board of Directors Meeting, Bloomington, MN

CoAEMSP & NAEMSE Workshops: CAAHEP Accreditation Update & Evaluating Student Competency, Chicago
News from the CoAEMSP 

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APRIL 2013
Important Instructions!
Submitting Progress Reports & Responses to Site Visit Findings Letters Correctly

Do you have a progress report due June 1? Have you recently hosted a site visit and have a response to the site visit findings due June 1? Be sure to submit it as a single PDF document to Karen (karen@coaemsp.org) on or before June 1 to prevent a recommendation for probation or a withhold of accreditation.

Imagine, you are charged with reviewing 60 programs' accreditation records. Imagine the documentation you have submitted for ONE program multiplied by 60. Imagine the person receiving the 60 programs' submissions and collating it for dissemination to the Board. To ensure ALL of the documentation is received and reviewed, programs MUST submit a single PDF document and on time, with no imbedded documents or external links.

The CoAEMSP Board has taken a hard stance on reports submitted after the deadline, in multiple files, or the wrong format. The report or response will be considered not received and the Board will NOT review the material.

Questions? Contact Karen (karen@coaemsp.org).
Tracking Patient Encounters
by Patricia L. Tritt, RN, MA

One of the challenges for Paramedic programs, and students, continues to be the tracking/documentation of patient encounters and skill events.  The CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in the Emergency Medical Services Professions requires that "The program must track the number of times each student successfully performs each of the competencies required for the appropriate exit point according to patient age, pathologies, complaint, gender, and interventions" (Standard III.C.2.).  Unfortunately, adequate tracking, documentation, and the ability to produce summary reports are a common citation at the time of the site visit. Read more.
Additional Standards Interpretations Approved by Board

Recently the CoAEMSP Board of Directors approved additional interpretations to the CAAHEP Standards. The standards that were further clarified include:

  • I.A. Sponsoring Institution
    A sponsoring institution must either award credit for the program or have an articulation agreement with an accredited post-secondary institution. 
  • III.A.2. Resources
    For airway management: Each student must demonstrate competency in airway management.  The program sets the required minimums approved by the Medical Director and Advisory Committee as described above.   
  • III.C.2. Curriculum - Tracking
    Intervention tracking must include airway management with any method or device used by the program.

 Download the complete document.

The companion document, CoAEMSP Interpretations of the CAAHEP Standards, is adopted by CoAEMSP through policies.  The interpretations are NOT part of the CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines document and are subject to change by CoAEMSP.  Policy revisions may occur often, so this document should be reviewed frequently to ensure the most current version. Questions regarding the interpretations can be directed to the CoAEMSP Executive Office.
Special eUpdate Coming Your Way
Is Your Letter of Review Expiring
January 1, 2014?

27 programs currently hold a Letter of Review (LoR) that will expire January 1, 2014. These programs either do not have a qualified program director or an articulation agreement with a credit granting institution. 

If you are one of the 27 programs, don't let the LoR expire; take action today!  Extensions will not be given. Watch your inbox for a special eUpdate with additional information.
CoAEMSP & NAEMSE Co-Sponsor Workshops
CoAEMSP/CAAHEP Accreditation
Update & Evaluating Student Competency Workshops
June 25-27, 2013
Los Angeles

September 26-28, 2013

Registration will close June 17 (for LA) & Sept.11 (for Chicago) OR when 75 people have paid in full--whichever comes first! Registration opens at the close of the workshop immediately preceding it.


Accreditation Workshop--June 25 & Sept. 26, 2013
This workshop is designed to bring the new paramedic program director and others in on the CAAHEP accreditation process including self study, site visit, and on-going issues as well as provide input on any Standards changes. Additional information.

Evaluating Student Competency Workshop--
June 26-27 & Sept. 27-28, 2013
This 2-day workshop is designed to assist instructors in appropriately evaluating students in all domains as well as complying with CAAHEP accreditation Standards related to student evaluation. This workshop has an online pre-course component that is approximately 4 hours in length. For this session, it is advised that participants have access to the NAEMSE Textbook, Foundations of Education: An EMS Approach 2nd edition (available for purchase from NAEMSE; $60 plus tax, s&h. To order the text book contact NAEMSE at 412-343-4775).  Additional information.

Check Your Records Now!
Some Programs are Using the Wrong Address!
Take a few minutes to confirm you and your institution's accounting department has the correct mailing address for the CoAEMSP:

8301 Lakeview Parkway,
Suite 111-312

Rowlett, TX 75088

Nearly 18 months ago the CoAEMSP changed its mailing address from Arlington, Texas to Rowlett, Texas. It's been more than 5 years since it was in Bedford, Texas. Ironically, just last week mail was sent to the Arlington address. It was also discovered that 'lost mail' had been sent to the Bedford address! Unfortunately, mail that does not arrive before a deadline penalizes the program, so confirm your institution has the right address. Do it now!
Annual Fees Updates

Billing Contacts
Recently programs received an email notifying them to update the Billing Contact with the CoAEMSP. By default the program director is listed as the billing contact; however, some institutions have another individual listed. If you have not done this and need to, email Karen (karen@coaemsp.org) by April 25.

Annual Fee Invoices
On May 6 programs will receive an invoice for annual fees in the amount of $1200. This invoice will come from Ruth Crump (ruth.crump@whitleypenn.com).

The due date for the invoice will be July 1. This applies to ALL programs that either hold accreditation, the Letter of Review, or are working toward the LoR. If you do not receive an invoice by May 8, email Karen (karen@coaemsp.org).

To avoid late fees, payment is due on or before July 1. Take a moment now to add "whitleypenn.com" to your email programs to prevent it from going into spam or junk mail folder.
By the Numbers:
Program Accreditation Progress

By the Numbers April

*CoAEMSP Letter of Review is NOT a CAAHEP accreditation status, it is a status granted by the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP) signifying that a program seeking initial accreditation has demonstrated sufficient compliance with the accreditation Standards through the Letter of Review Self Study Report (LSSR) and other documentation. Letter of Review is recognized by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for eligibility to take the NREMT's Paramedic credentialing examination(s). However, it is NOT a guarantee of eventual accreditation.

Make Plans to Attend!
CoAEMSP is Attending the 2013
NAEMSE Symposium!

Make plans to attend the 2013 NAEMSE Symposium and Trade Show August 5-10, 2013 in Washington, DC at the Omni Shoreham. Join us for CoAEMSP sessions and visit us in the Exhibit Hall, Booth #308.

Accreditation Actions
A number of Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic programs achieved CAAHEP accreditation at the March 15, 2013, Board of Directors meeting. Where possible, we have included links directly to each program's website.

See the list of programs receiving Initial and Continuing Accreditation.
Meet Board Member
Michael Solomon, MD, FACC
Michael has been a Senior Staff Physician of the Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Branch, of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland since 2000. He is also an attending cardiologist in the coronary care unit of the Washington Hospital Center and a member of the medical staff of Inova Fairfax Hospital.

Prior to this appointment, he served at the NIH in the same capacity in the Critical Care Medicine Department. Michael was also Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine in the Cardiology Division-Heart Failure and Heart Transplant Services at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Read more.
Share Your Feedback and Suggestions

Is there something you would like us to cover in a future eUpdate? Let us know!



Jennifer S. Anderson Warwick, MA